Malta launches a Civil Aviation Policy for 2023-2030 

January, 2023 - Mamo TCV Advocates

 Dr Nicholas Valenzia, head of the Shipping and Aviation Practice Area at the firm, was invited to speak at the National Aviation Conference which was organised by the Ministry for Transport, Infrastructure and Capital Projects on the 18th of January 2023 at the Phoenicia Hotel in Floriana.

Dr Valenzia discussed the aircraft financing and leasing market in Malta and the challenges to enhancing sectorial capacity and improving socio-economic benefits. Dr Valenzia’s address during the Conference can be seen in the video below.

During the Conference, the Ministry for Transport, Infrastructure and Capital Projects launched A Civil Aviation Policy for Malta 2023-2030. The vision of the Policy is to continue developing a sustainable, competitive and resilient aviation sector based on economic, social and environmental considerations, and consequently maintaining the position of the Maltese aviation sector as a globally renowned player.

The Policy intends to give strategic direction and specific objectives for the advancement of the aviation sector and to highlight and strengthen the critical role of aviation in Malta. Its objective is to foster sustainable growth within the aviation sector by striking the right balance between the economic, social and environmental dimensions, to continue creating opportunities supporting high quality employment and to continue enhancing Malta’s position within the global aviation sector.


You can view Dr Valenzia’s speech in the video below:

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