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ENSafrica | November 2016

Introduction In the context of trusts situated in foreign participating jurisdictions, the Common Reporting Standards (“CRS”) require the trustees to identify the settlor, beneficiaries and other natural persons exercising ultimate effective control (including through a chain of ownership) and report the necessary financial information in respect of those persons to the relevant foreign revenue authority ...

Effective at noon today, May 29, 2020, Virginia Governor Northam's Executive Order 63 went into effect, requiring face coverings to be worn in certain circumstances. Specifically, a face covering is required for individuals aged ten and older when "entering, exiting, traveling through, and spending time inside" the following categories of businesses:   All retail. Food and beverage, but only when reopened for indoor dining. Personal care/grooming - i.e ...

A&L Goodbody LLP | November 2005

‘Spear Tackle’ Case When Brian O’Driscoll was lifted and dropped unceremoniously by All Blacks Keven Mealamu and Tana Umaga in the first Lions test the issue of spear tackling became a hotly debated topic. Spear tackles have been in the news before and a recent Australian case involving a spear tackle in a rugby league match has reignited the debate on when the courts should intervene regarding violence in sport ...

DFDL | September 2019

The new Law on Tax Administration No. 38/2019/QH14 (“LTA” or “new Law”) was passed by the National Assembly in June 2019 will become effective from 1 July 2020. New provisions relating to electronic invoices and electronic documents take effect from 1 July 2022. We summarize below some of the salient features of the new Law ...

ENSafrica | March 2013

You’ve heard of Victoria’s Secret, right! The US company is, of course, a well-known purveyor of lingerie, a product for which there is clearly a great deal of demand:  Victoria’s Secret has some 1 000 stores throughout the world, and its turnover in 2010 was an impressive US$5.5 billion. In 2012 Victoria’s Secret lodged an objection to a domain name registration for ...

Asters | August 2014

On 3 August 2014, Law of Ukraine "On Amending the Tax Code of Ukraine and Certain Other Legislative Acts of Ukraine" No. 1621-VII which was adopted on 31 July 2014 for creating conditions to increase financial inflow into the state budget (the "Law"), came into force. Implementation of the proposed regulations will provide a possibility to boost in 2014 the resources of Ukraine's unified budget for nearly UAH 10.3 bn ...

ENSafrica | May 2014

Introduction This is the first in a series of articles on venture capital companies, a tax-favoured investment vehicle regulated by section 12J of the Income Tax Act, 1962 (“ITA 1962”). The venture capital company (“VCC”) scheme, introduced in 2009, is a tax-based scheme designed to encourage individual and corporate investors to invest in a range of smaller, higher-risk trading companies by investing through the VCCs ...

Shoosmiths LLP | February 2021

The VAT domestic reverse charge - referred to below as the reverse charge - is a major change to the way VAT will be collected in the building and construction industry. The reverse charge regime will come into effect on 1 March 2021 and will in many instances require customers receiving building and construction services to pay the VAT due directly to HMRC, instead of paying the supplier. This is a fundamental change to the way in which VAT is administered on construction contracts ...

ENSafrica | August 2018

The South African Revenue Service (“SARS”) issued Binding General Ruling No. 48 (“BGR 48”) on 25 July 2018, which provides much needed clarification for residential property developers following the recent cessation of relief under section 18B of the Value-Added Tax Act, 1991 (the “VAT Act”) ...

ENSafrica | March 2014

The recent amendments to the VAT legislation introduced by the Taxation Laws Amendment Act, No 31 of 2013, gives effect to government’s proposal that all foreign businesses supplying e-books, e-music and other digital goods and services in South Africa be required to register as South African value-added tax (“VAT”) vendors ...

Afridi & Angell | October 2017

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) Federal Tax Authority (FTA) has commenced accepting registrations for Value Added Tax (VAT) through its online portal ...

Arendt & Medernach | July 2017

On 9 July the United Arab Emirates (UAE) Ministry of Finance (MOF) published an update of the Value Added Tax (VAT) FAQ section of its website.Following on the awareness workshops launched by the MOF, such update provides some clarification on substantive and procedural aspects pertaining to the implication and implementation of VAT ...

