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Ellex Valiunas | January 2005

On 26 October 2004, Lithuanian Parliament adopted the Law on Works Councils which came into effect from 11 November 2004. In this memorandum please find short comments regarding the procedure for formation of national works councils, their role in the enterprise, obligations and additional legal possibilities of employers related to works councils ...

Lavery Lawyers | January 2005

On May 14, 2004, the Superior Court rendered judgment in Landry vs. L’Union Vie, Compagnie mutuelle d’assurance1 and allowed the action of the Plaintiff, Ms. Lucie Landry, in which she claimed $50,000 in insurance proceeds following the death of her brother on October 26, 2000, pursuant to a life insurance policy issued by Union Life on July 28, 2000. The case is currently under appeal. The Facts On July 28, 2000, Union Life Mutual Assurance Co ...

Shepherd and Wedderburn LLP | December 2004

Employers often find themselves stuck between a rock and a hard place when trying to manage employees who are pregnant. If the employer gets it wrong, he faces the potential for claims of sex discrimination and the possibility of a finding of automatic unfair dismissal. This can not only tarnish his reputation but hit him hard in the pocket too ...

Deacons | December 2004

In this article, we have summarised several recent employment cases that address the issues of maternity protection, summary dismissal, notice of termination of employment, payable wages and vicarious liability. Some of these cases ascertain the established position of the law whilst others shed new lights on some areas of uncertainties. The case of Sun Min v. Hong Kong Ming Wah Shipping Co. Ltd ...

Even if an idea for a new invention only exists in the mind of an employee, that idea belongs to the company…unless the contract of employment clearly states otherwise! The importance of ensuring that contracts of employment cover this area has been brought into sharp focus by a recent case in Texas, where the rules are very similar to those in the UK ...

Lavery Lawyers | August 2004

All companies must manage their excessive absenteeism files. Repeated absences, even when they only involve a small percentage of employees, have a substantial negative impact on all employees. An employer should therefore intervene immediately to prevent its employees from thinking that they can be absent whenever they wish. Also, many employees use the example of other employees to justify their own absences, causing the problem to grow out of proportion ...

Delphi | July 2004

In The Euromoney Global Insurance Handbook 2004, Delphi & Co worked on the Swedish Ministry of Justice’s bill for a new Insurance Contract Act, which was heavily criticised in Sweden at the time. On May 19, 2004, after more than 10 years of processing, the Swedish Government presented a slightly modified bill for the Swedish Parliament (“the Bill”) ...

Lavery Lawyers | June 2004

Introduction As of June 2004, the Commission des lésions professionnelles (“CLP”) will implement guidelines (“Guidelines”) stating its expectations of expert witnesses, both as regards their written reports and the content of their testimony. Over the past years, there has been much criticism by CLP adjudicators concerning the involvement of expert witnesses in judicial and quasi-judicial proceedings. Their impartiality and objectivity were often in question ...

Deacons | May 2004

Foreign insurers are currently permitted to provide services in 15 major Chinese cities; all geographical restrictions should be removed by the end of the year. Domestic insurers are now permitted to establish sales and distribution outlets in all locations where they have branches ...

Lavery Lawyers | April 2004

On June 1st, 2004, new recourses for psychological harassment at work will come into force. The imminent arrival of these remedies should motivate employers to implement effective mechanisms to prevent and settle situations of psychological harassment at work. However, June 1st is quickly approaching and most employers are not properly prepared ...

Lavery Lawyers | March 2004

For quite a while now, Québec legislation, like that of most Canadian provinces, provides that the directors, officers, employees or representatives of a legal person (for example: an incorporated company) can be sued personally for the commission or omission of acts that could directly and seriously compromise the health, safety or physical integrity of a worker. This offence is covered under section 237 and 241 of the Occupational Health and Safety Act (R.S.Q., c. S-2.1) ...

Shoosmiths LLP | February 2004

International companies can now breathe a sigh of relief following the Court of Appeal’s decision in Serco – v- Lawson which considered the vexed issue of whether Employment Tribunals can hear claims of unfair dismissal notwithstanding the fact that the employee might not work in Great Britain. Section 196 of the Employment Rights Act 1996 used to prevent employees ordinarily working outside Great Britain from complaining of unfair dismissal to an Employment Tribunal ...

