[Infographic] Lao PDR – Data Protection Issues During the COVID-19 Control Measures 

April, 2021 - Segolene Leffy

Quick and easily accessible guide for human resource and compliance professionals in the Lao PDR to understand the local data protection requirements.

This DFDL infographic provides general guidance to HR and compliance departments as to the different steps employers should consider while collecting, monitoring and storing employees’ personal data to prevent or manage the risk of COVID-19 in the workplace. These considerations are relevant for the collection of information relating to, for example, potential COVID-19 exposure of employees, when an employee tests positive for COVID-19 and also vaccination details.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out to our team if you would like us to draft or review your data protection protocols, privacy notices or any associated contracts or policies.


[Scroll down to view Infographic]


The information provided in this email is for information purposes only and is not intended to constitute legal advice. Legal advice should be obtained from qualified legal counsel for all specific situations.



Kristy Newby
Kristy Newby
Partner, Lao PDR Managing Director & Co-Head of Regional Compliance & Investigations Practice


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The post [Infographic] Lao PDR – Data Protection Issues During the COVID-19 Control Measures appeared first on DFDL.


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