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Lavery Lawyers | July 2012

The LA CAPITALE Ruling has been expected since 2009, when the Superior Court authorized a Class Action against an insureer who had unilateraly modified the Waiver of Premiums Clause in a group insurance contract in 2001 ...

Deacons | June 2012

On 20 June 2012, the Court of First Instance (in proceedings brought by the Securities and Futures Commission ("SFC")) ordered Hontex International Holdings Company Ltd ("Hontex") to make a repurchase offer to about 7,700 investors who had subscribed for Hontex shares in the initial public offering in December 2009 or purchased them in the secondary market during the 3 months after its shares were listed (by then the present action was taken by the SFC) ...

Lavery Lawyers | May 2012

The notion of insurable interest is funa mental to insurance law as it is at the very heart of the validity of this contract. The lack of insurable interest leads to the nillity of the insurance policy and justifies the insurer's refusal to indemnify its insured1. In a decision rendered on March 2, 2012, the Court of Appeal upheld a judgment of the Superior Court2, where an insurer refused to indemnify the insured, raising its lack of interest in the property3 ...

Deacons | April 2012

In a Judgment handed down on 28 March 2012, Mr. Justice Hartmann JA determined various questions relating to legal professional privilege. The case involved Citic Pacific ...

PLMJ | March 2012

Decree-Law no. 50/2012, of 2 March is the most recent legislative measure on maritime insurance in Portugal. This legislation, that transposes into the Portuguese legal system from the Directive 2009/20/EC dated 23 April 2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council, regarding the insurance of ship owners for maritime claims (the «Directive»), has entered into force on last 3 March ...

Asters | February 2012

Ukraine is a civil law country with the Constitution being a principal source of law. The main sources of civil and commercial law are acts promulgated by the legislative and executive branches of the state. International treaties ratified by Parliament become part of national law and prevail in a conflict with domestic law ...

Gianni & Origoni | January 2012

Within the scope of the measures intended to promote the competition and liberalization of the business activities approved by the Council of Ministers on January 20, 2012, are included, among other things, special provisions concerning the performance of insurance services which introduce relevant amendmentsto the Legislative Decree No. 209 of September 7, 2005 (“Insurance Code”) ...

Lavery Lawyers | January 2012

The honourable justice Louis-Paul Cullen of the Superior Court rendered a judgment on September 23, 2011 which dismissed a motion for authorization to exercise a class action instituted by Mr. Kerfalla Toure (hereinafter "Toure") against Brault & Martineau (hereinafter "B & M) . (1)  In order for a class action to be authorized by the Superior Court, the Code of Civil Procedure sets out the four conditions which must be fulfilled ...

Lavery Lawyers | January 2012

<table border="0" width="780" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0"> <tbody> <tr> <td> <p>To date, under Panama law (and ever since 1917<a name="_ftnref1"></a><a href="wsg_admin14 ...

Deacons | December 2011

After being reviewed four times in three years, the Social Insurance Law of the People’s Republic of China (the “Social Insurance Law”) was finally adopted by the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress of China on 28 October 2010. Its implementation rules (the “Implementation Rules”) were subsequently released by the Ministry of Human Resource and Social Security (“MHRSS”) on 29 June 2011. Both the Social Insurance Law and the Implementation Rules came into force on 1 July 2011 ...

Lavery Lawyers | December 2011

The advent of social networks such as Myspace, Facebook, Diaspora, Photobucket, Twitter, You Tube, and others has brought significant changes to social relationships. In Quebec alone, more than 3,250,000 persons 1 have a profile on Facebook. In 2012, the use of social media intensified in Quebec; indeed, more than three quarters of netsurfers in Quebec visited at lease one social medium or contributed to its content ...

Imagine the effect on the privatization effort and the stability of the workers’ compensation insurance market in West Virginia if the standard workers’ compensation insurance policy1 was held to give an insured employer coverage for “deliberate intent” claims even though the insured employer did not inquire about, request, or pay for such coverage.2 Imagine the risk management implications and the effect on premiums for workers’ compensation insurers ...

