Practice Expertise

  • Health & Life Sciences
  • DEA Compliance & Litigation
  • Wholesale Drug and Device Distribution
  • Health Litigation

Areas of Practice

  • DEA Compliance & Litigation
  • Health & Life Sciences
  • Health Litigation
  • Wholesale Drug and Device Distribution
  • Government and Internal Investigations, ...
  • Health & Life Sciences
  • Pharmacy, Drug and Device
  • View More


Comprehensive DEA regulatory counseling

Hunter DeKoninck primarily focuses on matters related to compliance with the Controlled Substances Act (CSA) and with the Drug Enforcement Administration’s (DEA) implementing regulations. Hunter counsels manufacturers, distributors, dispensers and practitioners on all matters relating to the distributing, storing, dispensing, prescribing and record-keeping of controlled substances and, specifically for manufacturers and distributors, he focuses on advising regarding anti-diversion practices and suspicious order monitoring. Hunter also:

  • Counsels pharmacies and other practitioners on their policies and procedures for the handling of controlled substances.
  • Guides clients through investigations by the DEA (and other regulatory bodies) associated with diversion, record-keeping violations and other regulatory matters.
  • Represents wholesale drug distributors in national opioid multidistrict litigation (MDL).

Bar Admissions

  • Indiana


  • Indiana University Bloomington Maurer School of Law (J.D., 2015)
    • Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies, executive business editor (2L Outstanding Associate of the Year, 2014)
    • International Law Society, vice president
    • Indiana Moot Court Competition Brief-writing Honors (2014)
  • Wake Forest University (B.A., 2012)

Areas of Practice

  • DEA Compliance & Litigation
  • Health & Life Sciences
  • Health Litigation
  • Wholesale Drug and Device Distribution
  • Government and Internal Investigations, Litigation, and Fraud, Waste and Abuse Compliance
  • Health & Life Sciences
  • Pharmacy, Drug and Device

Professional Career


  • "For What It’s Worth: Controlled Substance Act Compliance in the Post-Prescription Opioid Crisis and Post-COVID World"
  • Brace Yourself: DEA’s Final Rule on Quotas Squeezes Inventory Levels and Signals Further Supply Restrictions
  • Breaking the Curse: A Multilayered Regulatory Approach
  • DEA Issues Final Order Increasing APQs for Certain Controlled Substances
  • DEA Temporarily Removes the 'Five Percent Rule'
  • DEA’s “X” Waiver Eliminated by Congress
  • DeKoninck: A call to serve the hopeless in our communities
  • It's (Apparently) Never Too Late Part II: DEA & Morris & Dickson Settle
  • It's (Apparently) Never Too Late: DEA’s Revocation of Morris & Dickson’s Registrations
  • Key Takeaways of the DEA's 2019 National Drug Threat Assessment
  • New DEA Form 106 Theft & Loss Reporting Deadlines and Submission Requirements
  • Protect Your CSOS Credentials…Or Else.
  • The Laws, They Are A-Changin: Indiana Health Care-Related Laws Update, July 2020


  • 2023 Pharmacy Law Symposium
  • 2024 Pharmacy Law Symposium
  • Indy Fuel Hockey Game for Sports Circle Indy
  • Perspectives on Changes to Agency Deference for Pharmacy Law (Chevron Decision)

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