Mamo TCV Advocates
  February 17, 2023 - Valletta, Malta

Digital Services Act Deadline for Online Platform Providers
  by Mamo TCV Advocates

 17 February, 2023, marks the deadline for providers of online platforms to publish information on the average monthly active recipients of their services in the European Union (EU), as required by the Digital Services Act (Regulation (EU) 2022/2065) (DSA).

The DSA defines online platforms as providers of hosting services that publicly disseminate users’ information. The European Commission has previously provided that online platforms cover a wide range of activities and include:

  • Online marketplaces;
  • Social media platforms;
  •  Creative content outlets;
  •  App stores;
  •  Platforms for the collaborative economy;
  •  Price comparison websites; and
  •  Search engines.

Under the DSA, providers of online platforms must publish this information at least once every six months in a publicly available section of their online interface. The referenced average must be calculated over the previous six months. This requirement is designed to increase transparency and accountability of online platforms and search engines, and to give users and regulators a better understanding of the scale and reach of these services in the EU.

Providers of online platforms operating in the EU, including Malta, must ensure that they have published the required information on the average monthly active recipients by the stipulated deadline and continue to do so at least once every six months going forward.


Disclaimer: This document does not purport to give legal, financial or tax advice. Should you require further information or legal assistance, please do not hesitate to contact

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