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ALRUD Law Firm | March 2023

The Judicial Chamber on Economic Disputes of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation has considered TrustForex LLC case (No. A40-167835/2021) concerning the essential issue of recovery of penalty for providing false representations while selling assets. We believe this case to be very important both for the court practice and for the business ...

Buchalter | June 2024

June 14, 2024 By: Tricia A. Pham and Alexandra M. Shulman On Thursday, June 13, 2024, in Starbucks Corp. v. M. Kathleen McKinney, Case No. 23-367, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that district courts must apply a strict, four-factor test when adjudicating requests for preliminary injunctions brought by the NLRB against the employers it charges with unfair labor practices ...

ENSafrica | August 2018

Section 189 of the Labour Relations Act, 1995 (the "LRA") provides that an employer, after giving notice that it is contemplating dismissals on the grounds of its operational requirements, must enter into a consultation process with regard to the proposed dismissals ...

Deacons | May 2020

Section 29 of the Bankruptcy Ordinance (Cap. 6) (BO) allows a trustee in bankruptcy to apply to the Courts for orders compelling disclosure of material documents and/or information of the bankrupt in order for the trustee to carry out his/her duties under the bankruptcy. For the authors’ previous article on Section 29, please see here ...

Deacons | December 2020

The Mainland Judgments in Matrimonial and Family Cases (Reciprocal Recognition and Enforcement) Bill (Bill) was introduced into the Legislative Council on 2 December 2020 ...

Shoosmiths LLP | May 2023

The Home Office recently updated the ‘reporting duties’ section of its guidance for sponsor licence holders. In particular, the Home Office has added new detail to the ‘change of work location’ section and clarified (to some extent) when a report needs to be made where a sponsored worker undertakes their work either remotely or through a hybrid working pattern ...

Shoosmiths LLP | October 2023

We have previously commented on the impact environmental concerns are having on those working in the traditional energy sectors. In particular, the focus on renewable energy has left many oil and gas workers nervous about their job security and ability to find alternative work if they are made redundant. Thankfully, it appears those concerns might be unfounded ...

North Carolina has enacted a law intended to help employers catch up to the employment demands of a growing economy, while offering some individuals a second chance at earning a living.  On June 25, 2018, Gov. Roy Cooper signed House Bill 774 (“H.B. 774”), which will take effect on December 1, 2018. H ...

Shoosmiths LLP | February 2022

HMRC publishes updated guidance on termination fees and compensation payments and confirms the VAT treatment of dilapidations. On 7 February 2022, HMRC published Revenue & Customs Brief 2 (2022) (the 2022 Brief), its long-awaited updated guidance on early termination fees and compensation payments ...

AELEX | December 2023

A REVIEW OF THE EVIDENCE (AMENDMENT) ACT 2023 INTRODUCTION The Evidence Act (Amendment) Act 2023 (the Amended Act) was signed into Law by President Bola Ahmed Tinubu on the 12th day of June 2023. The Amended Act was aimed at amending the provisions of the Evidence Act 2011 (the Principal Act) to be in conformity with global technological advancements in evidence taking and its applicability covers all judicial proceedings before Courts in Nigeria ...

AELEX | June 2022

In the recent case ofAslan v Stepanoski[1](the Aslan case), the Court of Appeal of New South Wales, Australia upheld a builder’s action suspending the performance of works over non-payment and denial of access to the site by the employer. The Court held that the contractor’s decision to suspend works was not a repudiatory conduct as he was entitled to do so under the contract ...

Deacons | May 2021

In April 2020, we reported on the first cases that were conducted remotely via video conferencing facilities (VCF) during the court closures due to the Covid-19 pandemic. More than a year has passed and, although Covid-19 is still posing challenges, the courts have reopened and continue to embrace technology to facilitate social distancing ...

