OSCE and PERÚ COMPRAS (PC) Report on the Measures to be Implemented Regarding the State of Emergency Declared by Supreme Decree No. 044-2020-PCM 

March, 2020 - Carlos Carpio, Hugo Silva, Carlos Carpio, Hugo Silva,

The Government Procurement Supervising Agency – OSCE and the Central Purchasing Body PERÚ COMPRAS (PC) report on the measures to be implemented regarding the State of Emergency declared by Supreme Decree No. 044-2020-PCM

Through Communiqué No. 003-2020 issued on March 16, 2020, the GovernmentProcurementSupervising Agency – OSCE announced the measures it will implement regarding the approval of Supreme Decree No. 044-2020-PCM, which declares the State of Emergency as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak.

The aim of the Communiqué is to inform the servers, users, entities, suppliers and the general public of the following measures:

1. Suspension of care and attendance of the public in its administrative offices.

2. Establishment of remote working roles in order to guarantee the continuity of essential operations, as established by Emergency Decree No. 026-2020, which establishes various exceptional and temporary measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

3. Implementation of a virtual system to carry out scheduled training activities.

4. Suspension of exams for access to certifications of the servers of the body responsible for contracting entities and extension of the validity of certifications that expired until March 30, for even sixty (60) calendar days.

5. Suspension of the period of arbitrations organized under the provisions of the National Arbitration System and Ad Hoc arbitrations managed by the OSCE.

6. Suspension of the calculation of the term of administrative procedures subject to positive and negative silence, appeals and issuance of pronouncements, and proceedings before the National Registry of Suppliers - RNP, in accordance with the provisions of the aforementioned Emergency Decree.

In line with the measures reported by the OSCE, the Central Purchasing Body PERÚ COMPRAS(PC) issued Communiqué No. 033-2020 dated March 16, 2020, in which it stated the actions that said entity would adopt, linked to the aforementioned State of Emergency:

1. Suspension of face-to-face and telephone attention to the services provided by PERÚ COMPRAS.

2. Suspension of the calculation of the term of the administrative procedures that are in progress, in accordance with the provisions of Emergency Decree No. 026-2020.

3. Electronic Catalog Platform of the Framework Agreement will remain in operation.

4. Regarding the fulfillment of the obligations generated through the orders issued in the Electronic Catalogs, each Entity must adopt the corresponding measures in accordance with the regulations in force.

5. General enquiries about the services of PERÚ COMPRAS will be made via email informe@perucompras.gob.pe and WhatsApp: 982212991/942736152.


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