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Hunton Andrews Kurth LLP | November 2007

In Castillo v. State Farm Florida Insurance Co., No. 3D06-2874 (Fla. Dist. Ct. App. Oct. 17, 2007), the Court of Appeal of Florida, Third District, reversed a decision granting summary judgment in favor of an insurer, finding issues of fact about whether earth movement, an excluded peril under a homeowners’ insurance policy, played a part in a dwelling’s damage from nearby blasting ...

Lavery Lawyers | November 2007

In its judgment in Bourcier v. La Citadelle(1) rendered on September 4, 2007, the Court of Appeal confirmed that the insured accident victim must inform the insurer no later than one year following the date of the accident, in accordance with Article 2435 C.C.Q. Failure to do so results in forfeiture of the right to the benefit provided for in the accident insurance policy.The factsMs. Bourcier was the victim of a serious motorcycle accident on September 11, 2001 ...

Lavery Lawyers | October 2007

On September 26, 2007, the Court of Appeal dismissed the appeal of appellant Citizens for a Quality of Life(1) (“CQL”) and upheld the judgment of the Superior Court(2) dated December 14, 2004, which had refused to grant its motion for authorization to institute a class action against Aéroports de Montréal (“ADM”) on the basis of the lack of similar or related questions raised by the recourses of the class members ...

Hunton Andrews Kurth LLP | September 2007

In response to certified questions from the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit, the Texas Supreme Court held that unintended construction defects are an occurrence and that allegations of loss of use or damage to a home may constitute property damage under a commercial general liability (CGL) contract. Lamar Homes, Inc. v. Mid-Continent Cas. Co., No. 05-0832 (Tex. Aug. 31, 2007) ...

Hunton Andrews Kurth LLP | August 2007

The highest court in Massachusetts held in Allmerica Financial Corp. v. Certain Underwriters at Lloyd’s London, 449 Mass. 621, 2007 Mass. LEXIS 519 (Aug. 6, 2007), that a “follow form” excess insurer is not obligated to fund a settlement negotiated by the primary insurer ...

Hunton Andrews Kurth LLP | August 2007

It is a given that any human endeavor will have effects that we do not expect. Robert Burns identified the problem with the best-laid schemes of mice and men, and investors in the mortgage banking industry are learning that lesson now. In recent years, many borrowers entered into adjustable-rate mortgages with low initial rates, trusting that rates would stay low or that they could refinance or sell a property before larger payments came due ...

Hunton Andrews Kurth LLP | August 2007

The United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit, applying North Carolina law, held that a liability insurer may properly withdraw from the defense of its policyholder after obtaining a judicial declaration of no coverage, despite the policyholder’s pending appeal, provided the insurer offers to continue defending if the policyholder wins a stay of the trial court’s decision. Auto-Owners Ins. Co. v. Potter et al ...

Deacons | July 2007

On 16 March 2007, the National People’s Congress issued the Property Law of the People’s Republic of China. Effective on 1 October 2007, the Law defines the scope of property and property-related rights, such as use and possession, and sets out the protections afforded to State, collective and private property owners.BackgroundWork on the Property Law first began in 1993 ...

Deacons | July 2007

On 31 December 2006, the State Property Management Commission of the State Council and the Ministry of Finance jointly issued the Notice Regarding Relevant Matters in the Assignment of the State-owned Property Rights of Enterprises to further clarify issues arising from the implementation of the Provisional Measures for the Administration of the Assignment of State-owned Property Rights of Enterprises and the Notice on Relevant Issues in the Assignment of State-owned Property

Deacons | July 2007

On 22 January 2007, the Ministry of Construction and the Ministry of Commerce jointly issued the Regulations for the Administration of Construction Project Service Enterprises with Foreign Investment. Effective 26 March 2007, the Regulations outline the approval process for construction project service enterprises with foreign investment and set out the permissible types of business for these enterprises ...

Deacons | July 2007

Per China’s WTO commitments, the China Insurance Regulatory Commission issued the Announcement Regarding Permitting Foreign Insurance Brokerage Companies to Establish Wholly Foreign-owned Insurance Brokerage Companies on 11 December 2006 ...

Some things change, others never change. The choice of procurement route is still governed by three main factors:· Time· Cost· Quality It is hard, if not impossible to achieve the best of all these three but when choosing a procurement route consideration must be given to the list of priorities so that people's expectations are properly managed ...

