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Despite rumours from Westminster that the Pensions Bill was to be dropped to make room for the anti-fox hunting Bill, it looks certain that the Pensions Bill will finally receive Royal Assent in November. In its final form, the Bill now extends to over 350 pages. Those looking for simplification will be disappointed to say the least ...

A&L Goodbody LLP | January 2005

Introduction Patented inventions are a large source of revenue in the pharmaceutical industry. Ireland's tax exemption in respect of certain patent royalties, has been one of the driving factors behind investment by pharmaceutical multinationals, principally from the US, in the Irish economy. Irish tax legislation provides an exemption from tax for income derived from "qualifying patents" when received by a person resident in Ireland and not resident in any other country ...

Deacons | January 2005

Year-end deadline for application to the HKMA to adopt the basic approach and internal rating based approach for credit risk calculation The Hong Kong Monetary Authority ("HKMA") issued a circular ("the Circular") to all Hong Kong incorporated authorised institutions ("AIs") on 7 December 2004, requesting formal applications from AIs that plan to adopt the internal rating based ("IRB") or the basic approach ("Basic Approach") for the assessment of their capital adequacy ...

Delphi | January 2005

A trademark is any sign which, in the course of trade, can distinguish the goods or services from those of other undertakings. Trademarks are often also used as indications of a certain quality or life style (such as Lancome® trademark represents the luxury cosmetics) or as a marketing tool (such as the IKEA® and VOLVO® marks, which are featured not only on furniture but also on their services) ...

Asters | October 2004

Practically everyday new companies in Ukraine are entering international financial markets through attraction of loans from international financial institutions (IFI), placement of Eurobonds, etc. Some of them would certainly soon start thinking of Initial Public Offerings (IPO) and similar instruments. In this overview the author tries to shed light on some very important but rather hidden prerequisites for success in doing so ...

Haynes and Boone, LLP | August 2004

Modernizing Texas’ Foreign Legal Consultant Rule By Larry B. Pascal Introduction Texas law firms depend on cross-border work for a growing percentage of their revenue. Numerous Texas-based law firms have opened offices outside of the US including offices in Mexico, Europe, Russia and the surrounding Eurasian states, the Middle East, and Asia ...

Asters | January 2004

On its way to a market economy, one of the primary tasks facing Ukraine is the development of its financial markets and, inevitably, elaboration of its finance laws. Although much remains to be done, the passing year has brought several major developments in the area of finance law: (a) introduction of the anti-money laundering system, (b) tightening of exchange controls and (c) further dramatic growth of the bond market, including the issue of corporate and municipal Eurobonds ...

Asters | October 2003

Ukrainian Exchange Controls Have Always Been, if Anything, Overprotective. As More Ukrainian Companies Are Seeking Finance Abroad, Ukraine Has to Consider Adding Clarity and Certainty to its Exchange Controls in Order to FacilitateCross-Border Finance Regulatory imperfections. The system of Ukrainian exchange controls is based on the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine On the System of Currency Regulation and Currency Control (the “Decree”) adopted back in 1993 ...

Asters | May 2003

Project financing in emerging markets has been in use for some time, primarily for financing large new projects without any prior track record or operating history — greenfield projects. Emerging markets are in instant need of project financing as an effective instrument for economic investments. It facilitates attracting new investments by structuring the financing around the project's own operating cash flow and assets, without the additional guarantees of sponsors ...

Capital Committed to VC Funds in the US ($) and Return Importance of Angel Investors • 80% of recent Inc. 500 bootstrapped initial capital using non-traditional source of funding1 • 5% raised initial capital from venture capital1 • 1996 - $30 billion angel funding $10 billion venture capital2 1. Angel Profile • Do’s for Entrepreneurs ...

Haynes and Boone, LLP | February 2003

We have identified various venture capital deal terms which have become more onerous as a result of the current state of the venture capital and technology industry. Understanding the impact of those terms is important to angels in structuring their initial investment as well as situations where they have made an investment and then solicit subsequent professional venture capital funding for the portfolio company ...

Haynes and Boone, LLP | January 2003

SEC Adopts New Rules Governing Disclosure of Non-GAAP Financial Measures and Amendments to Form 8-K Relating to Earnings Releases and Other Financial Disclosures

Haynes and Boone, LLP | December 2002

"This [provision of the Sarbanes Oxley Act] is about making sure those lawyers. . . don’t violate the law and, in fact, more importantly, ensure that the law is being followed." -- Senator John Edwards, July 10, 2002 On November 21, 2002, the SEC proposed a new Rule 205 entitled “Standards of Professional Conduct for Attorneys Appearing and Practicing Before the Commission in the Representation of an Issuer” (the “Standards”) ...

Haynes and Boone, LLP | October 2002

The Entrepreneurship Institute President's Forum This term sheet provides an example of a typical "Angel" round investment in preferred stock. It is not intended as specific legal advice or a final legal document and is provided for general educational purposes only ...

Haynes and Boone, LLP | June 2002

North Texas Global Telecommunications Society Fourth Annual Latin American Telecommunications Conference A Powerpoint presentation covering the following: Overview Chronology No General Rules (Reglamento) Issued, Only Rules for Specific Services Sector Statistics Recent Legal Developments E-Mexico Basics of Regulatory System Comparison of Current Mexican Telecommunications Law with Draft Bill Concessions Same Basic Regulation in Current Law and Draft
