New Pharmacist's Guidelines for Advertisement in Brazil 

January, 2019 - Valdir Rocha, Lígia Alvarenga, Rodrigo Ayres

The Federal Council of Pharmacy published Resolution No. 658/2018 to regulate publicity, advertisement and announcement of activities related to the pharmaceutical profession. Such include any disclosure arising or promoted by pharmacists, regardless of the means of communication.

Among the requirements of the new resolution, pharmacists appearing in advertising promotions must be properly identified, the content of the advertisement must be based on scientific evidence for education purposes, as well as for public interest and in accordance with the ethical principles that govern the profession.

Such enables the pharmacists to protect themselves and disclose their activities and services safely, avoiding any misleading and abusive advertising, which conflicts with the Brazilian Consumer Protection Code and might induce the patient/consumer to error.

When acting as a speaker at events, the pharmacist must disclose a conflict of interest statement and inform the receiving of support and sponsorship from agencies and companies.

Advertisements from pharmacists with the intent of self-promotion, promotion of services, prices or payment for intending to attract costumers/patients and the use of expressions such as "best," "most efficient," or "the only one skilled" to qualify the professional’s goods and services are prohibited.

Pharmacists will have 90 (ninety) days from October 02nd, 2018 to adapt to and comply with the new resolution.



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