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Makarim & Taira S. | October 2009

On 23 June 2009, Presidential Regulation No. 27 of 2009 on Integrated One-Stop Services in the Capital Investment Sector (“PR 27”) was issued. PR 27 was enacted to implement Article 26(3) of Law No. 25 of 2007 Regarding Capital Investment (“Law 25”), which requires the issuance of a Presidential Regulation for further implementation of the “one gate policy in investment services” ...

Lavery Lawyers | September 2009

BREAKDOWN IN NEGOTIATIONS - THE BINDING EFFECT OF A LETTER OF INTENT Catherine Rioux Patrice André Vaillancourt You have decided to sell your business or to initiate a business relationship with a partner. You negotiate the main terms and, before going further, you sign a letter of intent. Then, you decide to withdraw from the negotiations. Can you do it? Not necessarily ...

Lavery Lawyers | September 2009

Being involved in finding solutions!Bid-rigging - a Lesser known Offence in Competition LawBREAKDOWN IN NEGOTIATIONS — THE BINDING EFFECT OF A LETTER OF INTENTBy Catherine Rioux and Patrice CaillancourtYou have decided to sell your business or to initiate a business relationship with a partner. You negotiate the main terms and, before going further, you sign a letter of intent. Then, you decide to withdraw from the negotiations ...

Asters | August 2009

The development of economic ties in the modern world is invariably a driving force in the creation of new legal instruments, the development and improvement of regulatory control, and the establishment of entire institutions and branches of law. Such parallel progress between the economy and the law serves as collateral for the successful development of the state as a whole ...

ENSafrica | August 2009

The “statutory demand procedure” is designed to provide a fast-track method of proceeding to the winding up of a company. It creates a presumption of insolvency. The Statutory Demand is still a basis to issue a winding petition on the ground of “inability to pay debts” as was the case under the 1984 Companies Act ...

Lavery Lawyers | August 2009

This Bill is part of the ongoing measures by the Minister of Justice and the Office de la protection du consommateur (Consumer Protection Bureau) to provide for the comprehensive regulation of commercial practices involving goods and services contracts used by consumers. the Consumer Protection Act (the “CPA”) contains a broad range of content and form requirements affecting the drafting, formation, execution and cancellation of nominate and identified contracts ...

Lavery Lawyers | August 2009

ON JUNE 16, 2009, THE MINISTER OF JUSTICE INTRODUCED BILL 60 ENTITLED AN ACT TO AMEND THE CONSUMER PROTECTION ACT AND OTHER LEGISLATIVE PROVISIONS (THE “BILL”) IN THE NATIONAL ASSEMBLY.This Bill is part of the ongoing measures by the Minister of Justice and the Office de la protection du consommateur (Consumer Protection Bureau) to provide for the comprehensive regulation of commercial practices involving goods and services contracts used by consumers ...

Makarim & Taira S. | July 2009

The Commission for the Supervision of Business Competition (Komisi Pengawas Persaingan Usaha/KPPU) has issued Regulation No. 1 of 2009 regarding Pre-Notification on Mergers, Consolidations, and Acquisitions.  This regulation has been effective since 13 May 2009 ...

Makarim & Taira S. | July 2009

The Commission for the Supervision of Business Competition (Komisi Pengawas Persaingan Usaha/KPPU) has issued Regulation No. 2 of 2009 regarding Guidelines for Intellectual Property Rights and the Application of the Anti Monopoly Law. In general the regulation refers to intellectual property rights and Article 50 (b) of Law No. 5 of 1999 on the Prohibition of Monopolistic and Unfair Business Practices (Anti-Monopoly Law) ...

Shoosmiths LLP | July 2009

As more companies feel the effects of the recession, suppliers must ensure they are properly protected should customers struggle to pay their bills, fall into financial decline or, worse, insolvency. A common form of security is a Retention of Title (RoT) clause in the supplier's contract. This aims to afford the seller the ability to recover goods that have not been paid for, and/or to give precedence over other creditors should the worst happen ...

ALRUD Law Firm | July 2009

Dear Sirs, let us kindly remind you that on July 01, 2009 amendments to the Federal Law “On Limited Liability Companies” of February 08, 1998 ¹ 14-FZ (hereinafter – the “New Law”) came into force. Pursuant to it, the Articles of Association of limited liabilities companies (hereinafter – the “companies” or the “LLC”) established prior to July 01, 2009 should be brought to compliance with the New Law by January 01, 2010 ...

Shoosmiths LLP | July 2009

Mobile phone companies Vodafone and Telefónica O2 have agreed to pool their UK network infrastructure They are following the lead of H3G and T-Mobile, who are already one year into their joint consolidation project. The operators aim to share existing sites with the intention of reducing the total rent roll each company pays to landlords ...

