SMS Buenos Aires
  April 22, 2020 - Argentina

Summary of International Government Emergency Measures as of March 1, 2020
  by Several collaborators

The article has information regarding all Latin American countries; please contact us for the document or you can download it from this site (



Payment Chain Maintenance:

• Rent freeze

• Mortgage installments freeze and prohibition of foreclosure

• UVA (“purchasing power unit” by its Spanish acronym ) secured loansinstallments freeze

• Suspension of the closing of accounts due to bounced check

• Flexibilization of parameters to rank bank debtors• Removal of punitive interests for unpaid credits

• Extension of deadlines to present checks

Salary Assistance Program:

• Salary compensation allowance (in the context of the EmergencyAssistance Program for Work and Production)

• Extension of REPRO -(Federal Productive Reconversion Program byits Spanish acronym)- (in the context of the Emergency AssistanceProgram for Work and Production)


• Extension of the FOGAR (Argentine Guaranty Fund for its Spanishacronym) guaranty fund for loans for SMEs

• Flexibilization of requirements to access credits• Credits for payment of salaries and working capital (deferred checkpayments)

• Deadline for payment of credit cards postponed• The unpaid balance of credit cards can be refinanced

Procedures Flexibilization:

• Suspension of administrative deadlines in the PBA

• Extension of authorizations for dairy production facilitiesConsumption Maintenance

• Maximum prices for consumer goods• Emergency Family Income

• Extension of the Ahora 12 program (Program to buy national productsin fixed installments with credit card)

• Prohibition of labor lay-offs and suspensions

• Reinforcement of the Unemployment Benefit (Emergency AssistanceProgram for Work and Production)• Reinforcement of unemployment benefit



Measures specifically adopted for entrepreneurs:

• Deferral of credits in force in February 2020 for 6 months, including principal and interests

• Financial assistance of 2 basic salaries for each employee of the company, with funding of 2 months of payroll at soft rates for 18 months.

• Loan facilities related to business interruption in order to help companies in the long term.

Fiscal aid measures:

• Postponement of payment of Utilities tax (Income Tax for the 2019 and 2020 administration)

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