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Carey | January 2021

On January 20, 2021, Supreme Decree No. 8/2019 of the Ministry of the Environment was published in the Official Gazette, setting forth collection and valorization goals and other associated obligations for tires in order to prevent the generation of such wastes and to promote their reuse, recycling or other types of recovery, in the context of Law 20,920 on Extended Producer Responsibility. Regulated object: tires This decree is applicable to tires introduced into the market ...

Shoosmiths LLP | January 2021

There were big changes in 2020 in the world of restructuring and insolvency legislation with the introduction of two new restructuring tools: the Moratorium and the Restructuring Plan, as well as the reintroduction of Crown preference. However, due to the government-imposed moratorium while the pandemic runs its course, we have seen hardly any real effects of those reforms ...

Lavery Lawyers | January 2021

The year 2020 will have been difficult for the vast majority of industries, and in particular for the arts, entertainment and recreation industry. The video game industry, however, is growing in leaps and bounds. For example, Nintendo and PlayStation have each set record sales for their games released in 2020, including Animal Crossing:New Horizons and The Last of UsPart II. Over the past few decades, the number of video game players has never stopped increasing ...

Dinsmore & Shohl LLP | January 2021

The State of Ohio Board of Pharmacy (OBP) is required to adopt a resolution specifying the required types of credentials for the responsible person of each business type of (i) terminal distributors of dangerous drugs and (ii) distributor of dangerous drugs. Only individuals who meet the credentials specified may be the responsible person for that type of business. On Jan ...

Deacons | January 2021

In general, individuals admitted into Hong Kong under various types of visa may apply for extension of stay within four weeks before the date of expiry, and they must be physically present in Hong Kong at the time of submitting the application and the collection of visa label upon approval. Due to the ongoing pandemic across the globe, this restriction has brought extra hurdles to a lot of applicants who are employees of companies and/or members of families ...

Simonsen Vogt Wiig AS | January 2021

The underlying dispute relates to the MV «Cheshire» incident in 2017, where a cargo of fertiliser was subject to a major decomposition incident. The fertiliser that was carried on the vessel was damaged, and the vessel was declared a total loss. In February 2020, Oslo District Court ruled in favour of the cargo interests, holding the carriers  liable for the cargo loss (approx. USD 25 million) (TOSLO-2017-180657-1). The carriers have appealed the judgement ...

The 2020 Investment Priorities Plan (2020 IPP) has been promulgated by the Philippine President under Memorandum Order No. 50 dated November 18, 2020 (, and it became effective on December 6, 2020. The IPP is issued pursuant to the Omnibus Investments Code of 1987 (Executive Order No. 226), as amended (Omnibus Investments Code) ...

Waller | December 2020

Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee has extended the executive order allowing carryout and delivery of beer, wine and spirits for restaurants. Restaurants, limited-service restaurants and wine-only restaurants can continue to sell carryout and deliver alcoholic beverages and beer. There is no additional license or permission needed to deliver. Lee extended the privilege through to 11:59 pm February 27, which brings welcome certainty to an industry battered by the pandemic ...

Lavery Lawyers | December 2020

 At Lavery, we spend a lot of time searching patent databases on behalf of our clients. Occasionally, we come across certain patents / applications whose cleverness and creativity make a lasting impression. At this time of year, our attention is naturally drawn to those that are holiday themed. And so, in the spirit of the holidays, we thought it would be nice to share some of them with you ...

Deacons | December 2020

Did you know? After more than a decade of discussion, China finally published the 4th amendment to the Patent Law on 17 October 2020. The amendments will come into effect on 1 June 2021. Why does this matter to you? Patent enforcement in China has long been criticised for being ineffective at deterring infringers. The new law enhances the enforcement of patent rights. The amendments introduces punitive damages in patent infringement cases ...

AELEX | December 2020

AELEX POWER SECTOR GUIDE - % ǼLEX Legal .avada-select-parent .select-arrow{background-color:#ffffff}.select-arrow{background-color:#ffffff} With the country proceeding to fundamentally restructure the industry to secure the supply of reliable, affordable and, ultimately, sustainable energy, the Nigerian government has introduced some new policies to curb some of these fundamental limitations ...

