COVID-19: Technical Guidelines for Sanitary Safety in the Workplace have been Issued 

May, 2020 - Jorge De Presno Arizpe, Juan Carlos Serra, Alvaro González-Schiaffino, Rodolfo Barreda and Ricardo Evangelista

In accordance with the publications by the Ministry of Health on May 14 and 15, 2020, the morning of Monday 18, the technical guidelines for health safety in the workplace were published so that micro, small and medium-sized companies can restart activities without compromising the health of its employees.

The guidelines are issued jointly by the Ministry of Health, Economy, Labor and Social Welfare and by the Mexican Institute of Social Security and will be in full force and effect from its publication and until the date in which the sanitary emergency is declared terminated.

The application of the guidelines is mandatory for the restart of new activities considered essential in the construction, mining and transportation equipment manufacturing industry (“the new essential sectors”) and will only serve as reference for the rest of the activities previously considered essential.

As of May 18, 2020, companies and industries in the new essential sectors must complete the so-called questionnaire «Self-assessment of the Sanitary Safety Protocol» and an online application must also be completed through the web page Guidelines can be consulted in this web address.

An online application must be made for each plant or location of each company or group. General identification data requested must be completed per location and a letter of commitment must also be completed online.

The Mexican Institute of Social Security will be responsible for issuing a result of the registry within the following 72 hours.

Companies will receive notification from the Mexican Institute of Social Security via email regarding the approval, request for additional information or denial of the sanitary security protocol in order to be able to initiate or not the essential activities.

In the event the authorization is denied, companies may restart the process for a new analysis of the protocol.

The Partners, Counsels and Associates of our Labor, Administrative and Health practice groups, together with their associates, are available to comment in more detail the content of this informative note.


Jorge de Presno

Juan Carlos Serra

Álvaro González-Schiaffino

Rodolfo Barreda

Ricardo Evangelista



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