In March 2021 the Government-to-Government Agreement (G2G) will be Signed for the Construction of Via Expresa Santa Rosa and Nueva Carretera Central. 

March, 2021 - Hugo Silva, Diana Briones

The Minister of Transport and Communications, Eduardo Gonzalez Chavez, reported that in March 2021 will be announced the winning state that will sign the Government-to-Government Agreement (G2G) for the construction of Via Expresa Santa Rosa and Nueva Carretera Central. South Korea, Spain, France and Japan submitted proposals for this purpose.

Via Expresa Santa Rosa consists of an elevated viaduct that will link La Costa Verde and the future Santa Rosa Bridge, which will connect with the Jorge Chávez International Airport. According to industry statements, this work would involve an estimated investment of S/.819,700,000.00 (Eight Hundred Nineteen Million Seven Hundred Thousand and 00/100 Soles).

In turn, the construction of Nueva Carretera Central will cover the route of Huaycán – San Andrés de Tupicocha – Yauli – Pachachaca, within the regions of Huánuco and Pasco. It has been estimated that the total investment amount of this 136 kilometers long project is approximately S/.11,570,000,000.00 (Eleven Billion Five Hundred Seventy Million and 00/100 Soles).

It is worth mentioning that the Budget Law for the year 2021, adopted by Law No. 31084, has provided for the opening of bids for the financing of both projects during the current year.

After the execution of the G2G Agreement, the winning state will provide the Peruvian State with the necessary technical assistance for the execution of both projects, including the implementation of the processes required for the contracting of the executors of both works.

Finally, it is worth noting that, according to the Budget Law for the year 2021, it was also provided for the opening of bids for the execution of the following projects under the modality of G2G Agreements: (i) Lines 3 and 4 of the Basic Network of the Lima Metro; and, (ii) financing of the priority investment portfolio of the Housing, Construction and Health sector.

Any consultation on this matter may be answered by the lawyers of Rodrigo, Elías & Medrano Abogados. Please contact Dr. Hugo Silva ( and/or Diana Briones (



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