Afridi & Angell | October 2017

The UAE has issued substantive law on Value Added Tax (VAT) and Excise Tax. Federal decree law No.8 of 2017 deals with VAT. The imposition of VAT will commence in the UAE from 1 January 2018 at a rate of 5%. The VAT law provides a framework for implementation of VAT in the UAE ...

PLMJ | February 2008

Several legislative instruments on VAT issues were published in the Official Journal of the European Union on 20 February, amending the rules for determining the place where services are supplied for the purposes of VAT: - the general rule will be reversed and services will now be taxed in the place of consumption  as  opposed  to  where  the  supplier  has  its establishment ...

ENSafrica | May 2016

The judgment of the Supreme Court of Appeal (“SCA”), which established certain guidelines and principles regarding the claiming of input tax for value added tax (“VAT”) purposes in the Commissioner for South African Revenue Services v De Beers Consolidated Mines Ltd (503/11) (1 June 2012) case may have far-reaching consequences for the private equity and venture capital industry ...

As mentioned in our information bulletin of June 8, on June 7, 2005 the Federal Official Gazette published an “Executive Order to Amend the Value Added Tax Law” which altered the procedure for calculating the crediting of valued added tax by removing operations not taxable ...

ALRUD Law Firm | November 2009

We would like to draw your attention to the upcoming valuable updates in Tax legislation. Below we have placed a short overview of the hottest issues already occurred in Russian tax environment and some to be introduced in the nearest future. Respectively, these incentives are proposed either to overcome consequences of the financial crisis, or to realize the next step of the long-term policy of stabilization and modernization of the Russian tax system ...

Buchalter | September 2022

September 1, 2022 By: Nora Sheriff, Gwenneth O’Hara, and Lillian Rafii On August 19, 2022, the California investor-owned utilities filed a joint motion for official notice at the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC), saying that the recently adopted Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 (HR 5376) is “directly relevant” to the CPUC’s open net energy metering (NEM) proceeding. The CPUC is currently contemplating a revision to its NEM tariff (referred to as NEM 2 ...

Dinsmore & Shohl LLP | October 2021

     The United States Trade Representative (USTR) announced a period for public comment on whether Section 301 product exclusions should be reinstated for certain Chinese-origin goods. The product exclusions eligible for potential reinstatement are the relatively small subset of exclusions for which the USTR had both previously granted an exclusion and an extension of the exclusion ...

Dinsmore & Shohl LLP | August 2019

The U.S.-China trade dispute escalated yet again as the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) announced a fourth round of tariffs of 10 percent on an estimated $300 billion of goods imported from China not already subject to Section 301 tariffs.  At the same time, the USTR continues to accept List 3 exclusion requests and is working to complete review of List 1 and List 2 exclusion requests. 1. USTR Announces Section 301 Tariffs on $300B of U.S ...

Lavery Lawyers | May 2016

Although a trust is a valuable financial, tax and estate planning tool, does it allow one to ?shelter? some assets from the public order rules which apply in the context of family law?What is a trust?A trust is a legal disposition which allows a person to transfer the ownership of one or more of his or her assets to a trust for the trust to administer such assets for the benefit of one or more beneficiaries ...

Dinsmore & Shohl LLP | February 2024

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) released guidance on the Fiscal Year (FY) 2025 H-1B lottery process. The registration system will be open from noon Eastern, March 6, 2024 until noon Eastern, March 22, 2024. The application fee will remain $10 for each case entered into the system ...

Dinsmore & Shohl LLP | June 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic has taken a toll on countless businesses around the United States, including breweries. During this time, its understandable many businesses have allowed their trademark deadlines to pass without action due to lack of funds. In light of these hardships, the US Trademark Office has announced that if a business allowed a deadline to pass due to COVID-19, it will waive/refund any fees to Petition to Revive the abandoned application or registration ...

Dinsmore & Shohl LLP | March 2020

U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin announced Friday on Twitter that the U.S. will extend the tax filing deadline of April 15, 2020 for 2019 individual and business tax returns until July 15, 2020. Earlier this week, the Internal Revenue Service announced that the payment deadline for any 2019 individual income tax due, including 2020 first quarter estimated payments due April 15, 2020, was deferred until July 15, 2020 ...
