Unlock Funding Opportunities for Your SME: EU Renews IP Grant 

January, 2023 - Mamo TCV Advocates

 Following the successful uptake of a similar initiative in 2022, the European Commission has re-launched its fund to support small and medium enterprises (“SMEs”) in safeguarding their intellectual property assets.

The scheme, which will run from 23 January 2023 until 8 December 2023, will enable SMEs established in the European Union to recover up to 75% of eligible fees incurred in connection with trademark and design applications, at both EU and national level, up to a maximum of €1,000.

This is welcome news, since it is estimated that over 99% of all businesses in the EU are SMEs and is all the more pertinent in the digital age, where obtaining formal legal protection of one’s intangible assets allows businesses to prevent others from copying or using them without their authorisation.




Disclaimer: This document does not purport to give legal, financial or tax advice. Should you require further information or legal assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us on IP@mamotcv.com 

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