Practice Expertise

  • Mergers and Acquisitions
  • Competition and market regulation

Areas of Practice

  • Competition and market regulation
  • Mergers and Acquisitions

WSG Practice Industries


Recognised as a leading lawyer in Competition / Antitrust in Chambers and Legal 500, and both Competition and Regulatory areas in Best Lawyers, and ranked as one of the top young antitrust practitioners globally in Global Competition Review’s 40 under 40. I have been described in directories as having 'very good strategic skills' and being '"an obvious choice" to work with', "personable, with a sharp mind and quick in understanding legal issues and applying law to the commercial reality", "extremely easy to work with, 'a quality 'which helps get transactions through", "a real class act when it comes to competition law". "very responsive and clear practical advice on procedural as well as substantive aspects". and "always on top of the details, provides great and clear advice, and possesses a good understanding of the Australian role in the wider global process."

I have deep expertise in complex competition issues in domestic and global M&A transactions, both through the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission's (ACCC) informal clearance process and in merger authorisation applications and associated litigation. In the M&A sphere, I work regularly with overseas counsel to navigate through Australian aspects of multi-jurisdictional regulatory filings, and partner with MinterEllison’s foreign investment team to provide an integrated offering to secure transaction regulatory approvals in Australia.

In addition, I have significant experience in managing and responding to ACCC investigations and enforcement action for potential competition and consumer law breaches, including significant and sensitive cartel allegations and immunity applications, other competition law issues, as well as ACCC sector inquiries. Clients also turn to me for my experience in advising on a wide range of consumer protection and regulatory issues, including misleading and deceptive conduct, advertising & promotions, unfair contract terms, unconscionable conduct, consumer guarantees, product safety, and product recalls.

Career highlights

Working closely with overseas law firms to manage Australian competition aspects of high profile, complex global and multijurisdictional M&A transactions, such as:

  • Kustomer's US$1 billion acquisition by Facebook (Meta)
  • Cargotec's proposed merger with Konecranes.
  • VMWare on its US$61bn acquisition by Broadcom.
  • iRobot on its acquisition by Amazon.
  • Siemen's proposed EUR 15.4 billion global mobility merger with Alstom.
  • AT&T's US$85.4 billion acquisition of Time Warner, and WarnerMedia/Discovery.
  • Vista on its acquisition of Citrix, among other acquisitions.
  • Baring on its US$2bn acquisition (together with CPPIB and GIC) of Virtusa.

Advising on competition aspects of complex, high profile domestic and trans-Tasman M&A transactions including advising:

  • CrownBet in contesting Tabcorp’s $11 billion bid for Tatts, one of the most complex, contested, and high profile merger clearance matters in Australia.
  • Toll Holdings on the sale of its coastal shipping business to Sea Swift, including merger authorisation proceedings in the Tribunal.
  • Qantas on its acquisition of Trip-A-Deal.
  • thl on its acquisition of Apollo, and associated divestiture package
  • Kraft Heinz on its acquisition of Cerebos Pacific Limited's food and instant coffee business.
  • Albemarle on its JV transactions with Mineral Resources Ltd.
  • Warrnambool Cheese & Butter in relation to Murray Goulburn’s bid for WCB and associated merger authorisation proceedings in the Tribunal.
  • Carter Holt Harvey / Rank Group's on its strategic divestment of two particleboard board operations to Borg Panels, sawmill and export woodchip operations to OneFortyOne Plantations, and four sawmills to AKD Softwoods, among other disposals.
  • Arrow Pharmaceuticals on its merger with Apotex to create Arrotex.
  • Vail Resorts on its acquisition of Mt Hotham and Falls Creek ski resorts.
  • Elders Ltd on its acquisition of AIRR Holdings Ltd by way of scheme of arrangement.
  • Viva Energy (Shell Australia) on its acquisition of the remaining 50 per cent interest in Liberty Oil Holdings, acquisition of Westside Petroleum and Shell Aviation Fuel business
  • Affinity Equity Partners / Scottish Pacific on its proposed acquisition of CML Group.
  • Only About Children (Bain Capital) on its acquisition of various childcare centres.
  • Think Childcare on its acquisition by Busy Bees Early Learning Australia.
  • Select Harvest on its acquisition of Piangil Almonds.

