August 1, 2022 - Phnom Penh, Cambodia

PDP VIII Updates, Developments on Solar and Wind Tariff Mechanism, and Police Investigation
  by Ramandeep Singh Bhamra

We would like to share with you the most recent updates regarding the draft Power Development Plan (“PDP”) VIII, a mechanism for wind, solar power projects in transition and future, and the police investigation into 62 wind power projects.


Following the report of the Ministry of Trade and Industry (“MOIT”) to the Prime Minister under official letter no. 3787/BCT-DL dated 4 July 2022 (“OL 3787”) on the review of some contents of the PDP VIII, the Government Office issued a notice no. 206/TB-VPCP dated 18 July 2022 (“Notice 206”) announcing the conclusion of Deputy Prime Minister Le Van Thanh at the working session on OL 3787.

Notice 206 is the result of the working session on 17 July 2022 between the Deputy Prime Minister, the MOIT and relevant stakeholders, which requests the MOIT to clarify and supplement the following:

The MOIT shall report back the above matters to the Prime Minister by 21 July 2022.

On 25 July 2022, the MOIT reported back to the Prime Minister under official letter no. 4329, in which it confirmed that:


On 21 July 2022, the MOIT submits to the Prime Minister an official letter no. 126/BC-BCT reporting on mechanism for wind, solar power projects in transition and future (“Report 126”), we summarize below key notes in the Report.

1.  Mechanism for wind, solar power projects in transition

The MOIT notes the Prime Minister that the MOIT has reported to the Prime Minister on mechanisms for wind, solar power projects in transition under its report no. 17/BC-CBT dated 27 January 2022 (“Report 17”) and explanatory letter no. 1513/ TT-BCT dated 24 March 2022 (“Explanatory Letter 1513”). The proposed mechanisms for projects in transition are as follows:

a.      Option 1 (under Report 17): negotiation with EVN on a tariff within the tariff range issued by the

Under this Option 1, the MOIT shall promulgate regulations on methods and procedures for formulating, appraising, and stipulating the tariff range. Then, EVN negotiates and signs purchase and sale power contracts with investors per the negotiated tariff. In fact, the approach and implementation of Option 1 will be similar as the mechanism, which has been used in hydro power, thermal power, and LNG power projects.

According to the MOIT, this Option 1 will ensure a strict compliance with the Electricity Law and its guiding regulations, the Prices Law, namely: “the right to self-determination of power purchase and sale prices within the tariff range.”

b.      Option 2 (under Explanatory Letter 1513): bidding tariff

Under this Option 2, the MOIT shall draft a decision of the Prime Minister regulating the bidding mechanism to purchase power generated from wind power and solar power projects in transition. If this decision is issued, EVN shall organize a bid in respect of power purchase for a 3-year period within the tariff range issued by the MOIT.

However, the legal basis for this Option 2 has not yet been in place. Article 5.4 of Decision No. 13/2020/QD-TTg stipulates that “the purchase price of solar power projects […] shall be determine through a competitive mechanism.” The competitive mechanism could be understood as power purchase bidding. However, there is no legal guidance in respect of power purchase bidding for licensed projects or project under construction/implementation. Hence, if issued, it will be a completely new regulation.

In addition, per the consultation process, the MOIT receives many feedbacks and comments from the private sector, mostly disagreements. The reasons of those disagreements mainly are about lacking a legal basis, cash flow impacts, and loan repayment.

2.  Mechanism for wind, solar power projects in future

Per its analysis on projects in transition, the MOIT proposes the Prime Minister that in the future, wind, solar power projects shall also follow the approach in Option 1 as proposed for the projects in transition, namely: negotiation with EVN on a tariff within the tariff range issued by the MOIT.

3.  Changes in law in respect of wind, solar power projects

As applicable clauses on FIT tariff are no longer effective despite that Decision no. 13/2020/QD-TTg on solar power development, Decision no. 37/2011/QD-TTg and Decision no. 39/2018/QD-TTg on wind power development (collectively “PM Decisions”) legally remain effective.

In addition, numbers of issues under those Decisions are no longer relevant, such as:

Hence, the MOIT proposes to revoke those PM Decisions.  After that, the MOIT shall be responsible to amend its guiding Circulars on solar and wind power for the purpose of conformity.

4.   MOIT’s overall recommendations

To conclude, the MOIT recommends the following actions to the Prime Minister in respect of solar and wind power development:


Separately, we observe that a number of media agencies have recently reported on the investigation of the Police Department on crimes related to corruption, economy, smuggling (C03) under the Ministry of Public Security into 62 wind projects and any other similar projects not being able to reach a commercial operation date before 1 November 2021 to be entitled to enjoy the FIT tariff under the PM Decisions.  The investigation’s scope is about the issuance of permits, credit agreements, outstanding debts, and debt classification for the investment of wind projects in Vietnam.

Under its official letter no. 1876, C03 requests the Banking Inspection and Supervision Division of the State Bank of Vietnam to coordinate for the collection of materials and information. C03 further notes that this investigation is for the purpose of advising the Government on mechanisms and policies for power purchase from wind projects operating after 1 November 2021, and to resolve difficulties for businesses and credit institutions.


The information provided here is for information purposes only, and is not intended to constitute legal advice. Legal advice should be obtained from qualified legal counsel for all specific situations.



Kevin Hawkins

Partner, Vietnam


Phong Anh Hoang

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