Practice Expertise

  • Financial Services
  • Healthcare & Life Sciences
  • Art, Entertainment & Sports
  • Arbitration

Areas of Practice

  • Arbitration
  • Art, Entertainment & Sports
  • Financial Services
  • Healthcare & Life Sciences
  • Art & Entertainment
  • Industry & Commerce
  • Intellectual Property
  • Intellectual Property & Technology Transfer
  • Litigation
  • Media & Communications
  • Trade & Distribution
  • View More


Roger Staub is a Partner in the Information Technology, Intellectual Property and Competition Team. He represents national and international companies from various industries, such as luxury goods, pharmaceuticals, food, financial services, fashion, medical devices and media. He specialises in litigating complex cases before state courts and arbitration tribunals. In addition, he advises clients in negotiating IP and technology-related contracts and in developing IP strategies. He also works as an arbitrator in international arbitration tribunals.

After studying law at the universities of Munich and Zurich (licentiate degree, 1992), Roger Staub became a member of the bar in Zurich in 1995 and received his doctorate at the University of Zurich in 2000 with a dissertation on copyright contract law. Before joining Walder Wyss, he was a partner in a legal firm in Zurich and employed in a London legal firm. He is the author of various publications, in particular the co-editor of a commentary on design law and co-author of a commentary on trademark protection law. Roger Staub is an active member in various organisations in the field of intellectual property. In past years he has been both a committee chairperson and a member of the Global Europe Advisory Council in the International Trademark Administration (INTA).

Roger Staub has for years regularly enjoyed an outstanding rating in the field of intellectual property in international rankings such as Chambers Europe, Legal500 ("a great strategist with a no-nonsense approach"), Who"s Who Legal Trademarks ("exceptional client-oriented counsel"), IAMPatent1000 and WTR1000 ("immensely skilled litigator").

Roger Staub"s working languages are German, English, Spanish and French. He is registered with the Zurich Bar Registry.

Areas of Practice

  • Arbitration
  • Art, Entertainment & Sports
  • Financial Services
  • Healthcare & Life Sciences
  • Art & Entertainment
  • Industry & Commerce
  • Intellectual Property
  • Intellectual Property & Technology Transfer
  • Litigation
  • Media & Communications
  • Trade & Distribution

Professional Career

Significant Accomplishments

Boehringer Ingelheim acquires veterinary therapeutic vaccines developer Saiba Animal Health

Das Bundesgericht bestätigt zugunsten des deutschen Wissenschafts- und Technologieunternehmens Merck die vom Handelsgericht des Kantons Zürich ausgesprochenen, weitreichenden Verbote gegen den US-Konkurrenten MSD.

Chambers and Partners has moved Walder Wyss’s Arbitration Team up to Band 2 in its 2023 Global Ranking

Das IP-Team von Walder Wyss erwirkt für das deutsche Wissenschafts- und Technologieunternehmen Merck weitreichende Verbote gegen den US-Konkurrenten MSD.

Walder Wyss erwirkt bundesgerichtliches Grundsatzurteil für Merck in Kennzeichenrechtsstreit gegen MSD

Verkauf der «Lista-Office-Gruppe»

Walder Wyss erhält MIP Award 'Firm of the Year 2018 Switzerland Trade Mark Contentious”

Walder Wyss erhält MIP Award «Firm of the Year 2018 Switzerland Trade Mark Contentious»

Neue Partner und Konsulenten bei Walder Wyss


Additional Articles
Swiss Federal Supreme Court on the Customisation of Branded Goods
Swiss Government Proposes Ancillary Copyright in Favour of Media Companies and Journalists
Doing Business in Switzerland – A Practical Guide
First Statements of Swiss Trademark Office and the EUIPO regarding the Classification of Digital Items Authenticated by Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs)
Germany Terminates Convention with Switzerland on Mutual Recognition of Trade Mark Use
Warning Letters for Alleged Patent Infringement May Constitute Unfair Competition
SWISS RE – WE MAKE THE WORLD MORE RESILIENT: Bundesgerichtshof bestätigt, dass Dienstleistungen nicht auf Schweizer Herkunft beschränkt sein müssen
«SWISS RE – WE MAKE THE WORLD MORE RESILIENT» – Bundesgericht bestätigt, dass die durch die Marke beanspruchten Dienstleistungen nicht auf Schweizer Ursprung begrenzt werden dürfen
Zentraler Angriff gegen Schweizer Basis im Rahmen des Madrider Markenabkommens stellt rechtliches Interesse in der Nichtigkeitsklage dar
WIPO’s Vienna Classification Assistant – an AI-powered Tool to Assist in Classifying Figurative Elements of Trademarks
The Swiss Federal Supreme Court Ruled on the Required Legitimate Interest in Injunctions
SWISS RE – WE MAKE THE WORLD MORE RESILIENT als nicht irreführend befunden
Swiss Federal Supreme Court follows the practice of EPO’s Board of Appeal on singling out
Merck vs. MSD – When is online use considered use in Switzerland?
WIPO Nachweis – Nachweis über die Existenz geistiger Vermögenswerte durch Zeitstempelung digitaler Dateien erbringen
«SWISS RE – WIR MACHEN DIE WELT WIDERSTANDSFÄHIGER» – Die Marke hat sich ohne eine Einschränkung der Dienstleistungen auf Schweizer Ursprung als nicht irreführend herausgestellt
Doing Business in Switzerland – A Practical Guide
Revidiertes Urheberrechtsgesetz tritt am 1. April 2020 in Kraft
Due to COVID-19, the Swiss Institute of Intellectual Property suspends most of the deadlines until 20 April 2020
Swissmedic issues guidelines on product names for medicinal products
Strengthened position of trademark owners in the fight against counterfeiting – and more to come
IP-Klauseln/Datenschutz in IT-Verträgen
Softwarefehler - Wer haftet für was?
IT-Outsourcing in der Schweiz
Leistungsstörungen bei Urheberrechtsverträgen (Diss.)
Zusammenarbeit im Bereich F&E und Technologietransfer
Die Europäische Richtlinie 2004/48/EG zur Durchsetzung der Rechte des geistigen Eigentums - und wo steht die Schweiz?
Vorbemerkungen und Art. 51a bis Art. 60 MSchG
Designrecht - Kommentar zum Bundesgesetz über den Schutz von Design
Sport & Immaterialgüterrecht
The risk of losing trademark rights when changing the typeface of a mark
Sports shoe stripes position mark succeeds on appeal
Clarification of requirements for proving lack of intention to use

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