April 16, 2021 - Israel

Israel Reopens the Skies for Foreign Experts and Businessmen

Further to the decline of the Covid-19 spread in Israel after the successful vaccination rollout, Israel has announced changes in foreign entry policy into the country, which will allow, among others, the regular entry of foreign experts and businessmen. These reliefs come after several months in which the state borders were almost completely closed to foreigners.

According to the new policy, foreign experts' entry into the country will be approved, subject to the approval of the relevant government ministry. Also, entry of foreign workers' in the agriculture and construction industries will be approved, including the entry of foreign workers who visited their home.

Vaccinated foreign businesspeople wishing to attend business meetings in Israel must present a permit from the Ministry of Economic. Unvaccinated businesspeople are also required to get the approval of the Ministry of Health.

Since the Population and Immigration Authority resumes issuing visas after an extended period, there is a load of applications, and delays in issuing new visas should be expected.

Please note that foreign citizen entering Israel are still obliged to meet the following requirements:

  • Negative PCR test taken at least 72 hours before the flight to Israel and another negative test upon arrival in Israel.

  • Obtaining a boarding permit.

  • Presenting a health insurance policy that includes coverage for Covid-19.

  • Quarantine of at least ten days. Currently, vaccinated or recovering foreigners will be required to perform a serological blood test in Israel as a condition of exemption from isolation.

  • Online registration no more than 24 hours before the scheduled departure - We will be happy to assist you with the arrangements for entry into Israel.

Immigration Department

For further information, please contact:

Adv. Amit Bechler


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