Practice Expertise

  • Agribusiness
  • Competition and Market Regulation
  • Aviation Insurance
  • Arbitration

Areas of Practice

  • Agribusiness
  • Arbitration
  • Aviation Insurance
  • Competition and Market Regulation
  • Corporate and Commercial Disputes
  • Defence Industry
  • Energy and Resources
  • Infrastructure
  • Insurance
  • International Disputes
  • International Trade
  • Litigation and Dispute Resolution
  • Litigation and disputes
  • Marine Insurance
  • Minerals
  • Oil and Gas
  • Other Industries
  • Ports
  • Regulatory Investigations and Litigation
  • Transport, Road, Rail and Ports
  • View More


My non-contentious practice includes the drafting, review and negotiation of contracts of affreightment, charter parties and offtake agreements; advising on rights and obligations in relation to bills of lading, letters of credit and negotiable instruments used to facilitate international trade; assisting with due diligence in relation to acquisitions, joint ventures and the selection of service providers for major maritime and offshore projects; and advising on regulatory issues impacting on shipping and international trade, including anti-bribery and corruption, sanctions, cabotage, chain of responsibility and marine environment.

I am also frequently instructed in complex commercial disputes and regulatory investigations concerning shipping, and international trade. I have prosecuted and defended claims in all of Australia's major commercial jurisdictions and have broad experience in arbitral proceedings seated in Australia, Hong Kong, Singapore and London, under a variety of ad hoc and institutional rules.

Career highlights

  • Advised an Australian cement manufacturer on complex chartering arrangements and vessel acquisitions, to facilitate shipment of product between Australian ports and to overseas destinations
  • Acted for a global commodity trader in the successful prosecution of a claim against an ocean carrier concerning misdelivery of shipments of cotton and successful defence of a related claim by the buyer (LMAA and SIAC arbitration)
  • Advised a global mining corporation on the renegotiation of time and demise charter parties in relation to bulk carriers and a fleet of support vessels on charter to the corporation's Australian entities
  • Advising operators of ports and terminals in most Australian States on: terms and conditions for port access and use; chartering, purchase and registration of support vessels; towage and pilotage; marine pollution; and insurance and maritime-related risk management
  • Acted for an Australian fertiliser manufacturer in successful defence of a substantial claim by FOB buyers arising out of inability of nominated vessel to commence loading following late change of loading berth (HKIAC arbitration)
  • Acting for owners and operators of cruise ships, fishing vessels and yachts in coronial proceedings in New South Wales, Tasmania and Northern Territory concerning fatalities at sea
  • Acted for a global mining corporation in the defence of a claim for salvage reward arising out of the grounding of the 'Maria G.O.' in the Port of Gladstone (Federal Court of Australia)
  • Assisted UK Government with the negotiation of all shipping-related aspects of the Australia-UK Free Trade Agreement, including provisions concerning access to ports, coastal trading and marine insurance
  • Successfully defended a global energy corporation accused of bribery arising from dealings with port authorities in Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands, including protracted and reputationally critical negotiations with the Australian Federal Police
  • Acted for a global commodity trader in the successful prosecution of a claim against buyers for wrongful termination of sale contracts, arising out of an allegation that the trader had breached a sanctions clause (SIAC arbitration)
  • Coordinated a multi-jurisdictional investigation of bribery and related unlawful conduct by a cruise line operator in the South Pacific, on instructions from its joint venture partner


Areas of Practice

  • Agribusiness
  • Arbitration
  • Aviation Insurance
  • Competition and Market Regulation
  • Corporate and Commercial Disputes
  • Defence Industry
  • Energy and Resources
  • Infrastructure
  • Insurance
  • International Disputes
  • International Trade
  • Litigation and Dispute Resolution
  • Litigation and disputes
  • Marine Insurance
  • Minerals
  • Oil and Gas
  • Other Industries
  • Ports
  • Regulatory Investigations and Litigation
  • Transport, Road, Rail and Ports

Professional Career

Professional Associations
  • International Bar Association
  • Maritime Law Association of Australia and New Zealand


  • Making offshore wind a reality in Australia

    Offshore wind has a role to play in Australia's energy transition. In addition, its potential market of 20 gigawatts or more provides potential economic and employment opportunities associated with the billions of dollars of local capital expenditure required for that development.

  • Demurrage judgment welcome news for Australian exporters

    The 'Eternal Bliss' English Court of Appeal judgment is a welcome development for Australian commodity exporters with exposure to significant liability arising from delay during cargo operations

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