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Mamo TCV Advocates | August 2023

  Blood donation plays a critical role in healthcare, and with the continuous increase of the Maltese population, staff blood donation is becoming all the more important. Malta relies heavily on blood donations to meet the needs of its healthcare system. While voluntary blood donation is always encouraged, staff blood donation can help spur those who would otherwise be hesitant about donating blood or who might even have never donated blood before ...

Buchalter | August 2023

December 2015 By: Bailee Pelham "Previous research on the mental health of firefighters has shown that they are at a greater risk than the majority of the population to develop various mental disorders, such as depression, anxiety, alcohol abuse, suicidal ideation, and post-traumatic stress disorder ...

Carey | August 2023

The Central Bank of Chile ("CBC"), on August 3, 2023, agreed to publish for public consultation the proposed amendment to Chapter III.B.4 of the Compendium of Financial Regulations ("CFR") regarding the securitization of assets, contemplating the possibility of acquiring "self-securitized" or "retained securitization" instruments by banks ...

ALRUD Law Firm | August 2023

On August 8, 2023 the President of the Russian Federation signed and published new Decree 'On suspension by the Russian Federation of certain provisions of the Double Tax Treaties' No. 585 (the “Decree No. 585”) ...

World Services Group | August 2023

As published in Corporate Compliance Insights 08/07/2023 European Whistleblower Report Provides Critical Country-by-Country Updates What’s in this report from World Service Group: The World Services Group (WSG) Employment and Labor Group collaborated with WSG network law firms in more than 20 European jurisdictions to create the European Whistleblower Report, which provides knowledge on the implementations of the EU Whistleblowing Directive in the differen

Carey | August 2023

On August 7th, 2023, President Gabriel Boric enacted the Law that systematizes Economic Crimes and Attempts against the Environment, and, among other modifications, expands the criminal liability of legal entities (“Law”). Consequently, the Law will come into force and will apply to all acts committed from the date of its publication in the Official Gazette ...

On June 9, 2023, the Monetary Board of the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas issued Circular No. 1174, amending the implementing regulations of the mandatory agricultural, fisheries and rural development financing contemplated by the Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development Financing Enhancement Act (Republic Act No. 11901 or the “Agri-Agra Reform Credit Act”). The implementing regulations were previously set out in BSP Circular No. 1159 dated November 4, 2022 ...

SyCipLaw's Tax Department has prepared an international edition of its Tax Issues and Practical Solutions (T.I.P.S.) for the second quarter of 2023. Please read the full texthereor via thislink. The SyCipLaw T.I.P.S - International Edition covers the following tax issues: 1. May a public utility treat corporate income taxes as operating expenses for purposes of computing rates chargeable to consumers? 2. For input value-added tax ("VAT") refund claims filed prior to RMC No ...

Dinsmore & Shohl LLP | August 2023

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (“CMS”) has announced its proposed rules for the Hospital Outpatient Prospective Payment (“OPPS”) and Ambulatory Surgical Center (“ASC”) Payment Systems, as well as its calendar year (CY) 2024 proposed Physician Fee Schedule (“PFS”), (collectively the “Proposed Rules”) ...

Dinsmore & Shohl LLP | August 2023

The SEC has adopted final rules requiring public companies subject to the reporting requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, to disclose material cybersecurity incidents and material information regarding their cybersecurity risk management, strategy and governance. In adopting the rules, the SEC intends to benefit investors, companies and the markets by requiring more consistent and comparable disclosures across registrants on cybersecurity incidents and risk management ...

Carey Olsen | August 2023

The Policy will apply to a broader range of regulated entities and includes updates to take account of Jersey’s evolving regulatory framework. The key amendments to the Policy are as follows:  private funds or other funds with a consent issued pursuant to the Control of Borrowing (Jersey) Order 1958 (“COBO”), (which could include funds not domiciled in Jersey and unregulated funds) are not caught under the Policy ...

Shoosmiths LLP | August 2023

Property owners in the UK are already feeling the pinch, with a slowdown in activity coupled with economic factors, including high inflation and interest rates - causing a further tightening in the lending market. The Minimum Energy Efficiency Standard (MEES) regulatory regime is another cause for searching behind the sofa cushions for coppers in order to upgrade, update and 'green' existing assets ...