Lavery Lawyers | January 2004

Whether your company engages in maintenance activities, manages or rents space in a building,1 you should give serious consideration to applicable construction industry rules before agreeing upon a price: a recent judgment of the Court of Appeal may be of interest to you if, under Québec legislation, your employees are required to be members of a construction trade (carpenter, plasterer, plumber, electrician) in order to perform their work ...

Lavery Lawyers | January 2004

An Act to amend the Labour Code (S.Q. 2003, c. 26) This is a revised edition of a November 2003 bulletin pertaining to Bill 31 prior to its enactment ...

PLMJ | November 2003

The Labour Code approved by Law no. 99/2003 of 27 August will come into force on 1 December next, the first stage of the labour law reform thus coming to a close. Driven by the pressing need to endow the country with more flexible and investment, productivity and employment generating labour laws, the reform was at first enthusiastically backed by the employers’ confederations and firmly opposed by the trade unions ...

PLMJ | November 2003

From among the innovations brought by the Labour Code, noteworthy is the express recognition of what are known as “personality rights” set forth in Articles 15 to 21 of the Code. To be considered, however, is that our legal system has long acknowledged the existence of this category of rights, which characteristically encompass the vital aspects of human personality and are acquired at birth and, as such, classifies such rights as universal ...

PLMJ | November 2003

From among the special forms of contracting employment, special reference should be made, as it is an innovation, to the possibility of an employee being bound simultaneously to several employers provided there are corporate or organisation relations between them, by way of a contract in writing stating which of the employers represents the others in the performance thereof. Where these requirements are not met, the employee will be free to choose to which employer he/she wishes to be bound ...

PLMJ | November 2003

Many amendments have been made by the Labour Code in the area of working hours. One of the most relevant is the possibility of regular working hours being established in terms of an average, subject to an agreement being reached between the employer and the employee ...

PLMJ | November 2003

The issues of holidays, public holidays and absences governed by the provisions of Decree-Law no. 874/76 of 28 December have also been subject to significant changes in the new Labour Code, where they are addressed in Articles 208 to 232, 255 and 259 ...

PLMJ | November 2003

In the area of salary, to be emphasised is that the Code has established that the calculation of supplementary and fringe benefits must be based on the basic salary and length of service payments. Also noteworthy are the new rules relating to special pay for exemption from regular working hours, which is after all justified by the fact that the Code provides for three different forms of exemption (vide III above) ...

PLMJ | November 2003

The amendments made to occupational mobility, also known as functional polyvalence, are quite significant and resorting to this mechanism has become more flexible. This matter, which was governed by Article 22 (rendering of work by the employee not included or object of his/her contract) of the Employment Contract Law, is now addressed by Article 151 (Performance of Duties), Article 152 (Effects on Remuneration) and Article 314 (Occupational Mobility) of the Code ...

PLMJ | November 2003

In terms of geographical mobility, the Labour Code has maintained the prohibition of the employer transferring the employee to another workplace, save where the interests of the company so require and this change does not entail a serious loss for the employee, where the transfer results from the total or partial moving of the establishment where the employee works, in the cases provided for in collective bargaining agreements or where the employee agrees to the transfer ...

PLMJ | November 2003

The system applicable to the transfer of a company or part thereof set forth in Articles 318 to 321 of the Labour Code is aimed at rendering this system compatible with Community Law, notably with Council Directive of 12 March 2001, which focuses on this issue on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the safeguarding of employees' rights in the event of transfers of companies or establishments ...

PLMJ | November 2003

The Labour Code has not made profound changes to the system governing the termination of employment contracts ...

PLMJ | November 2003

The system governing collective bargaining is that which the Code has changed the most. Among these changes, the most important is undoubtedly the provisions applicable to the survival of collective agreements. Under the prevailing law, once a collective bargaining agreement had reached its term, it would remain in force for an unlimited period of time until it was replaced by a new one ...