Managing large, novel cartel and regulatory investigations, litigation and authorisation matters for domestic and international clients, including:

  • Qantas on its application for ACCC authorisation of its alliance with Emirates.
  • Qantas on its application for ACCC authorisation for Jetstar's Pan-Asia strategy.
  • Juno/Natco on their application for ACCC authorisation of a patent settlement with Celgene.
  • Cryosite in the ACCC's first 'gun-jumping' proceedings (noting MinterEllison did not advise on conduct that was the subject of proceedings).
  • Unlocked in proceedings against Google for misuse of market power, including successfully obtaining an interim injunction - first case involving new Australian misuse of market power prohibitions.

Other recognition

  • Global Competition Review Merger Control Matter of the Year (AMEA) for Broadcom/VMware
  • Shortlisted by GCR in the GCR Global Awards for 'Regional Firm of the Year – Asia Pacific, Middle East and Africa)' in 2020, 2021, 2022
  • Shortlisted by GCR in the GCR Global Awards ‘Merger Control Matter of the Year – Asia-Pacific, Middle East and Africa’ in 2018 (Tabcorp / Tatts) and in 2017 (Toll / Sea Swift), winner of ‘Innovation in Expanding Clients’ Business’ award at the 2017 FT Innovative Lawyers Awards Asia.


Areas of Practice

  • Competition and market regulation
  • Mergers and Acquisitions

Professional Career


Additional Articles
  • Making waves – unfair terms regime extends beyond Australia

    A recent High Court decision clarifies the extraterritorial reach of the unfair terms regime outside Australia and that a class action waiver term is unfair.

  • CCA changes: repeal of IP exemption and new small business powers

    A new bill passed on 18 February 2019 amends the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth) by repealing the historic IP licensing exemption. It also facilitates small businesses pursuing private litigation against anti-competitive conduct under the CCA.

  • Greenwashing enforcement | ACCC launches court action over ocean plastic claims

    The ACCC has commenced greenwashing proceedings in the Federal Court against a manufacturer of kitchen and garbage bags alleging the manufacturer deprived consumers of the opportunity to make informed purchasing decisions.

  • Consumer law during the COVID-19 crisis – risk areas for suppliers
    In light of the COVID-19 health emergency and resulting period of significant uncertainty, businesses and consumers face unprecedented challenges and wide-reaching impacts relating to the supply of products and services, and indeed the ability of businesses to supply products and services.
  • Property, software and the ACCC's fight for merger reform

    The ACCC continues to prosecute its case for substantial changes to Australia's merger control regime, including through transactions it is subjecting to formal public review.

  • ACCC scrutiny in the aged care sector over Australian Consumer Law breach

    Off the back of recent ACCC proceedings in the aged care sector, there are a number of steps that businesses with vulnerable consumers can take to protect their consumers and therefore reduce the risks of contravening the Australian Consumer Law.

  • Recent ACCC enforcement action over consumer guarantee representations

    Here, we provide a snapshot of the ACCC's recent enforcement activity in relation to consumer guarantees and highlight common risk areas for suppliers and manufacturers.

  • ACCC pushes for major merger law reforms

    Building on the efforts of her predecessor, ACCC Chair, Gina Cass-Gottlieb, calls for an overhaul of Australia's merger control regime.


  • Is the ACCC becoming a second privacy regulator?
    The ACCC has issued proceedings against Google for allegedly mising consumers about the collection and use of location data.
  • International Comparative Legal Guide to Merger Control 2019: Australia

    MinterEllison has written the Australian chapter of the International Comparative Legal Guide to: Merger Control 2019.

  • Australian Merger Control: Change in uncertain times

    With the Australian competition regulator calling for reform and a renewed focus on big tech and international collaboration, change is on its way for Australia's merger control regime. What does this mean for investors and transactions?

  • COVID 19: How the changed FIRB rules affect the ACCC and ATO

    As a result of the COVID-19 changes to foreign investment in Australia announced on Sunday, investors that are now caught by the Foreign Investment Review Board (FIRB) regime will also be subject to scrutiny from other regulators. Our team explains what this means for investors and what they can do to manage this process.

