Oil Sands and Shale Gas - Western Canada’s Unconventional Answer to Global Energy Demand  

October, 2011 - Chris W. Sanderson and Lewis L. Manning

Canada is uniquely positioned to provide an abundance of secure and reliable energy. With conventional oil supply declining, the need for unconventional resources, like oil sands and shale gas, will increase. Alberta and British Columbia, Canada’s two western-most provinces, house the vast majority of Canada’s oil and natural gas deposits, making both provinces key players in the push to develop resources sufficient to meet growing energy demand in North America and beyond.

This article looks at Alberta's oil sands and BC's shale gas resources. To read the full article, click here.

Fore more information please contact Chris W. Sanderson at csanderson@lawsonlundell.com or 604.631.9183 or Lewis L. Manning at lmanning@lawsonlundell.com or 403.781.9458.



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