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Carey | March 2020

  Regarding the State of Catastrophe and sanitary alert decreed in Chile in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, on Sunday 22 March 2020, the Chilean Government announced the following 12 measures: Strict quarantine for the extreme-South city of Puerto Williams (except for essential cargo freighting). Strict sanitary customs in the aerial and maritime crossing to the city of Puerto Williams ...

Heuking | March 2020

In connection with the coronavirus, prices for transport services have increased, in some cases very considerably, such as when a reduction in freight space necessitates rebooking and rescheduling. Not everyone, and not even all commercial customers, may be aware of these price increases. It is also questionable whether corona-related additional costs may always be deemed usual remuneration (Section 632 German Civil Code) ...

Afridi & Angell | March 2020

The UAE authorities have been dynamic in implementing measures to control the spread of COVID-19 within the UAE. Please find below a non-exhaustive list of noteworthy measures that have been implemented by various UAE authorities to date ...

Simonsen Vogt Wiig AS | March 2020

  On 17 February 2020, we wrote our first notes on the effect of the virus on shipping. Since then, both the outbreak as well as the measures against it are spreading wider. Link to our first article about the Covid-19 and its impact on Shipping.  We have received numerous queries from our clients and have assisted in establishing management plans for situations ranging from chartering, to shipbuilding and sale and purchase through to notices to master and crew on board ...

DORDA | February 2020

The outbreak of the coronavirus and the measures taken by the Chinese government to contain it have brought production in China as the world's workbench to a complete standstill. Companies that operate in China or purchase such goods are currently facing delivery shortfalls. A similar situation could soon threaten Italy, where the first factory closures have already taken place ...

Simonsen Vogt Wiig AS | February 2020

SVW has, across its offices, been giving guidance to clients both under English and Norwegian law as to the Coronavirus impact on shipping contracts, including on force majeure and similar exceptions clauses, and contract frustration. Read our recent publication, touching upon these issues. The Covid19 Virus Only two months have passed since the novel coronavirus was detected in Wuhan, China ...

Kudun and Partners | February 2020

Thailand’s future is set to be more connected, technologically advanced and economically prosperous than ever. This being driven by one development in particular: the Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC) ...

 On 16 December 2019, the European Commission approved under EU State aid rules, five schemes to support maritime transport in Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Poland and Sweden. As far as Cyprus is concerned, the Commission approved the prolongation of a tonnage tax and seafarer scheme in Cyprus. The Commission found that the schemes comply with the rules limiting tonnage taxation to eligible activities and vessel ...

FISCHER (FBC & Co.) | December 2019

Small Claims Appeal Application (District Court, Tel Aviv) 56432-07-17 Iberia Airlines v. Fleisher Peled et al. The District Court in Tel Aviv-Yafo with an expanded three judge panel, rejected Iberia Airlines' appeal in the matter 56432-07-17 Iberia Airlines v. Fleisher Peled et al ...

TSMP Law Corporation | December 2019

Some are just donkeys with a horn.I will remember 2019 as the year when many unicorns were exposed as donkeys in disguise.Invoking the rarity and mystique of the mythical creature, a “unicorn” is the term the financial market coined for companies worth US$1 billion or more. The year opened with high hopes for such companies that sought an initial public offering (IPO) in the following months ...

Shepherd and Wedderburn LLP | November 2019

On 1 January 2020, the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) will introduce its revised rules and trade terms governing global freight transport.  The Incoterms rules were first introduced by the ICC in 1936 to “establish commonly accepted definitions and rules related to the sale of goods between trading partners worldwide”, and now facilitate international trade valued in the trillions of dollars each year ...

Simonsen Vogt Wiig AS | October 2019

On 7 August 2019 a new UN convention was signed in Singapore by 46 countries, the "UN Convention on International Settlement Agreements Resulting from Mediation", also known as the Singapore Convention. The Singapore Convention applies to international settlement agreements resulting from mediation and aims to be an instrument for international trade to facilitate and promote mediation as an alternative method of resolving trade disputes ...