An Illinois federal district court held, in Massachusetts Bay Ins. Co. v. Faber Bros., Inc., No. 04 C 5160, 2007 WL 1029366 (N.D. Ill. March 30, 2007), that a distributor of firearms is not covered under general liability insurance contracts for claims alleging that its sales of firearms created a public nuisance that led to bodily injuries. Factual BackgroundThe insured, Faber Bros., Inc., is a distributor and wholesaler of firearms ...

Lavery Lawyers | April 2007

Can the cost of remedying a manufacturing defect be considered as damage resulting from an “accident” covered under a liability insurance policy? This is the question the Quebec Court of Appeal considered in CGU, Compagnie d’Assurance du Canada v. Soprema Inc., [2007] QCCA 113 ...

The Office of Fair Trading has written to a number of undisclosed companies in the construction industry, in relation to its ongoing investigation into a suspected multi-billion pound bid rigging cartel. It is offering the "late comers" a last chance to mitigate the potential fines which might be ascending upon them in the biggest cartel investigation in UK history ...

Lavery Lawyers | February 2007

We are pleased to advise you of recent Quebec Superior Court judgments rendered in favour of our clients. Two motions for authorization to institute a class action were recently denied by the Court, which should be a matter of interest to decision-makers and lawyers dealing with issues involving competition, environment and natural resources as well as class actions generally ...

Lavery Lawyers | February 2007

It is known that an insurer has a considerable duty to inform in group insurance. The Superior Court, in a decision by Justice Hélène Langlois, specified the extent of this duty in Tanguay et al v. L’Ordre des ingénieurs du Québec and The Manufacturers Life Insurance Company of North York, doing business under the name Manulife Financial(1) ...

Lavery Lawyers | February 2007

The Court of Appeal rendered an important decision on October 31, 2006, which dealt with the liability of manufacturers and professional sellers, as well as several other related issues, in the case of The Boiler Inspection and Insurance Company of Canada and Prima Viande Ltd v. Manac inc./Nortex (manufacturer of the Arcoplast product) and Systèmes intérieurs Atlas inc ...

LCS & Partners | January 2007

When the government and a contractor negotiate a construction contract, they usually stipulate in the contract that, in case of any dispute arising from the contract, such dispute shall be submitted to the engineer or the architect for decision before such dispute is submitted for arbitration. This is what is commonly referred to as a¡§pre-arbitration¡¨ procedure ...

1 When Do We Need a Building Permit?As a rule, the construction of or any structural alterations to any building situated on theRomanian territory requires a building permit. Few are the contexts where this rule is notapplicable. These situations usually refer to the repairing and maintenance works to the existingbuildings, which do not involve changes in the initial features of the buildings ...

Kocian Solc Balastik | December 2006

Pursuant to the so-called Four Years Act, owners may unilaterally increase the rent for certain apartments during the period of 2007 to 2010 for once a year up to the target value. The calculation method is set forth by law and the target value will be announced by the Ministry for Local Development in the Collection of Laws. The written announcement of the increase must be duly justified. The lessee may file an action in respect of invalidating the increase ...

Lavery Lawyers | December 2006

On October 18th, 2006, the Quebec Court of Appeal rendered a much-awaited decision regarding class actions. In Bouchard v. Agropur Coopérative et al,(1) the province’s highest court was called upon to rule on the issue of whether, when there is a multiplicity of defendants, it is necessary that a legal relationship exist between the petitioner applying for authorization to bring a class action and each defendant ...

Brigard Urrutia | December 2006

During the past decade, project financing structures have been actively used in Colombia in connection with the construction and improvement of infrastructure facilities and the expansion of access to basic public services. In particular, private investment has been active in concessions, the privatization and capitalization of public entities, BOT, BOO and BOLT schemes and other financing techniques ...

Lavery Lawyers | December 2006

Assuming that a foreign court exercises the power to issue letters rogatory or to appoint a commission to examine a witness in Quebec and to ask him to produce some documents, how can that be carried out in Quebec and is there a «blocking statute» protecting some of the documents?The Special Procedure Act (R.S.Q. c. P-27)The Special Procedure Act, Division VI (the «S.P.A.») governs rogatory commissions within Quebec for the purposes of a foreign lawsuit ...

Deacons | November 2006

On 11 July 2006, six Chinese ministries (Ministry of Construction, Ministry of Commerce, National Development and Reform Commission, The People’s Bank of China, State Administration for Industry and Commerce and State Administration of Foreign Exchange) jointly issued a circular “Opinions on Regulating the Entry into and the Administration of Foreign Investment in the Real Estate Market” Jianzhufang [2006] Circular No ...