Shoosmiths LLP | June 2009

Indemnity clauses and negligence - a review of the impact of the judgment in the Buncefield disaster case on the effect of indemnity clauses and whether a party can recover under an indemnity clause where it caused the damage by its own negligence ...

ALTIUS/Tiberghien | June 2009

On May 6, 2009, the Belgian legislature amended the Belgian Competition Act. Most of the amendments are of a procedural nature and are of minor importance. However, the clarification of the prescription rules and the option of dismissing cases on policy grounds catch the eye. The amendments entered into force on May 29, 2009.The Belgian Competition Act was the subject-matter of a thorough reform in 2006 ...

ALTIUS/Tiberghien | June 2009

IntroductionDirective 2006/68/EC of the European Parliament and the Council of 6 September 2006 has amended the Second Company Law Directive in relation to maintenance of capital.On 8 October 2008, the Royal Decree (hereafter the “Royal Decree 10/2008”) implementing the Directive was adopted and substantially modified the Belgian Companies Code (hereafter “BCC”) in respect of contributions in kind, purchase of own shares and financial assistance ...

Lavery Lawyers | June 2009

As of June 13, 2009, Facebook Inc. allows Facebook users to create personalized usernames for their Facebook pages on a first-come, first-served basis. This new username availability now enables users to have their Facebook page and profile at an Internet address in the following format: “”. Prior to the implementation of this new policy, each user was randomly assigned a unique identification number (for example: id = 123456789) ...

DORDA | June 2009

Austrian law distinguishes between composition proceedings in accordance with the Composition Code (Ausgleichsordnung-AO) and bankruptcy proceedings in accordance with the Bankruptcy Code (Konkursordnung-KO). Bankruptcy proceedings have to be opened if the debtor is unable to pay. In particular, inability to pay must be assumed if the debtor suspends payments. Inability to pay does not require that creditors are actively seeking payment ...

Morgan & Morgan | June 2009

On 1st January 1997, the Partnership Act 1996 (the Act) came into force in the BVI. It features two types of partnerships, the Limited Partnership and the General Partnership. The Limited Partnership is the most common one. In the Act, the Limited Partnership is defined as partnership formed by two or more persons with one or more General Partners and one or more Limited Partners ...

Morgan & Morgan | June 2009

Since the introduction of Law 32 of 1927, the Law on Corporations of the Republic of Panama has remained virtually unchanged, serving both Panamanians and well as foreigners to put in order, protect and plan the transfer of their patrimony in an orderly fashion ...

Morgan & Morgan | June 2009

In 2004, the Bahamas adopted the figure of the private foundation in what became the first attempt by a Common Law jurisdiction to integrate the vehicle, which has been traditionally associated with civil law jurisdictions. A foundation is the endowment of a patrimony for a specific purpose (object), which is set forth in the document that creates and internally organizes the foundation, called the foundation charter ...

ALTIUS/Tiberghien | May 2009

In recent years parallel trade in the pharmaceutical sector has been a hot topic. On September 16 2008 the European Court of Justice published its eagerly anticipated judgment on the refusal to supply by dominant pharmaceutical companies in the Syfait II Case. Recently, the Belgian competition authorities have also addressed this subject when dismissing an appeal by Bofar, an exporter of pharmaceutical products ...

SMS Buenos Aires | April 2009

  Technical Resolution 26 – FACPCE Dated March 20, 2009 the FACPCE (Argentine Federation of Economic Sciences Professional Boards) approved Technical Resolution No. 26 “Adoption of the International Financial Reporting Standards of the Board” effective as from the years commenced after January 1st, 2011, not admitting an earlier application ...

ALTIUS/Tiberghien | April 2009

IntroductionThe Act of 31 January 2009 on the Continuity of Enterprises entered into force on 1 April 2009 (the “Act”). The disappointing results of the Act of 17 July 1997 on Judicial Composition Proceedings (‘gerechtelijk akkoord’ / ‘concordat judiciaire’) led the Belgian legislature to reform the framework of measures available to undertakings encountering (financial) difficulties (of the type where Chapter 11 is used in the USA) ...

Shoosmiths LLP | April 2009

Selecting the right property for your business is vital for success, and likely to be your biggest expense after staffing costs. So in the current market, flexible office space may be a wise alternative to a traditional leasing commitment.Three principal models are available: serviced offices, ‘drop-in offices', and virtual offices ...

ALTIUS/Tiberghien | April 2009

In two recently published decisions, the College of Prosecutors (‘Auditorat’) ruled on requests for interim measures from Belgian Posters and Clear Channel against the granting by the Brussels-Capital Region of a public tender contract to JC Decaux (‘JCD’). Belgian Posters and Clear Channel claimed that JCD had a dominant position (or even a monopoly) in the market for theprovision of so-called ‘urban advertisement furniture' (e.g ...
