Haynes and Boone, LLP
  January 11, 2012 - United States of America

New gTLD Application Window Opens Tomorrow: What Do Brand Owners Need to Know to Protect Their Brands?
  by Lisa Garono, Jennifer M. Lantz, Jeffrey M. Becker

Starting tomorrow, organizations may start submitting applications for new gTLDs (generic Top Level Domains). The application window will close on April 12, 2012.

The new gTLDs move well beyond the core group of generic top level domains of .com, .net, .org, .biz, .info, and .edu. Specifically, they can consist of any combination of three or more letters that an applicant chooses. As a result, the new gTLDs have created concerns among brand owners that their brands may be hijacked or held for ransom by cyber-buccaneers. Independently, many brand owners are reticent to pay the $185,000 application fee for the “.MYBRAND” domain of each of their brands - and are not ready to commit to the additional requirement that they own and operate a domain name registry - but at the same time, are concerned about the possibility of losing the opportunity to own the “.MYBRAND” TLD forever. For those who fall in this camp, this alert outlines what brand owners need to know to protect their brands against third parties through this first round of the new gTLD application process.

Timing for objecting to gTLD applications: No defensive action is required by brand owners until the application window closes on April 12, 2012. Approximately two weeks after the application window closes, ICANN (the organization that oversees all domain registry processes) will post the public portions of all applications received, including applied-for strings, applicant names, application types, missions/purposes of proposed gTLDs, and other public application data on its website www.ICANN.org. Currently, the onus is on brand owners to check the ICANN website and review and object to the published applications for any proposed gTLD that may infringe their trademark rights. However, ICANN is considering a notification service to notify brand owners if someone has applied for a letter string that is or contains the brand owner’s brand. Haynes and Boone will continue to monitor the development of this process. In addition, third party vendors are planning to offer watch services for brand owners. Corsearch, Thomson Compumark, and other brand-monitoring services have indicated that they plan to offer such services.

Formal objection process: When the objection window opens in late April, the formal objection period will begin and will last for approximately seven months. The Applicant Guidebook found at http://newgtlds.icann.org/en/applicants/agb sets forth the procedures for each of these objection processes. Formal objections using pre-established Dispute Resolution Procedures (DRPs) may be filed on several grounds, including a Legal Rights Objection on the basis of trademark infringement.

A Legal Rights Objection may be made where the potential use of the applied-for gTLD allegedly takes unfair advantage of the distinctive character or reputation of the objector’s registered or unregistered trademark or service mark. If the objection is based on trademark rights, the panel will consider the following eight non-exclusive factors:

All Legal Rights Objections will be adjudicated by the Intellectual Property Organization. The official fees for lodging a Legal Rights Objection will be approximately $10,000 or $25,000, depending upon whether a single member panel hears the objection or whether a three-member panel is agreed upon by the parties to hear the objection.


1. Arrange for a watch on the ICANN website for newly filed gTLD applications. This can be done internally, through Haynes and Boone, or through a third-party vendor.

2. Review your trademark portfolio:

3. Don’t wait until the last minute to file an objection. Remember that others will be rushing to meet the same deadline!

For more information on the Trademark Practice Group and its members, you may visit the Trademarks, Advertising and Brand Management page of the Haynes and Boone, LLP website. If you would like assistance with your gTLD watch or an objection to a newly filed gTLD application, please contact one of the following lawyers.

Lisa A. Garono

Jennifer M. Lantz

Jeffrey M. Becker


Read full article at: http://www.haynesboone.com/new_gtld_application_window/