Practice Expertise


Areas of Practice

  • Arbitration and Mediation
  • Consumer Law
  • Labor and Social Security
  • Litigation

WSG Practice Industries

WSG Leadership

  • WSG Regional Council - Member 2024-2025
  • Dispute Resolution Group - Group Leader


Capital partner of Veirano since 1996; Associate of Veirano (Baker & McKenzie) bewteen January 1986 and June 1996; and trainee of Veirano (Baker & McKenzie) between August 1986 and december, 1988.

Luiz has major experience in complex litigation, with focus on products liability and labor litigation. In the last 9 years, Luiz has headed the group of lawyers engaged in tobacco litigation (representing a defendant) and has never in these years received a plaintiff verdict. He has also been involved in complex contract and corporate litigation in civil courts in his twenty years or practice as a litigator.

He also has a vast experience with labor planning and labor litigation, always in the defense side and with focus on defending cases involving high level executives and expats, as well as litigation over collective bargain arrangements.

Own Education - University of the State of Rio de Janeiro Law School (LL.B., 1988); Academy of American and International Law, International and Comparative Law Center, Southwestern Legal Foundation, Dallas, Texas (1989); Harvard Law School, Boston (Basic Negotiation Workshop, Program of Instruction for Lawyers, 1998).

Teaching experience: Professor of Labor Planning at the LLM Program of the Brazilian Capital Market Institute-IBMEC (2001-2003); Professor or Labor Law in the post graduation course of the Fundacao Getulio Vargas (FGV) Law School (2004-2006); Professor of Civil Lilability in the FGV Law School (2005); Coordinator of the Post Graduation Courses of the FGV Law School (2004); Coordinator of Lawyering in the Posto Graduation at the FGV Law School (2004-2005)

Areas of Practice

  • Arbitration and Mediation
  • Consumer Law
  • Labor and Social Security
  • Litigation

Professional Career

Significant Accomplishments
Luiz Guilherme Migliora was indicated by the English survey Which Lawyer? as a highly recommended attorney in the areas of Labor and Employment Benefit; was indicated by the English publication Chambers & Partners as an Attorney of Reference in the area of Dispute Resolution; was elected an Attorney of Reference in the area of Product Liability by the Who s Who Legal survey conducted by the English group Law Business Research.

Professional Associations
  • American Bar Association
  • International Bar Association

Brazilian Bar Association (Chapters of the States of Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo, Porto Alegre and Pernambuco).

Seminars/ Presentation
Speaker in the DRI International Seminar (Miami, 2006);

Speaker in a Products Liability Seminar (Miami, 2005).

Professional Activities and Experience
Foreign Associate at Baker & McKenzie in Chicago, working in the Latin American Department from October 1990 until October 1991.


Book ''Administracao do Risco Trabalhista'' - Management of Employment Risk (Lumen Juris, 2003);

Article published in the ''Revista dos Tribunais'' on Tobacco Litigation in Europe (2006);

Articles on Employment Cost published in the ''O Globo'' newspaper (2004) and in the ''Custo Brasil magazine'' (2006).

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