Karanovic & Partners
  May 19, 2014 - Croatia

Croatian Health Insurance Contributions Raised and Equal Opportunity Legislation Revised
  by Danijel Pribanic, Ana Buncic

On 1 April 2014 amendments to the Contributions Act increasing the general rate for health insurance contributions from 13% to 15% came into force. The new contribution rate will be applied to salaries beginning in April 2014. Receipts related to previous periods will be grandfathered in at the previous applicable rate. Unused vacation for 2013 will be calculated at the 13% contribution rate and the new rate will apply to unused vacation in 2014. 

The New Act on Professional Rehabilitation and Employment of Disabled Persons will apply to all employers who employ at least 20 workers and work in the areas already regulated to employ a certain number of disabled persons. Foreign diplomatic missions, consular representatives, institutions or companies founded to employ disabled persons who cannot participate in the competitive labour market are exempt from this obligation, as well as newly founded companies, for a maximum period of 2 years from the date of company inception. 

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us on the following email addresses:

→ Danijel Pribanic, Attorney at Law/ odvjetnik in cooperation with Karanovic & Nikolic

→ Ana Buncic, Associate, Odvjetnički ured Marohnić / Attorney-at-Law Marohnić in cooperation with Karanovic & Nikolic


Read full article at: http://www.karanovic-nikolic.com/2014/05/15/croatian-health-insurance-contributions-raised-and-equal-opportunity-legislation-revised/