August 2, 2016 - Cambodia

Cambodia Investment Update for July 2016

Implementation of Prakas on minimum registered capital of banking and financial institutions,Circular № B7-016-117 C.L, dated 16 June 2016

This Circular, issued on 16 June 2016, aims at implementing Prakas B7-016-117 on Minimum Registered Capital of Banking and Financial Institutions (“BFIs”), dated 22 March 2016 (“Prakas B7-016-117”), in relation to procedures for increasing the minimum registered capital requirements of BFIs.

According to this Circular, BFIs must increase their capital by half of the difference between their current registered capital and new minimum registered capital, at the latest by end of March 2017 and in full by 22 March 2018. In order to do so, BFIs are required to submit a number of documents to the National Bank of Cambodia (“NBC”) no later than six (6) months after the signing date of this Circular.

Any BFIs unable to meet these new requirements must select one of the following procedures:

In terms of procedures for increase of minimum registered capital of BFIs set forth in the Circular, the NBC has taken into consideration the investment grade of the parent company for the injection of capital by BFIs as follows:

The investment grade of the parent bank is to be as determined by at least one of the following international independent rating agencies: Moody’s Investor Services, Standard & Poor’s, Fitch or other international independent rating agencies recognized by the NBC. Ratings submitted to the NBC must not be older than one (1) year. Circular No. B7-010-001 CL, dated 7 July 2010, on Investment grade, is repealed after the effective date of this Circular.


To strengthen the management of non-immigrant foreigners, the Royal Government of Cambodia has issued Sub-Decree 123 concerning permission for non-immigrant foreigners to enter, exit and stay in Cambodia. Non-immigrant foreigners who wish to enter Cambodia must apply for a visa at a Cambodian Embassy or Consulate, international border or online (for tourist visa).

This Sub-Decree introduces significant changes regarding visa types. While under the previous regulation, there were only 7 visa types including Diplomatic Visa (A), Official Visa (B), Courtesy Visa (C), Tourist Visa (T), Passing-through Visa (D), Ordinary Visa (E) and Special Visa (K), Sub-Decree 123 extends the visa types to long-term Ordinary Visa (E1, E2 and E3), ACMECS Visa (KHM) and long-term Tourist Visa (T1, T2 and T3).

Previously, when a Visa E was extended for long-term stay, the Visa E holder would obtain a general Visa E. However, under Sub Decree 123, when being extended, an Ordinary Visa (E) is specifically classified into various types according to the purpose of the stay. For instance, the relevant visa extension types for business related purposes are Visa EB(for employees/labourers or merchants), Visa EG(for general non-immigration foreigners), Visa EP(for non-immigrant foreigners who wish to study business), Visa ER(for non-immigrant foreigners who are retired), Visa ET(for technical personnel) and Visa E1EX,E2EXand E3EX(for merchants who obtain Visa E1, E2 and E3 in accordance with the government’s policy). This Sub-Decree also specifies clearer requirements for the documents required to be submitted for each type of visa.

The penalty for non-immigrant foreigners who overstay their visa for up to 30 days increases from USD 5 to 10 USD per day. Those who overstay in Cambodia by more than 30 days will be required to leave Cambodia within 7 days. Those who use a visa for a purpose not permitted under such visa will be fined USD 100 and ordered to leave Cambodian within 7 days. In serious cases, those who do not comply with the above are required to pay double penalty and be deported from Cambodia.

Labour law enforcement

The Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training (“MLVT“) and the Ministry of Economy and Finance issued joint Prakas № 659 on 6 June 2016 that lists 105 labour law offences with accompanying monetary fines.

The monetary fines are categorized into two (2) types of jurisdiction: (i) monetary fines under the MLVT’s jurisdiction; and (ii) monetary fines under the court’s jurisdiction. In the table below, we highlight certain offences related to labour registration obligations:


Daily Wage

(Khmer Riels)

Fine by MLVT

Fine by Court Decision

Number of days for fine

Amount of fine

(Khmer Riel)

Number of days for fine

Amount of fine

(Khmer Riel)



1 x 2


1 x 4

Failure to declare opening and closing of enterprise




61 – 90

2,440,000 – 3,600,000

Failure to register enterprise establishment book




10 – 30

400,000 – 1,200,000

Absence of payroll leger




61 – 90

2,440,000 – 3,600,000

Failure to declare staff movement (in) and (out)




31 – 60

1,240,000 – 2,400,000

Failure to apply for visa-in or visa-out in work book for entry or departure of Cambodian employees




10 – 30

400,000 – 1,200,000

Failure to conduct election of staff representative(s) (shop steward) or comply with election procedure of staff representative(s)






Failure elect staff representative(s) and their deputy (ies) for next mandate






Absence of internal regulations




10 – 30

400,000 – 1,200,000

Failure to obtain approval of quota for employing foreign employees




61 – 90

2,440,000 – 3,600,000

Hiring foreign employees without valid work permits




61 – 90

2,440,000 – 3,600,000

DFDL contact:
Alex Larkin
Senior Consultant

*The information provided is for information purposes only, and is not intended to constitute legal advice. Legal advice should be obtained from qualified legal counsel for all specific situations.
