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AELEX | February 2011

A overview of natural  Gas Sector and a brief outline of Nigeria’s natural gas sector, including a general description of: natural gas reserves; natural gas production including the extent to which production is associated or non-associated natural gas; import and export of natural gas, including liquefied natural gas (LNG) liquefaction and export facilities, and/or receiving and re-gasification facilities (“LNG facilities”); natural gas pipeline

Shoosmiths LLP | February 2011

Website accessibility is a requirement of the Equality Act 201.  The first of a two-part article explaining Equality Act 2010 to websites. In our last article, Website accessibility: Industry standards and best practice, we considered how the Equality Act 2010 would be implemented, and considered what the new BSI Standard for website accessibility might look like ...

Lavery Lawyers | February 2011

Concents : * Technology Licences in the Event of Bankruptcy * New Quebec Business Corporations Regime * The Shareholder Agreement: the "Specifications" of the Private Corporation Shareholder Technology Licences in the Event of Bankruptcy Sive Burns The owner of a technology protected by an intellectual property right (copyright or patent) or protected by secret (trade secret) may grant a licence to a licensee ...

Haynes and Boone, LLP | February 2011

Effective September 1, 2010, the Texas Railroad Commission issued new regulations for oil and gas operators related to inactive onshore wells and associated equipment pursuant to House Bill 22591 which dramatically changed requirements for extension of plugging obligations for inactive wells. Certain aspects of the regulations and the original law currently are under review, and amendments to HB 2259 are expected to be introduced in the current legislative session ...

Garrigues | February 2011

As a result of its climate, Spain enjoys a strategic position within the European Union for theproduction of renewable energy, hence its long-standing commitment over the years to promoteresearch and development in such energy sources ...

Lawson Lundell LLP | February 2011

The Federal government’s legislation to control spam and other ills of the electronic age with the oh-so-catchy title of  An Act to promote the efficiency and adaptability of the Canadian economy by regulating certain activities that discourage reliance on electronic means of carrying out commercial activities, and to amend the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission Act, the Competition Act, the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act and

ALTIUS/Tiberghien | February 2011

1. How can the government’s attitude and approach to internet issues best be described? The attitude of the Belgian government can be described as positive and their approach is proactive. In 2003, the Belgian authorities announced the introduction of ‘egovernment’ ...

Shoosmiths LLP | January 2011

In the second of a two-part look at issues arising out of the tender process we consider what can happen when that process is poorly run. Part 1 of the series can be found at IT tendering: Leveraging the benefits. A typical tender process involves the customer analysing and documenting its requirements in a Request for Proposals (RFP) to which interested suppliers will prepare a response ...

The 2011 Session of the West Virginia Legislature promises to be one of the most interesting in the state's history. The passing of U.S. Senator Robert C. Byrd in 2010 has led to a series of corresponding leadership changes in West Virginia's state and federal delegations. Further, perceived incongruities between state succession laws and West Virginia's Constitution have led interested parties to seek input and clarification from the West Virginia Supreme Court of Appeals ...

In the 2011 legislative session, Pennsylvania's new Republican governor, Tom Corbett, and its largely Republican legislature are likely to pick up where the last session left off with regard to Marcellus Shale issues ...

Shoosmiths LLP | January 2011

In a recent article we looked at some of the employment risks for customers associated with cloud computing. Following on from Cloud computing: Employment law implications, we now consider how best to assess the other risks associated with cloud computing ...

Haynes and Boone, LLP | January 2011

In a move that indicates significant regulatory changes may be coming to deepwater operations, federal authorities are eyeing new rules curtailing venting of natural gas in the Gulf of Mexico ...

Makarim & Taira S. | January 2011

In line with the national long term program to improve the mining and energy sectors to support the development of the country, as well as to ensure that the supply of energy and mineral resources to the domestic market can be met, the Government of Indonesia has been working hard to expedite the process to issue new regulations in the mining and energy sectors ...