Simonsen Vogt Wiig AS | September 2019

The Cape Town Convention on International Interests in Mobile Equipment of 16 November 2001 (the the “CTC”) and its Protocol on Matters Specific to Aircraft Equipment has since its adaption in 2001 grown to be the overruling legal framework in the aviation industry, providing banks, airlines and leasing companies with an international unified regime on acknowledgement and enforcement of security interests in aircraft ...

FISCHER (FBC & Co.) | September 2019

The High Court of Justice held that travel agents are not permitted to sell insurance products for outside of Israel. This is in accordance with the decision of the Ministry of Finance’s Commissioner of Capital Markets, Insurance and Savings. In July 2019, the High Court of Justice rendered its decision in the matter 2969/19 The Israel Association of Travel Agencies and Consultants v. The Commissioner of the Capital Markets, Insurance and Savings Authority ...

Simonsen Vogt Wiig AS | August 2019

Frithjof Herlofsen of Simonsen Vogt Wiig successfully represented an Italian shipowner in a loss of hire cover dispute against Gard. The rushed response of the Nordic Plan Revision Committee to include "Anti-Hamburg" wording in the revised 2019 Commentary to the Nordic Plan raise several concerns. Overview ...

 Financing in the shipping industry has changed and will continue to change in the following years. The new IMO 2020 Regulations on low sulphur fuel and the IMO strategy on greenhouse gas emissions (GHG emissions) put more pressure on the shipping industry in the aftermath of the worldwide financial crisis. The need for the development of new financial structures in the shipping industry was therefore profound ...

Beginning next month, used car dealers in West Virginia may sell vehicles directly to consumers without a single warranty that the vehicles are operational or safe to drive. The so-called “As Is” bill – approved last March by the West Virginia Legislature – will allow merchants to make sales on an “as is” basis, effectively eliminating any implied warranties about a vehicle’s merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose ...

Morgan & Morgan | June 2019

Executive Decree No. 238 of June 10, 2019 Requirements to apply for permanent residency for executives of Multinational Headquarters offices (“SEM” for its acronym in Spanish) As of June 11th, 2019, the requirements to apply for the Permanent Resident Permit for Executives of SEM companies who i) continue working at a SEM company, and ii) no longer work for a SEM company ...

The President of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, has passed an executive order whereby he proposed the creation of the “Logistic Center for the Distribution and Transportation of Petroleum Products” (the “Center”), as a decentralized administrative entity separate from the Ministry of Energy, with technical, operational and management autonomy ...

Dykema | January 2019

The Chicago City Council recently approved a significant amendment to the transit-oriented development provisions of the Zoning Ordinance. Prior to the change, the Chicago Zoning Ordinance, through increases and reductions of certain development standards, allowed for larger, more dense buildings on properties in close proximity to CTA or Metra train stations ...

Veirano Advogados | January 2019

The dispute between ride sharing companies Uber and 99 is increasingly fierce. Now the main stage is Rio de Janeiro. In May 2018, Uber filed a lawsuit against 99 in the city, claiming misleading advertising. Less than two months ago, 99 began an aggressive discount campaign in the city to promote the 99Pop service in Rio, competing directly with Uber ...

Veirano Advogados | December 2018

The Brazilian Federal Government recently published Medida Provisória No. 863/2018 ("MP 863/18"), a new rule that amends Federal Law No. 7,565, of December 19, 1986 (Brazilian Aviation Code) and lifts the existing restrictions to foreign capital shareholding in Brazilian air transportation companies. As a result, foreign investors are from now on able to hold up to one hundred percent (100%) of the voting capital of Brazilian airlines ...

A&L Goodbody LLP | November 2018

Ireland is a key global hub for aviation finance and leasing, having almost 50 years' experience in the sector. Recent reports forecast that the Irish aviation sector will see growth of over 20 per cent in aircraft assets from 2016 to 2021. Aviation finance and leasing is a global industry with investment into Ireland mainly coming from the US, Europe and Asia. Ireland’s aviation finance and leasing sector was a 'disruptive' industry in Ireland long before the term was even coined ...

Simonsen Vogt Wiig AS | November 2018

The value of the car is no longer merely associated with the car body, its engine or other material parts. Substantial value is found in the knowledge that controls the car – knowledge that does not only steer the car, but which may form the basis for maintenance and repairs planning, computing insurance premiums or indicating who is liable in the case of damage ...
