Practice Expertise

  • Antitrust & Competition
  • Intellectual Property & Technology Transfer
  • Media & Communications

Areas of Practice

  • Antitrust & Competition
  • Intellectual Property & Technology Transfer
  • Media & Communications
  • Art & Entertainment
  • Art, Entertainment & Sports
  • Data & Technology
  • Information Technology & Telecommunications
  • Intellectual Property
  • Litigation
  • Trade & Distribution
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Manuel Bigler is a managing associate in the firms’ Technology & Intellectual Property (IP) group. He advises and represents clients in all aspects of IP law with a particular focus on trademark, patent and copyright law. His practice also includes unfair competition, media and advertising law. He regularly advises clients in negotiating IP and technology-related agreements, such as license agreements. Manuel Bigler is further specialized in representing clients in disputes before courts and state authorities.

Manuel Bigler studied law at the University of Fribourg (MLaw 2012) and at the Center for Transnational Legal Studies in London. Before joining Walder Wyss as an attorney, he served as a law clerk at a district court and worked as a research assistant at the University of Fribourg. He was admitted to the bar in 2017.

Manuel Bigler has been recognized by Best Lawyers for his work in intellectual property law and technology law. Managing IP lists him as a "Rising Star". Legal 500 praises Manuel Bigler as "very knowledgeable" with "an outstanding attention for detail".

Manuel Bigler’s working languages are German and English. He also speaks French, has a basic knowledge of Spanish and has been learning Chinese for some years. He is registered with the Zurich Bar Registry and admitted to practice in all Switzerland.

Areas of Practice

  • Antitrust & Competition
  • Intellectual Property & Technology Transfer
  • Media & Communications
  • Art & Entertainment
  • Art, Entertainment & Sports
  • Data & Technology
  • Information Technology & Telecommunications
  • Intellectual Property
  • Litigation
  • Trade & Distribution

Professional Career

Significant Accomplishments

Infineon übernimmt 3db Access AG

Das Bundesgericht bestätigt zugunsten des deutschen Wissenschafts- und Technologieunternehmens Merck die vom Handelsgericht des Kantons Zürich ausgesprochenen, weitreichenden Verbote gegen den US-Konkurrenten MSD.

ITS Kanal Services AG erwirbt die Restclean AG

Alentis Therapeutics Closes USD 105m Series C Funding

Das IP-Team von Walder Wyss erwirkt für das deutsche Wissenschafts- und Technologieunternehmen Merck weitreichende Verbote gegen den US-Konkurrenten MSD.

Intel 471 acquires SpiderFoot

Cembra übernimmt Byjuno

Versant Ventures launches Vector BioPharma with USD 30m Series A

Promotions at Walder Wyss

Alentis Therapeutics erhält USD 67 Mio. im Rahmen einer Serie-B-Finanzierung

Swiss IT Security Group übernimmt keyon AG

Walder Wyss erwirkt bundesgerichtliches Grundsatzurteil für Merck in Kennzeichenrechtsstreit gegen MSD

HOCHDORF verkauft Pharmalys-Beteiligung

Seed Financing Round bei Premark Pharma GmbH

CHF 12.5 Million Finanzierungsrunde bei Alentis Therapeutics AG

Verkauf der ASIC Robotics AG und Reinvestition

DPE erwirbt AWK Group


Kennzeichenrecht - Aus der Rechtsprechung des Bundesgerichts
Swiss Federal Supreme Court on the Customisation of Branded Goods
Schutzschrift – Chancen und Risiken
Update on the Revision of Customs Assistance in IP Matters
New Guidance by the IPI on the Classification of NFTs and Virtual Products
Doctrine of Equivalents and Numerical Ranges
Update on Trademark Dispute Regarding "Baur au Lac" and "Club Baur au Lac"
Spinning Out of Control: Zurich Commercial Court on "Club Baur au Lac"
Swiss Government Proposes a Revisionof Customs Assistance in IP Matters
Doing Business in Switzerland – A Practical Guide
Update on the Revision of the Swiss Patents Act
Battle of the Bunnies: Lindt Melts Down Lidl Before the Swiss Federal Supreme Court
Quick-Starting Preliminary Injunction Proceedings
International Olympic Committee Loses Trademark For its Founder's Name
Cancellation Request by Trademark Troll – Abusive?
Bundespatentgericht: Wenn die Anordnung für die Partei zu spät kommt
Vorentwurf für Teilrevision des Patentgesetzes veröffentlicht
Swiss Federal Supreme Court: Waving Goodbye to Waivers
Merck vs. MSD – When is online use considered use in Switzerland?
easyJet vs. easyBet: Hosting provider verpflichtet, markenverletzende Webseite zu entfernen
easyJet vs. easyBet – Hosting provider ordered to take down trademark infringing website
The Legal 500 Patent Litigation Country Comparative Guide
Bundesgericht entscheidet in Grundsatzentscheid zugunsten von Apple
TICK DIFFERENT: Apple verliert gegen Swatch vor Schweizer Gericht
Der Schutz von Produktausstattungen gegen Nachahmungen im Schweizer Lauterkeitsrecht
Kommentar zu Art. 17-20, Art. 21-27, Art. 61-69 und Art. 73-79 sowie Vorbem. zu Art. 21-27 und Art. 61-69 des Bundesgesetzes über den Schutz von Marken und Herkunftsangaben (MSchG)
Die EU Erbrechtsverordnung – Neue Herausforderungen für die internationale Nachlassplanung aus Schweizer Sicht
Wohnsitz oder gewöhnlicher Aufenthalt Die Anwendungsprobleme der europäischen Erbrechtsverordnung im Rechtsverkehr mit der Schweiz
EU Erbrechtsverordnung
Harmonisierung der Health Claims Gesetzgebung mit dem EU-Recht

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