Practice Expertise


Areas of Practice

  • Arbitration
  • Commercial Contracts
  • Corporate / M&A
  • Litigation
  • Start-ups & Venture Capital
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Florian Iten is an associate in the Litigation and Arbitration team of Walder Wyss. He advises and represents national and international clients before state courts in all aspect of commercial law. His main focus is on corporate law litigation, such as post-M&A and shareholder disputes as well as contractual disputes. Before joining Walder Wyss' Litigation and Arbitration team, Florian worked in the M&A team of Walder Wyss, where he mainly focused on corporate and commercial law and mergers & acquisitions.

Florian Iten studied at the University of Bern (BLaw 2019, MLaw 2020). During his studies, he worked as a student assistant at Walder Wyss in the Bern offices. Prior to joining Walder Wyss as an Attorney at Law, Florian worked as a trainee lawyer at Walder Wyss and as a law clerk at the District Court of Baden (AG). Florian was admitted to the bar in 2022. He is registered with the Zurich Bar Registry and admitted to practice in all Switzerland.

Florian Iten's professional languages are German and English.

Areas of Practice

  • Arbitration
  • Commercial Contracts
  • Corporate / M&A
  • Litigation
  • Start-ups & Venture Capital

Professional Career

Significant Accomplishments

Zusammenschluss Yasai & GreenState im Bereich Vertical Farming

Constantia Flexibles erwirbt Mehrheit der Aktien der Aluflexpack und kündigt öffentliches Übernahmeangebot für restliche Aktien an

Infineon übernimmt 3db Access AG

Walder Wyss berät Ufenau Capital Partners AG bei Verkauf der 24/7 Kanalservice Holding AG, GarLa Gruppe Holding AG und Hanseatic Power Service GmbH

Constellation verkauft restliche Minderheitsbeteiligung an der Swiss E-Mobility Group (SEMG) an TVS Motor Company

Semperit erwirbt die RICO Gruppe

Erwerb der Beteiligung von Fedro S.A. an Freesailors Coöperatief U.A., dem Mehrheitsaktionär von N.V. (SIX: LMN)

Infoniqa erwirbt Sage Schweiz AG

Osterwalder verkauft Mineralölgeschäft

LUKB erwirbt 30%-Beteiligung an der Fundamenta Group


Ferienlagervertrag – Vertragsqualifikation, Parteien und Sorgfaltsmassstab
Rücktritt von einem Vorvertrag zu einem Generalunternehmervertrag
Wissenszurechnung bei der juristischen Person
Unternehmerklausel in einem Grundstückkaufvertrag
Aktionärbindungsvertrag: eigenes Leistungsversprechen oder Garantie

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