Karanovic & Partners
  May 15, 2014 - Croatia

The Croatian Consumer Protection Act Amended - May 2014
  by Danijel Pribanic, Ana Buncic

New Regulations Governing Consumer Claims and Language Use in Consumer Information


The Croatian Consumer Protection Act has recently updated how customer claims are to be handled. The receipt of complaints must now be confirmed in writing without delay. Complaints may be submitted by e-mail, fax or by post and merchants are obliged to respond to such complaints within a 15 day period, as well as to maintain a record of all complaints for at least one year as of the day the written complaint was received.

Below is an example of how merchants must now display customer information. This information must be placed in a visible place within their premises.



On the basis of Article 10 of theConsumer Protection Act (Official Gazette 41/14) consumers are entitled to submit a written complaint to a Merchant’s business premises, in [insert Merchant name] at the address [insert Merchant address] and confirm receipt in writing without delay.

Consumer is entitled to submit a written complaint by e-mail to the e-mail address [insert Merchant address].

Merchant is obliged to reply to written complaints within 15 days from the date the complaint was received in writing. Merchant is obliged to keep and store a permanent record of complaints for a period of one year from the date the complaint was received.


[Merchant Signature]

















If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us on the following email addresses:

→ Danijel Pribanic, Attorney at Law/ odvjetnik in cooperation with Karanovic & Nikolic


→ Ana Buncic, Associate, Odvjetnički ured Marohnić / Attorney-at-Law Marohnić in cooperation with Karanovic & Nikolic



Read full article at: http://www.karanovic-nikolic.com/2014/05/15/the-croatian-consumer-protection-act-amended/