  • Joint takeover of ASX listed Sirtex Medical Limited
    MinterEllison advised CDH Investments and China Grand Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Holdings Limited on their last-minute A$1.90 billion joint takeover for ASX listed Sirtex Medical Limited.

  • What you can learn from the new proceedings issued against Google

    We look at the ACCC's increasing willingness to scrutinise privacy-related consumer issues, and provide some useful guidance around organisations' compliance with privacy protections through the lens of consumer law.

  • ACCC recommends protections for consumers using customer loyalty schemes
    On 3 December 2019, the ACCC released its Final Report in relation to Customer Loyalty Schemes, and called for a range of privacy and consumer reforms.
  • Food and agribusiness sector remains key priority for ACCC: 12 areas of activity and concern

    The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) has been active in education and enforcement of competition and consumer law issues in the agribusiness and food sphere over the past year.

  • Government announces sweeping reforms to merger control law in Australia

    The Treasurer has announced reforms to Australia's merger control regime, described as the biggest changes to Australian merger control law in 50 years. The package will have a significant impact on how parties seek merger approval.

  • A new era for IP in higher education under Australian competition law

    Changes to Australian competition law will change the way IP rights holders control their IP. For universities, whose activities often include the development and commercialisation of IP, these changes – in conjunction with other recent reforms to Australian competition law – will require a new approach to identifying and assessing competition law risks.

  • ACCC calls for privacy law reform

    The ACCC has questioned if the Privacy Act is still fit for purpose in the modern digital era.

  • ACCC's Digital Platforms Inquiry calls for far-reaching reforms 
    The ACCC's preliminary report on the Digital Platforms Inquiry contains far-reaching recommendations that impact business, the media, and consumer privacy rights.
  • Reforms and penalties on the way for unfair contract terms

    Proposed unfair contract term reforms include the introduction of penalties for reliance on an unfair term and an expansion of the UCT regime's scope. We explore what this could mean for businesses.


  • ACCC proposes sweeping changes to Australia's merger control regime

    The ACCC has announced long-awaited proposals for sweeping reform of Australia's merger control regime. These include mandatory notification and standstill obligations that it says are needed in order to restore and maintain effective competition in Australia.

  • Government unveils much anticipated draft merger control thresholds

    Details of the proposed merger notification thresholds include both monetary and market concentration thresholds, and a proposed waiver mechanism.

  • One step closer to reforms and penalties for unfair contract terms

    The Treasury Laws Amendment (Enhancing Tax Integrity and Supporting Business Investment) Bill 2022 (the Bill), has been introduced. As foreshadowed in prior exposure draft legislation (Draft Legislation), the Bill proposes to strengthen and expand the unfair contract term (UCT) regime. It includes the introduction of penalties to propose, apply or rely on an unfair term in applicable contracts and expansion of the UCT regime's scope. We explore what's new in comparison to the current UCT laws and the draft legislation released in late 2021.

  • ACCC releases final environmental claims guidance

    The ACCC has released its long-awaited final guidance for businesses making environmental claims about their products, services or the business itself.

  • Government's support of ACCC Digital Platforms Inquiry
    The Australian Government has delivered its response to the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission's Digital Platforms Inquiry. The Government's response has largely supported the ACCC's recommendations and sets out a detailed roadmap of work for 2020 and into 2021. This includes the creation of a new 'Digital Platforms Branch' within the ACCC which will continue to examine the sector.
  • The ACCC continues its foray into data privacy in ACCC v Google

    The ACCC has partially succeeded in its action against Google for mising consumers about the collection and use of user location data, in a decision that may encourage further enforcement action in the context of data and privacy.

  • Getting the global deal done amid the COVID-19 crisis

    Perspectives on key FIRB and ACCC issues impacting global and multinational transactions with an Australian dimension.

  • Current state of play for the Consumer Data Right
    The proposed legislative framework for the new CDR, which was to come into effect through the Treasury Laws Amendment (Consumer Data Right) Bill 2019 (Bill) has lapsed in Parliament. In this article, we provide an update on the status of the CDR regime.
  • Beefed up unfair contract terms regime to commence next year

    The Australian Consumer Law's unfair contract terms (UCT) regime will dramatically change in November 2023, following the passing of the Treasury Laws Amendment (More Competition, Better Prices) Act 2022 (Cth) (Amending Act).

