July 22, 2020 - Israel

COVID-19: Exceptional Cases in which Population and Immigration Authority will Allow Foreigners to Enter Israel
  by Amit Bechler

Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, as of March 2020, Israel prohibited foreign nationals from any country from entering its borders, including citizens who held any kind of visa. Only foreign residents who could prove that their 'life centre' was in Israel could enter the country.

In June 2020 the Population and Immigration Authority published a list of exceptional cases in which it will allow foreigners into the country. Specifically, the following individuals will be permitted to enter Israel:

  • foreigners married to Israeli citizens and residents and their minor children;

  • foreign experts required to work on national infrastructure projects or maintain the functional continuity of the economy, subject to the government's recommendation.

  • Foreign experts with a permit for at least one year can also travel to their homeland and return to Israel, subject to an approval of the Ministry of Interior;

  • international students who started their studies in Israel and are currently abroad; in such cases, applications must be made by the academic institution and not by the student;

  • artists, cultural professionals and athletes, subject to the Ministry of Culture and Sports' recommendation; medical tourists, whereby applications must be submitted by the hospital manager directly to the Ministry of Health;

  • and foreigners who are seeking to attend the wedding or funeral or other family events of a first degree relative in Israel.

Foreigners who wish to enter Israel in the above exceptional cases must apply for a permit before entering the country. Without a suitable permit, they will not be allowed to board a flight to Israel.

Any foreigner who enters Israel must stay in quarantine for 14 days from their date of entry.

For further information on this topic please contact Amit Bechler at Fischer Behar Chen Well Orion & Co by telephone (+972 3 694 4111) or email ( The Fischer Behar Chen Well Orion & Co website can be accessed at