On June 27, 2023, the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act (“PWFA”) went into effect. This new law requires covered employers to provide “reasonable accommodations” for the known limitations of a worker relating to pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions, unless the accommodation would cause the employer “undue hardship ...

Lavery Lawyers | August 2023

Introduction On June 1, 2023, the Minister of Justice, Simon Jolin-Barrette, tabled and presented Bill 29 entitled An Act to protect consumers from planned obsolescence and to promote the durability, repairability and maintenance of goods 1 (hereinafter the ?Bill?) before the National Assembly ...

Dinsmore & Shohl LLP | August 2023

In its second tranche of major standards reduction, The Joint Commission will eliminate or consolidate 210 accreditation standards across many of its programs. The modification to the affected standards will be effective August 27, 2023. The reduction is part of a major review effort of Joint Commission requirements announced in September of 2022 ...

Carey Olsen | August 2023

The Cayman Islands Court of Appeal ("CICA") has delivered a valuable judgment on the application of section 238 of the Companies Act (as revised) in Re Trina Solar Limited.[1] This case update can be read in conjunction with our previous briefing setting out certain practical points to note in 'fair value' appraisal proceedings ...

Lavery Lawyers | August 2023

Last Wednesday (July 26), the Federal Court of Appeal (FCA) handed down its highly awaited decision on the patentability of computer-implemented inventions (software patents). In Canada (Attorney General) v. Benjamin Moore & Co. (2023 CAF 168), the FCA rejected the test proposed by the Intellectual Property Institute of Canada (IPIC) in the first instance decision, Benjamin Moore & Co. c. Canada ...

Carey | August 2023

As part of the preventive constitutionality control, the Constitutional Court ("TC") resolved that the provisions of the Bill that systematizes Economic Crimes and Attempts against the Environment (the "Bill"), that have the character of constitutional organic law, conform to the Constitution. Thus, for the Bill to become law, it only remains for the President of the Republic to promulgate it, and then proceed with its publication in the Official Gazette ...

Carey | August 2023

Through an announcement issued by the President of the Republic, Gabriel Boric, the government announced the general guidelines of the new fiscal agreement, confirming that the executive will not insist in the Senate on continuing the legislative process of the tax reform bill rejected in March of this year. The fiscal agreement is based on a series of principles aimed at promoting a modern tax system, fostering economic growth, and prioritizing public expenditure ...

Carey | August 2023

On July 10th, 2023, the Chamber of Deputies approved in its Second Constitutional Procedure the bill of law that, among other matters, aims to recognize Internet access as a Public Telecommunications Service (bulletin No. 11,632-15) (the "Bill"), through various amendments to Law No. 18,168, the General Telecommunications Law ("GTL"). As a result of the abovementioned approval, the Bill has been returned to its chamber of origin (i.e ...

Dinsmore & Shohl LLP | August 2023

Public comment closed August 1 on the rulemaking process for a final ban on TikTok and other social media applications (“apps”) from federal contractors’ devices. The new regulation will expand upon the interim Department of Defense, General Services Administration, and NASA (“the agencies”) ban, which went into effect on June 2, 2023. Over half of all states have banned TikTok on state government devices, with more likely to follow ...

Han Kun Law Offices | August 2023

The concept of "patient-centered" has become the core guiding principle in current research and development ("R&D") of drugs. "Patient-centered" drug R&D refers to the process of drug discovery, design, implementation and decision-making based on the patient's point of view, with the aim of efficiently developing clinically valuable drugs that better meet the needs of patients ...

Carey Olsen | July 2023

Contents Changes to the requirements for individuals acting as a director 2022 Annual Report - Guernsey Financial Services Commission (the “Commission”) Updates to the AML/CFT Handbook Update on the Lending, Credit and Finance (Bailiwick of Guernsey) Law, 2022  Financial Crime Return Rules Changes to the requirements for individuals acting as a director Acting as a director of a company or incorporated body (whether incorporated in or under the laws of the Bailiwick o

Carey Olsen | July 2023

Contents Changes to the Money Laundering (Jersey) Order 2008 Changes to the Proceeds of Crime (Jersey) Law 1999 - Schedule 2 Businesses Limited Partnerships (Continuance) (Jersey) Regulations 2023 Forthcoming changes to the JFSC's Outsourcing Policy Changes to the Money Laundering Order The Government of Jersey is set to make a number of amendments to the Money Laundering (Jersey) Order 2008 ("MLO") following the conclusion of its recent consultation ...