  • Consumer Data Right – New year, new rules (and a revised timetable)

    The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission has finalised and published its Consumer Data Right Rules and has issued a proposal to revise the implementation timetable for Consumer Data Right. The four major banks will now be expected to be ready to share consumer data from 1 July 2020.

  • Managing cartel risks arising from COVID-19 responses

    There is no automatic 'public interest' exemption to our competition law, although there are effective and timely mechanisms that can be used to ensure legal protection for business and their staff in implementing COVID-19 responses. Our team outlines key considerations and options for managing cartel risk to ensure businesses can respond rapidly in the best interests of their customers and the community in a legally compliant way.

  • Managing cartel risks arising from universities' COVID-19 responses

    What are the key considerations for Australian higher education providers in managing cartel risks when responding to the COVID-19 pandemic impacts?

  • Penalties for Competition and Consumer law breaches proposed to quintuple

    Exposure draft legislation proposes to significantly increase penalties for Australian competition and consumer law contraventions. We explore the details and implications of the proposed new regime.

  • ACCC internet sweep reveals 'widespread' greenwashing concerns

    A recent internet sweep by the ACCC has found that a significant proportion of businesses are making concerning claims about their environmental or sustainability practices. With greenwashing firmly within the ACCC's sights, it is critical to identify and understand key risk areas.


  • ACCC seeks to restore balance in the media industry
    The ACCC's Digital Platforms Inquiry Final Report (Report) has made recommendations that could significantly impact the regulation of the media industry and digital platforms, and the future for media organisations in the digital era.
  • Toll Holdings Ltd and Sea Swift successful in application for merger authorisation to the Australian Competition Tribunal

    On 1 July 2016, the Australian Competition Tribunal granted authorisation to Sea Swift's proposed acquisition of certain shares and assets relating to Toll Marine Logistics' (TML) business in the Northern Territory and Far North Queensland.


  • ACCC spot check of contracts reveals UCT concerns

    The ACCC raises concerns about franchising sector's compliance with the unfair contract terms (UCT) regime and warns of legal action.

  • ACCC warns over greenwashing and sustainability claims

    Businesses should prepare by reviewing and seeking advice in relation to their sustainability and environmental claims.

  • Watch out – Australian Consumer Law broadens again

    A key change coming into effect on 1 July 2021 will shine a spotlight on who is a 'consumer', plus future reforms to major failures and unfair terms.

  • ACCC calls for competition reforms that will impact digital platform operators and beyond
    The ACCC has concluded its long-running Inquiry into digital platforms in Australia. It set out its findings and a detailed set of recommendations in its final report released on 26 July 2019.
  • ACCC seeking feedback on a class exemption for collective bargaining

    The ACCC is seeking feedback on a proposed collective bargaining class exemption that would allow many smaller businesses to collectively bargain with their customers or suppliers.

    The collective bargaining class exemption will provide eligible businesses with a 'safe harbour' to engage in the conduct specified in the class exemption without the risk of breaching the relevant provisions of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth) (CCA).

  • Managing cartel risks arising from COVID-19 in the health sector

    While the health sector is being called on respond to the COVID-19 pandemic in unprecedented ways, there is no automatic 'public interest' exemption to our competition law where businesses coordinate or act collectively.

  • Tribunal clears Sea Swift's toll marine acquisition

    Faced with a choice between economic theory vs economic fact, the Australian Competition Tribunal (the Tribunal) has decided strongly in favour of fact, concluding that 'theory must give way to fact'.

  • CrownBet contests Tabcorp and Tatts merger

    MinterEllison advised wagering service provider CrownBet in Australia's most complex, contested, controversial and high-profile proposed merger last year involving Tabcorp and Tatts.

  • Starter gun fired on merger reforms in Australia

    After a lengthy ACCC advocacy campaign, Australia's new Competition Taskforce begins a consultation process on potentially wide reaching reforms to Australia's merger control regime.

  • Risky business – Australia’s competition and consumer laws set to shift

    Two major reforms to Australia's competition and consumer laws are on their way, following the passing of the Treasury Laws Amendment (More Competition, Better Prices) Bill 2022 (Bill) by both Houses of Parliament on 27 October 2022.


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