Brigard Urrutia
  April 1, 2020 - Colombia

ANM and ANH Extended Suspensions of Administrative Activities

The National Mining Agency ("ANM") and the National Hydrocarbons Agency ("ANH") published resolutions by means of which they extended the suspensions of some of their activities during the preventive isolation decreed by the National Government.

First, the ANM published the Resolution No. 116 of 2020, by means of which it extended until April 12, the suspensions set forth in its Resolution 096 of 2020.

Specifically, the ANM maintained the suspension for:

  1. The public attention in all its offices in the country;
  2. The administrative proceedings initiated before the ANM and the terms of the titleholders and applicants to comply with the technical or legal requirements requested by the ANM, as well as the terms to file appeals, as applicable.
  3. The procedures for administrative protection, as well as any other proceedings and field visits to be carried out by the ANM;
  4. The terms and procedures related to the coercive collections carried out by the ANM;
  5. The terms within the internal disciplinary control processes carried out by the ANM; and
  6. The entry into operation of the functions of registration of subsistence miners and approval by the municipal mayors in the subsistence mining registration system under the responsibility of the ANM. This suspension is effective as from today, March 31.

The ANM maintained excepted from this suspension the obligations related to the payment of royalties, surface fees and other economic considerations, the constitution of the environmental mining policies and the compliance with standards and requirements related to health and safety in mining activities.

In addition, the ANM informed that if the National Government considers it appropriate to extend the date of the preventive isolation, the terms and activities described above will also be extended for the same time, without it being necessary to issue a new resolution.

To see Resolution No. 116 of 2020: FOLLOW THISLINK.

On the other hand, the ANH published the Resolution No. 175 of 2020, by means of which extended until April 13 the suspension set forth in its Resolution No. 152 of 2020.

In that sense, the ANM extended the suspension of the general terms to comply with ANH requirements and the public’s attention, and confirmed that attention to the public will be carried out through its virtual mechanisms, such as emails and its official web pages, as follows:

- Emails:; Website: WWW.ANH.GOV.CO- Telephone number for public’s attention: +57 (1) 5931717 – Ext. 1310- Virtual advisor: SILVIAA


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