Practice Expertise

  • Arbitration
  • Corporate Crime & Investigations
  • Energy & Infrastructure
  • Financial Services

Areas of Practice

  • Arbitration
  • Corporate Crime & Investigations
  • Energy & Infrastructure
  • Financial Services
  • Economic Crimes & Investigations
  • Industry & Commerce
  • Litigation
  • Trade & Distribution
  • White Collar Crime & Investigations
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Michael Feit is a partner in the Litigation & Arbitration Team. He has extensive experience in representing parties in complex arbitration disputes under all major arbitration rules (including ICC, LCIA, WIPO and Swiss Rules) and in ad hoc proceedings. He also sits as an arbitrator, both in commercial and investment arbitrations (ICC, ICSID, Swiss Rules). Michael Feit has acted in arbitrations seated in civil law and common law jurisdictions on disputes governed by laws from around the globe, including English, French, Russian, Delaware law and the laws of a number of Eastern European States. His practice encompasses a broad range of industries, such as pharmaceuticals, renewable energy, distribution, construction, aviation, telecommunication, railway services, and post M&A disputes. Michael Feit has published numerous articles on commercial and investment arbitration, including more than one hundred reports on arbitration decisions of the Swiss Federal Supreme Court. Michael Feit is regularly invited to speak at arbitration conferences.

Michael Feit’s recent victories for his clients include rescinding a share purchase agreement in the value of one billion Russian rubles for fraudulent misrepresentation, fending off a post-M&A claim with an amount at stake exceeding one hundred million US dollars and defending against the extension of an arbitration agreement to a non-signatory under Swiss and French law.

Michael Feit is ranked as a 'Leading Individual' in Swiss arbitration in the current edition of Legal 500, calling him 'THE lawyer in the field of arbitration and there is no greater expert'. In earlier editions, he was consistently ranked as a 'Next Generation Lawyer' in Swiss arbitration, praising him as an 'excellent attorney with outstanding understanding of the relevant matters', 'very knowledgeable in both Swiss and international arbitration rules and law', 'extremely diligent and provides first class legal services to his clients', 'stand-out practitioner' who is 'recommended for his investment arbitration expertise' and as an 'excellent team player and inventive thinker'. Michael Feit has also been repeatedly recognized as a 'Thought Leader' in Swiss arbitration by Who’s Who Legal, including in the current edition, quoting peers and clients underlining his 'stellar understanding of arbitration proceedings', calling him 'highly regarded', 'an excellent lawyer', 'highly intelligent and incredibly knowledgeable', a 'very talented arbitration lawyer!' and 'a very experienced counsel and arbitrator'. In earlier editions, Michael Feit has been recommended by Who’s Who Legal as a 'Global Leader', 'National Leader' and 'Future Leader' praising him as 'a sharp thinker', 'a future heavyweight in the arbitration community', 'a very quick thinker, a real professional and an excellent lawyer who we have always found to be very supportive, always on time and responsive', and lauding him that he 'stands out as a highly intelligent arbitration lawyer, a true strategic thinker and a very effective advocate' and that 'he is a brilliant attorney who has great understanding and knowledge not only of Swiss law but also various parallel relevant laws'. Michael Feit is also recommended by other leading directories Chambers & Partners and Best Lawyers as an arbitration expert.

Michael Feit was educated at Zurich University (lic. iur. 1999, Dr. iur. 2007 awarded with the Issekutz Prize) and New York University (LL.M. 2009, Dean's Graduate Award Scholar). He worked as a law clerk, as a teaching and research assistant at the University of Zurich and as a senior associate in the international arbitration practice group of a major law firm in London.

Michael Feit practices in German and English. He is registered with the Zurich Bar Registry and admitted to practice in all Switzerland.