Shearn Delamore & Co. | August 2018

IN THIS ARTICLE, WONG KIAN JUN CONSIDERS A RE-LOOK AT THE LAWS ON RETRENCHMENT   Introduction During uncertain times and shrinking profits, organisations may decide to reorganise their business structure in order to create a leaner workforce thereby reducing their operating costs to weather the impact of a slowing economy. Inevitably, the reorganisation would result in the retrenchment of its employees who are considered surplus to the needs of the organisation ...

Shearn Delamore & Co. | October 2018

IN THIS ARTICLE, REENA ENBASEGARAM LOOKS AT THE ISSUE OF RESTRUCTURING THE WAGE SYSTEM OF HOTEL EMPLOYEES.   Introduction Service charge is a practice unique to the hotel industry whereby it is imposed on the bills issued to the customers ...

Dinsmore & Shohl LLP | January 2022

Summary The 2022 proxy season will continue to be affected by the aftershocks of the COVID-19 pandemic, and will be predominantly shaped by the landmark events of the 2021 proxy season, where ESG matters moved from unconventional to mainstream, and women held a historic amount of board seats of the Russell 3000 companies ...

Dinsmore & Shohl LLP | August 2020

In FanDuel, Inc., v. Interactive Games LLC, No. 2019-1393 (Fed. Cir. July 29, 2020), the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit held that the Patent Trial and Appeal Board (Board) did not violate the Administrative Procedure Act (APA) by rejecting the prior-art combination on which it instituted inter parties review (IPR). The relevant patent claims related to a method of gambling on a mobile device ...

Lavery Lawyers | August 2014

This decision of the Superior Court of Québec addresses a pregnant worker’s right to preventive withdrawal where said worker is employed by a business under federal jurisdiction.1 In this case, questions of constitutional jurisdiction were raised and the Superior Court confirmed that article 36 of the Québec Act Respecting Occupational Health and Safety2 (the “Act”) is not applicable to businesses under federal jurisdiction ...

The Consumer Protection Act 1987 (the CPA) was enacted almost 35 years ago in order to implement EU law. The act introduced the concept of “strict liability” into the arena of product supply to certain users. This means that consumers who are injured by defective products can sue manufacturers without having to prove negligence.  This practical guide provides an overview of the CPA for consumers and manufacturers, with reference to recent key cases ...

Dinsmore & Shohl LLP | August 2023

Many businesses rely upon restrictive covenants with their employees. These include noncompete agreements, nonsolicitation agreements and confidentiality agreements. These agreements are intended to ensure that the investment a business makes in its employees, its customer relationships and confidential information are adequately protected. Recently, multiple new rules have been proposed that could see many of these agreements ruled unlawful and unenforceable in the United States ...

Lavery Lawyers | January 2024

In recent years, the job market has changed considerably, especially further to the pandemic and the impacts it has had. Employers and employees in Quebec faced unprecedented situations, and these appear to have led to a significant increase in claims for recognition of psychological occupational injuries, such as adjustment disorders and depression ...

Shoosmiths LLP | October 2021

‘A whole new planning system for England’ is what Boris Johnson was promising in his introduction to the Planning White Paper. He also took a sideswipe at the current system for providing “nowhere near enough homes in the right places” ...

Shepherd and Wedderburn LLP | February 2022

 I’ve had a number of queries recently about agricultural tenancies where a partnership is the tenant rather than an individual. This can often give rise to problems and I thought that it would be worthwhile spending some time looking at some of the issues that can arise and how they might be resolved. First of all, in Scots law, a partnership is a separate legal person in its own right quite distinct from the individual partners in the partnership ...

Dinsmore & Shohl LLP | February 2021

In M&K Holdings, Inc., v. Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., 2020-1160 (Fed. Cir. Feb. 1, 2021), the Federal Circuit found that the Patent Trial and Appeal Board (Board) violated the Administrative Procedure Act (APA) by finding a patent claim unpatentable using a “markedly” different theory from the one the patent challenger presented. In this case, the patent challenger (i.e ...
