Practice Expertise

  • Health & Life Sciences
  • Fraud & Abuse Compliance and Litigation
  • Clinical Laboratories
  • Health Litigation

Areas of Practice

  • Clinical Laboratories
  • Fraud & Abuse Compliance and Litigation
  • Health & Life Sciences
  • Health Litigation
  • Appellate
  • Government and Internal Investigations, ...
  • Government Enforcement Defense and ...
  • Health & Life Sciences
  • Hospitals and Health Systems
  • Litigation & Dispute Resolution
  • Long-Term Care and Senior Housing
  • Pharmacy, Drug and Device
  • Provider and Physician Groups
  • Securities Litigation and Enforcement
  • White Collar Crime and Internal ...
  • View More


Astute former federal prosecutor providing strategic advice in government investigations and regulatory matters

Kirti is a former Assistant United States Attorney in the Southern District of New York, Civil Division who focuses on internal, federal and state investigations and high-stakes litigation. Kirti advises individuals, boards and in-house counsel and is knowledgeable, strategic, tenacious and pragmatic.

If litigation cannot be avoided, Kirti has experience in all facets of investigations and litigation, including issuing and defending subpoenas, interviewing and deposing witnesses, negotiating settlements, engaging in motion practice and trial. Her extensive experience enables her to provide clients with the government’s perspective while zealously defending an investigation or enforcement action. She is well versed in the various fraud statues as well as knowledgeable of the underlying industries and has represented clients across multiple industries such as health, customs, banking and nonprofit organizations.

She regularly draws on her experience to provide practical advice on:

  • Fraud and abuse issues
  • Conducting risk assessment
  • Navigating government investigations
  • Compliance policies
  • Complex litigation

Kirti has great relationships and experience with all levels of government prosecutors and agents — federal, state and administrative — which enables her to successfully resolve matters on behalf of her clients. She is conscientious of her clients’ financial and reputational costs and stays focused on the end goal.

Kirti is the co-chair of both the firm’s Government Enforcement Defense and Investigations team and the Health Litigation team. She also is editor-in-chief of Quarles’ blog Nothing but Substance, which focuses on compliance and regulatory issues for leaders and providers in the behavioral health and addiction treatment industries.  

Admitted in New York. Not admitted in Wisconsin.

Bar Admissions

  • New York


  • Southwestern Oklahoma State University (B.A., magna cum laude, 1993)
  • The University of Oklahoma College of Law (J.D., with distinction, 1996)

Areas of Practice

  • Clinical Laboratories
  • Fraud & Abuse Compliance and Litigation
  • Health & Life Sciences
  • Health Litigation
  • Appellate
  • Government and Internal Investigations, Litigation, and Fraud, Waste and Abuse Compliance
  • Government Enforcement Defense and Investigations
  • Health & Life Sciences
  • Hospitals and Health Systems
  • Litigation & Dispute Resolution
  • Long-Term Care and Senior Housing
  • Pharmacy, Drug and Device
  • Provider and Physician Groups
  • Securities Litigation and Enforcement
  • White Collar Crime and Internal Investigations

Professional Career


  • "EEK! The Government's Increased Use of EKRA (the Eliminating Kickbacks in Recovery Act) in Health Care Enforcement Actions"
  • "Enforcement Actions: Trends & Takeaways"
  • "Government Investigations: A Former Insider's View"
  • Be Ready: Reddy’s Healthcare Fraud Enforcement Predictions for 2022
  • DOJ, State AGs Innovate to Fight Covid-19 Fraud
  • Healthcare Business Today Article by Kirti Reddy, Theresa DeAngelis Addresses Benefits of Documenting Medical Necessity for Health Care Services
  • Justice Department’s New Task Force on Health Care Monopolies and Collusion
  • Kirti Reddy and Theresa DeAngelis Author New York Law Journal Article on Evolving State Changes Guiding Medicaid Overpayment Self-Disclosure
  • New DOJ Policy for M&A Transactions Promotes Thorough Due Diligence and Voluntary Self-Disclosures
  • Proposed Rule on Mental Health Parity Is a Major Expansion of Federal Regulation of Managed Care
  • Quarles Partners Assess Risks to COVID-19 Testing Labs of Increased FCA Scrutiny in Article for Bloomberg Law
  • Selected to Law360’s 2022 Health Care Editorial Advisory Board
  • Supreme Court to Review the Objective Scienter Standard Under the False Claims Act in U&C Drug Pricing Suits
  • The Unintended Benefit of Properly Documenting Medical Necessity: Avoiding Prosecution
  • The Winding Road to a Recovery Home


  • 2022 Pharmacy Law Symposium
  • 2023 Pharmacy Law Symposium
  • Navigating the Post-PHE Landscape: Law and Policy Changes for the Healthcare Industry

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