Areas of Practice

  • Arbitration
  • Corporate Crime & Investigations
  • Energy & Infrastructure
  • Financial Services
  • Economic Crimes & Investigations
  • Industry & Commerce
  • Litigation
  • Trade & Distribution
  • White Collar Crime & Investigations

Professional Career

Significant Accomplishments

WWL ranking - Arbitration Switzerland 2023

Chambers and Partners has moved Walder Wyss’s Arbitration Team up to Band 2 in its 2023 Global Ranking

Who’s Who Legal has again recognized a record number of Walder Wyss arbitration practitioners as leaders in their field

Victories both in arbitration proceedings and before the Swiss Federal Supreme Court

Record number of arbitration practitioners of Walder Wyss featured in Who’s Who Legal 2020

«Who’s Who Legal» bezeichnet drei Experten aus dem Walder Wyss Team für Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit als die kommenden grossen Namen im Schiedsverfahrensrecht

Beförderungen bei Walder Wyss

«Future Leaders» im Schiedsbereich gewählt

Who's Who Legal benennt drei junge Anwälte des Prozessführungsteams von Walder Wyss als künftig führende Praktiker im Bereich internationale Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit

Who's Who Legal benennt drei junge Anwälte des Prozessführungsteams von Walder Wyss als künftig führende Praktiker im Bereich internationale Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit

Erfolg vor Bundesgericht – Walder Wyss wehrt eine Schiedsbeschwerde in einem USD 35 Millionen ICC-Schiedsverfahren ab

Walder Wyss ernennt neuen Konsulenten und neuen Mandatsleiter


Investor-State Arbitration 2024 - Chapter 13 (Switzerland)
Swiss landmark decision on the admissibility of intra-EU investment arbitration
Doing Business in Switzerland – A Practical Guide
The Legal 500 Powerlist Arbitration 2023 - Interview Michael Feit
Interview - WWL Thought Leaders Switzerland 2021
Chapter 14 (Switzerland)
The U.S. Supreme Court closes the door on discovery in support of international commercial arbitration
The door remains open for discovery in support of international commercial arbitration in the U.S.
Doing Business in Switzerland – A Practical Guide
Time to Act for EU Investors – EU States Cancel Intra-EU BITs
Voraussetzungen für ein "opting out" in der Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit: Urteil des Bundesgerichts vom 7. Mai 2019; 4A_540/2018
Schweizerisches Bundesgericht ermittelt das schwächste Glied
Kommentar zu Art. 181 IPRG
Attraktivität der Schweiz als Sitz des Schiedsverfahrens weiter gestiegen
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Die Schweiz behält ihre führende Position im Bereich der internationalen Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit bei
Achmea-Earthquake - Time to Consider a Swiss Solution
Bundesgericht bestätigt Unabhängigkeit des TAS gegenüber der FIFA
Bindung vor Vertragsunterzeichnung
SCHWEIZ: Umgang mit Schiedsklausel in nicht unterzeichnetem Vertrag
Das Bundesgericht äussert sich zum zulässigen Aufgabenbereich eines Schiedsgerichtssekretärs und eines Schiedsgerichtskonsulenten nach der lex arbitri: Ein Kommentar zu BGer 4A_709/2014 vom 21. Mai 2015
ICSID Arbitration in the Spotlight
Kommentar zu Artikel 3 und 78 CISG
Emergency Arbitration and State Courts Interim Measures
Book Review of Piercing the Veil of State Enterprises in International Arbitration/by Albert Badia
Commentary to Art. 5 to 8 of the Swiss Rules of International Arbitration
Conduct of Counsel in International Arbitration
Kommentar zu Art. 181 IPRG
Übungsbuch Obligationenrecht Allgemeiner Teil
Parallelverfahren und Lis Pendens
Zurechnung und die Umbrella Clause – Gibt es einen Ausweg aus der Sackgasse?
Autor im grössten Wirtschaftsrecht-Blog der Schweiz für internationale und nationale Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit. Hat über 50 Berichte zu Entscheiden des Schweizerischen Bundesgerichts zur nationalen und internationalen Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit sowie zu
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Haftung des Staates nach internationalem Recht für Vertragsbrüche staatlich beherrschter Gesellschaften
Die Haftung des Anwalts gegenüber Dritten für eine Third Party Legal Opinion: Gegenstand der Arbeit und wichtigste Thesen
Die Haftung des Anwalts gegenüber dritten für eine Third Party Legal Opinion

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