Actions of the Government Against ‘Miracle Products’ 

February, 2012 - Daniel Del Rio Loaiza; ROdolfo Barreda Alvarado; Ingridd Muniz Uriega

In connection with the recent changes in legislation in the field of health, the Federal Commission for protection against health risks ("Cofepris") has taken various actions against the sale, distribution and advertising of the so-called "miracle products," which are distributed without scientific evidence to demonstrate its therapeutic properties.

These actions range from the assurance of products that promise to "cure" various diseases (such as cancer, osteoporosis, obesity, depression, overweight and arthritis) until the reform of the regulation of the General Law of health in terms of advertising, with the purpose that the media request permission to that effect issued the Cofepris before transmitting ads to air.

More than 250 "miracle" which do not comply with the health legislation and products that represent a considerable risk to human health have been withdrawn from the market, including, among others, the following: "Adelgaza Line", "Artichoke Caps", "Biocare Slim", "Chardon Marie", "Demograss", "Less Kilos", "Rejuvital" and "Zutrax Prostamax". It is the intention of the Cofepris to the manufacturers and distributors undergo assessment of scientific information that check the therapeutic properties and rehabilitatorias of their products and, accordingly, to obtain the health registry such as medication, avoiding a risk to public health.

Advocates of the health area of the Office are at your service for any clarification that require on its content.

Daniel Del Rio Loaiza -

Rodolfo Barreda Alvarado -

Ingridd Muniz Uriega -




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