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Waller | April 2019

In the pre-digital age, companies that strategically focused on brand protection and promotion often included only those companies selling directly to consumers - typically through more limited print and radio/television media. Company lawyers and their marketing counterparts might communicate on an as-needed basis when direct legal threats to the brand arose (from customer class actions or competitor advertising claims) or for more routine trademark enforcement measures ...

Waller | May 2018

The Madrid system for the International Registration of trademarks is a convenient and economical system for applicants in member countries to secure trademark registrations in other member countries throughout the world. There are 98 contracting parties to the Madrid Protocol, covering 114 countries, including the United Kingdom, the United States, Mexico, China, and much of Europe and the Pacific Rim ( ...

Shoosmiths LLP | September 2022

A webinar hosted by Shoosmiths in collaboration with Asset Reality. Scroll down the page to watch the webinar. Intro poll According to a recent survey, what percentage of millennial millionaires own cryptocurrency? According to a recent study conducted by CNBC, 83% percent of millennial millionaires own cryptocurrency with over half having at least 50% of their wealth in cryptocurrencies. https://cointelegraph ...

Waller | January 2017

The underlying technology behind the digital currency, Bitcoin, is piquing interest across Nashville’s healthcare industry, largely due to its potential to change the way data is shared. Blockchain, or distributed ledger technology, is a decentralized database that securely records transactions and can also allow for the transfer of an asset such as data or currency.https://nashvillemedicalnews ...

 AUTHOR: Lynn Lazaro Partner, Kochhar & Co. Bangalore Office EMAIL: NFTs have been around since 2015 on the Ethereum blockchain and have significantly grown over the years especially in the digital art industry. However, not all NFTs are art related. Some NFTs are also attached to physical products where they could act like security. “NFT” basically stands for a “non-fungible token” ...

Haynes and Boone, LLP | March 2022

By Jeffrey Wolfson March 22, 2022 In the wake of financial sanctions by the United States, the United Kingdom, EU nations, and various other countries against Russia for its unprovoked attack on Ukraine1, you might be considering what, if anything, to do about your patents, trademarks, utility models, industrial designs, etc., in Russia. You may have already decided to write off your Russian IP as a complete loss ...