Lawson Lundell LLP | January 2011

This paper discusses electricity sector developments in Alberta and British Columbia that continue to break new ground particularly in view of the recent prominence of renewable energy, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions issues and export market development initiatives for the export of electricity from clean or renewable sources.To read this paper, click here ...

Lawson Lundell LLP | December 2010

On December 2, 2010, the Supreme Court of Canada dismissed leave to appeal from the Federal Court of Appeal's decision in Standing Buffalo Dakota First Nation v. Enbridge Pipelines Inc., 2009 FCA 308.  Lawson Lundell acted for the Respondent, the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers (CAPP), and took an active role in successfully defending the appeal proceedings.Standing Buffalo Dakota First Nation v. Enbridge Pipelines Inc ...

Haynes and Boone, LLP | November 2010

On October 15, 2010, the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation and Enforcement (“BOEMRE”) issued a final rule that makes mandatory and expands API RP 75, a voluntary industry standard initially promulgated in the 1990s, that addresses the management of safety and environmental risks associated with Outer Continental Shelf (“OCS”) operations and facilities ...

Lawson Lundell LLP | October 2010

Rio Tinto Alcan Inc. and British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority v. Carrier Sekani Tribal Council, 2010 SCC 43 On October 28, 2010, the nine justices of Supreme Court of Canada issued a unanimous judgment in this appeal that confirmed the decision of the British Columbia Utilities Commission (the “Commission”) to accept the 2007 Electricity Purchase Agreement between BC Hydro and Rio Tinto Alcan Inc. for filing ...

Lawson Lundell LLP | October 2010

Both British Columbia ("BC") and Alberta have long-held political cultures that nourish a sense of alienation from the traditional Canadian power centres in eastern Canada, which has in turned fostered strongly iconoclastic public policies on a range of issues. Coupled with significant differences in geography and geology, these iconoclastic tendencies have resulted in electricity polices that have in recent years dramatically diverged ...

Lawson Lundell LLP | October 2010

On October 4, 2010, the British Columbia Oil and Gas Activities Act(1)  (“OGAA”) came into force.  The OGAA represents a significant change to the legal regime for oil and gas activities in British Columbia, and will have immediate consequences for conventional oil and gas producers, shale gas producers, and other operators of oil and gas facilities in the province ...

by M. Ann Bradley, as published in IOGA of West Virginia newsletter, October 2010       There appears to be an increasing trend among certain regulatory agencies to issue policies or guidance when a change in some regulated activity is needed or desired, rather than undertaking formal rule-making procedures to adopt such a change ...

Pressure for change is building in the water sector. The industry is one of the country's largest energy users (it takes a lot of power to move and clean water) and reducing that use is an important step in meeting climate related targets. Concerns about the affordability of charges for some customers are increasing whilst European legislation is driving environmental standards up, protecting our vital resources but demanding ever increasing spending to do it ...

Shoosmiths LLP | September 2010

IT projects: It’s a team game 28 September 2010 IT projects have a knack of over-running for significant periods, requiring ‘out-of-scope’ changes half way through, and consequently going over budget. Although any project will develop and evolve over time, such problems can be minimised through sensible project management methods. It is not uncommon for IT projects to last several months, if not years, from conception to completion ...

Lavery Lawyers | September 2010


ALTIUS/Tiberghien | September 2010

Getting the Deal Through - e-Commerce 2011 Getting the Deal Through published a fully revised and updated seventh edition of e-Commerce, a volume in GTDT's series of annual reports published by Law Business Research. This  publication provides international analysis in key areas of law and policy for corporate counsel, cross-border legal practitioners and business people ...

Pellerano & Herrera | September 2010

New Dominican Electricity Law Promotes Private Investment By Luis Pellerano In recent years, the Dominican Republic has enacted a wide variety of new laws intended to enhance foreign investment in the country. These include new tax, foreign investment and environmental statutes. Recently, the government enacted a new general law of electricity ...