Haynes and Boone, LLP | October 2011

The Federal Circuit recently resolved two issues of first impression as to how patent reexamination proceedings affect related patent infringement litigation. These two cases, Marine Polymer1 and Bettcher Industries,2 are likely to have a significant impact on both litigation and reexamination-proceeding practices, as well as the strategic interplay between them ...

Haynes and Boone, LLP | September 2011

Hurricane Irene’s path along the Eastern Seaboard has affected millions of people and exposed businesses to property loss, business interruption, and supply network disruption. Those affected by Irene should immediately think about insurance coverage for their loss. Commercial Property Insurance In the event of a loss, a company should take steps to preserve coverage ...

MinterEllison | August 2011

A recent decision in the Full Federal Court has shown that while manufacturers are generally free to make goods according to a design that is not registered, care must be taken to ensure that those products are branded in a way that distinguishes them from the market leader ...

The past year has seen a significant rise in the uptake of mediation as an alternative means of dispute resolution and this is a trend which is likely to continue. Designed to resolve disputes to the (relative) satisfaction of both parties at an early stage, mediation uses an independent, specially trained third party mediator to facilitate private and confidential settlement discussions between parties ...

Lavery Lawyers | July 2011

After more than three years of delays, studies and public consultations, the Canada Consumer Product Safety Act (the “Act”) came into force on June 20, 2011. The Act imposes new obligations on manufacturers, importers and sellers of consumer products and grants significant powers to Health Canada. It will impact this critical sector of our economy ...

Asters | June 2011

INTRODUCTION TO DISPUTE RESOLUTION FRAMEWORK   Ukraine is a civil law country with the Constitution being a principal source of law. The main sources of civil and commercial law are acts promulgated by the legislative and executive branches of the state. International treaties ratified by Parliament become part of national law and prevail in a conflict with domestic law ...

Lavery Lawyers | June 2011

FIRE SAFETY ACTThe Fire Safety Act (the “Act”) came into force on September 1, 2000. Its purpose is to implement organizational arrangements pertaining to fire safety within the regional county municipalities (“RCMs”) and major urban centres in Quebec. Section 8 of the Act requires them to establish a fire safety cover plan (a “Plan”) which must then be approved by the Minister of Public Security ...

Dykema | June 2011

Your employees may be using your business’s credit cards to make charges you haven’t authorized. And if you don’t discover it soon after the fact, you may be liable for those charges.   “A court’s rationale is pragmatic and straightforward ...

The situation is this: you represent a manufacturer in a tort dispute.  During discovery, plaintiffs notice a Rule 30(b)(6) deposition of your client’s representative, but elect to forgo the deposition in exchange for negligible admissions filed by your client.  Discovery has closed.  The trial date is looming ...

MinterEllison | February 2011

Alternative dispute resolution benefits the public no matter what the outcome Attorney-General Robert McClelland continues to pus alternative dispute resolution after launching the report A Strategic Framework for Access to Justice in the Federal Civil Justice System late last year. One of its main recommendations is to encourage Commonwealth agencies to use ADR ...

Shoosmiths LLP | February 2011

The majority of disputes are settled before trial, and an increasing number are settled before proceedings are issued. The Civil Procedure Rules that provide the framework for litigation in England and Wales encourage parties to consider alternative ways to resolve their differences. There are a variety of techniques that can be utilised to achieve an early and cost effective settlement. Collectively, these are known as ADR ...

Delphi | December 2010

A new version of the well-known International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) Incoterms® becomes effective on 1 January 2011. EXW, FCA, DDP, FOB and CIP – are some of the three-letter abbreviations of Incoterms® commonly found in sales and delivery agreements around the world ...

Lavery Lawyers | December 2010

THE FACTS OF THE CASEThe case has as its backdrop a family tragedy. On the morning of April 22, 2002, Martin Brossard went to the residence of his former spouse, Liliane de Montigny. Following a sequence of events, the order of which could not be determined from the evidence, he strangled his spouse and drowned their two children, Claudia and Béatrice, in the bathtub of the residence ...
