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Shoosmiths LLP | May 2013

The first industrial revolution, which began in the 1750s, lasted for between 80 to 100 years. The pace of technological change today encourages us to believe that the second industrial revolution (IR2) will be completed at much greater speed. So if we take the mid-1980s as a starting point, with the emergence of optical disk technologies into consumer markets, you would expect us to be well on the way to completion, 30 years into IR2 ...

The hacker group Anonymous announced that it, in concert with Middle East- and North Africa-based criminal hackers and cyber actors, will conduct a coordinated online attack labeled “OpUSA” against banking and government websites today, May 7. Anonymous stated that OpUSA will be a distributed denial of service (DDoS) in which websites may be defaced and legitimate users may be unable to access websites ...

ALRUD Law Firm | May 2013

I. Recruitment and Social Media 1. Is there a specific legal framework for the use of social media in the recruitment context? There are no specific laws or regulations dealing with the use of information from social media in the recruitment context. However, the following general laws are relevant:  - Article 8, European Convention on Human Rights, 1950; - Articles 23, 24 and 29, Constitution of the Russian Federation; - Federal Law No ...

Shoosmiths LLP | May 2013

On 2 April 2013, data protection authorities across the EU - including the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) - announced that they are now investigating whether Google's privacy policy complies with national data protection laws.The investigation was prompted by allegations that Google failed to implement recommendations issued to it by the EU Working Party in October 2012 ...

Here are select February 2013 rulings of the Supreme Court of the Philippines on criminal law and procedure: 1.            REVISED PENAL CODE Conspiracy; joint purpose and design. Conspiracy may be deduced from the mode, method, and manner in which the offense was perpetrated; orinferred from the acts of the accused when those acts point to a joint purpose and design, concerted action, and community of interests ...

Lavery Lawyers | April 2013

It is not surprising that there has been so much discussion and debate surrounding the saga of Eric and Lola and the debate surrounding the saga of Eric and Loa in the past few years.  Indeed, this litigation raises issues that directly affect a large number of  Quebec couples who live in De facto Unions ...

When was the last time when you or someone you know shared a bad experience or a complaint about a person in Facebook or Twitter?  A good bet is that a longer time has passed than if this question was asked a year ago.  The reason for this is probably Republic Act No. 10175, also known as the Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012, which President Noynoy Aquino signed into law on September 12, 2012. A ...

Here are select February 2013 rulings of the Supreme Court of the Philippines on remedial law:Civil ProcedureActions; cause of action; elements; failure to state a cause of action is ground for dismissal ...

Law and institutions-1. Treaties  Is your country a signatory to any treatises that refer to mediation? Is your domestic mediation law based on a treaty?  The Philippines is currently not a party to any treaties that refer to mediation.2 ...

Adopted in 2000, Regulation FD generally prohibits public companies and personnel acting on their behalf from selectively disclosing material, nonpublic information to certain groups, such as brokers, investment advisers, analysts and shareholders who are likely to trade on information, without concurrently making widespread public disclosure ...

Here are select January 2013 rulings of the Supreme Court of the Philippines on legal and judicial ethics:Attorney; forum shopping as contempt of court. A disbarment complaint against Atty. Gonzales was filed for violating the Code of Professional Responsibility for the forum shopping he allegedly committed. The court held that the respondent was guilty of forum shopping. Lawyers should be reminded that their primary duty is to assist the courts in the administration of justice ...

ENSafrica | March 2013

Technology-rich South African companies and indeed inventors who have taken the brave step of filing foreign patents -will know that there are two ways of getting patent protection in Europe. The first is the national route, in other words filing a patent directly in the country or countries of interest. The second route is that of the European Patent ...

ENSafrica | March 2013

The BBC recently published a piece called ‘3D Printing Will Be the Next Big Copyright Fight’. It said this:  ‘That moment we’ve been hearing about for years – the one where futuristic-sounding 3D printing becomes ubiquitous – is actually upon us.’  It dealt with a topic that’s also referred to as ‘additive manufacturing’ ...

ENSafrica | March 2013

It’s well known that computer programs enjoy copyright protection - many have  also been patented, but that’s another story and I’m not going to deal with that here. The South African Copyright Act has protected computer programs as a specific category of works since 1992, although prior to that they were protected as ‘literary works’ ...

ENSafrica | March 2013

There was an interesting decision in the US recently about the intellectual property (IP) implications of posting a photo on Twitter.   The facts were that a professional photographer by the name of Daniel Morel – a man who has apparently spent over 25 years in Haiti – posted dramatic photos of the earthquake that struck Haiti in January 2010 shortly after the event ...

Shoosmiths LLP | March 2013

The collapse of systems integrator and reseller 2e2 in January has highlighted the danger for clients of companies such as 2e2, and focuses attention on how to deal with this type of situation. At a recent Shoosmiths event, data, IT and banking lawyers shared practical experience of the risks and potential remedies associated with insolvency of IT suppliers ...

Business owners grudgingly accept lawsuits as a part of doing business. If you’re doing what it takes to advance your business, you will suffer the bumps and bruises that will result in your name on a legal pleading. You may even be the one who files the lawsuit.Almost any money you can recover in a lawsuit is eaten up by lost employee time, and, perhaps more importantly, the business owner’s loss of focus on healthy profits. If you are the one sued, you can never win ...

ENSafrica | February 2013

It’s well known that computer programs enjoy copyright protection - many have  also been patented, but that’s another story and I’m not going to deal with that here. The South African Copyright Act has protected computer programs as a specific category of works since 1992, although prior to that they were protected as ‘literary works’ ...

Hunton Andrews Kurth LLP | February 2013

On February 26, 2013, the National Institute of Standards and Technology ("NIST") issued a Request for Information ("RFI") to gather comments regarding the development of a framework to reduce cybersecurity risks to critical infrastructure. As we previously reported, the Obama Administration’s executive order, Improving Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity (the "Executive Order"), released on February 12, 2013, directs NIST to coordinate development of this framework ...

Data Privacy Act of 2012 The Data Privacy Act (Republic Act No. 10173) seeks to protect the confidentiality of “personal information.” The latter is defined as “any information whether recorded in material form or not, from which the identity of an individual is apparent or can be reasonably and directly ascertained by the entity holding the information, or when put together with other information would directly and certainly identify an individual ...

What it’s aboutThe Data Privacy Act (Republic Act No. 10173) seeks to protect the confidentiality of “personal information.” The latter is defined as “any information whether recorded in material form or not, from which the identity of an individual is apparent or can be reasonably and directly ascertained by the entity holding the information, or when put together with other information would directly and certainly identify an individual ...

What it’s aboutThe Cybercrime Prevention Act (Republic Act No. 10175) penalizes “cybercrimes”— acts that fall into any of these major categories:a) offenses against the confidentiality, integrity and availability of computer data and systems (e.g., illegal access, data interference);b) computer-related offenses (e.g., computer-related forgery and fraud);c) content-related offenses (e.g ...

Hunton Andrews Kurth LLP | February 2013

Much has been written about the consequences of failing to establish a reasonable plan to preserve documents once there is a duty to preserve. However, surprisingly little has been written about when a party can resume its normal document retention and destruction policy. The good news is that eventually the litigation hold can be lifted; the bad news is that you may not be able to life the hold as soon as you would hope or like ...