Heuking | December 2020

The Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure (BMVI) is providing EUR 50 million annually until 2023 to promote computer games in order to strengthen Germany as a location for developers. In the now launched second phase, large-volume projects are being funded ...

Deacons | December 2020

Did you know? Almost a year ago, on 19 December 2019, the Hong Kong government introduced a new route for obtaining patents in Hong Kong ...

Beccar Varela | December 2020

In this report, you will find a summary of two important resolutions published in the Official Gazette. Resolution No. 191/2020 Today, Resolution No. 191/2020 of the National Institute of Industrial Property was published in the Official Gazette, by means of which it was established that all communication deadlines made by the National Patent Administration and published in the Patents Bulletin will begin to run as from thirty (30) calendar days from said publication ...

O'Neal Webster | December 2020

A registered trademark in the British Virgin Islands is transmissible in the same way as other personal or moveable property. Transmission can be completed by assignment, testamentary disposition, or operation of law. When a trademark is assigned, the owner’s right, title, and interest with respect to the trademark is transferred to the new owner ...

DFDL | December 2020

Law on the Management of Commercial Gambling, Royal Kram NS/RKM/1120/031 dated 14 November 2020 Overview On 14 November 2020, the Law on the Management of Commercial Gambling (“Gambling Law”), the first comprehensive legislation to regulate casinos and commercial gambling centers in Cambodia, was promulgated ...

ALTIUS/Tiberghien | November 2020

The Court of Justice of the European Union delivers judgments regarding the concept of “communication to the public” faster than legal scholars can read and dissect them. While we are eagerly awaiting the Court’s analysis of different types of hyperlinking, it has taken less than two months to follow Advocate General Hogan’s opinion regarding the emailing of evidence containing copyrighted works to a court in legal proceedings ...

Heuking | November 2020

The German Federal Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information (BfDI) sees the decision as a success: On November 11, 2020, the District Court of Bonn reduced the fine imposed on 1&1 Telekom GmbH for a data protection breach from an original EUR 9.55 million to EUR 990,000.00, thereby fundamentally calling into question the fine practices of the German supervisory authorities ...

PLMJ | November 2020

Introduction The rapid spread of COVID-19 pandemic has led to a significant increase in demand for medical devices (MDs) and personal protective equipment (PPE), masks for social use (textile articles) and other products destined to prevent the spread of the disease. As a result, it became clear that there was insufficient supply to meet existing needs during the state of emergency and the subsequent period ...

Hunton Andrews Kurth LLP | November 2020

In the age of COVID-19, demand for surface wipes, sprays and similar products is at record levels. Retail stores have struggled to keep supplies stocked and shelves may once again be emptied when the winter flu season arrives. If schools and businesses reopen concurrently, the prospects of securing these products becomes even bleaker, which may re-fuel consumer stockpiling ...

Michigan has joined the majority of jurisdictions in holding that a general liability policy may provide coverage for claims for property damage allegedly caused by the defective work of a subcontractor ...

Hanson Bridgett LLP | October 2020

Key Points The FDA will exercise enforcement discretion when Nutrition and Supplement Facts Labels (a) exclude allulose from Total Sugars and Added Sugars declarations, and (b) use as low as 0.4 kcal/g for allulose calorie count; but allulose must be included as a Total Carbohydrate. Allulose is a basic form of carbohydrate that is naturally occurring in a variety of sweet foods, such as raisins, maple syrup, and brown sugar ...

The coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak continues to put pressure on the public and private sectors alike. As we are entering new phases of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have to switch our focus towards safely and gradually reopening our businesses and economies while continuing to implement prevention measures ...

MinterEllison | October 2020

Facing Australia's first recession in 30 years, Australian businesses are attempting to steer a course not only for survival but for the growth needed to be a viable long term. But alongside uncertainty comes opportunity. Our new report, prepared in partnership with Acuris, explores the key steps for companies and investors to take advantage of the opportunities – and decisive, informed and proactive action is critical ...

PLMJ | October 2020

The new legal framework applicable to the Angolan oil sector was approved by Presidential Decree 271/20 of 20 October (the "Decree"). The Decree makes a substantial change to the rules on local Angolan content applicable in the sector and it naturally repeals Order 127/03 of 25 November.The new legal framework now extends to service providers and suppliers of goods and services to the oil sector ("Providers") and not only which oil companies (i.e ...
