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Lavery Lawyers | June 2007

On May 25, 2007, the Supreme Court of Canada rendered a unanimous decision in favour of our client, Transat Tours Canada Inc., a subsidiary of the Transat A.T. Inc. group, which ranks among the ten largest tourism businesses in the world. This precedent is of crucial importance for Canadian firms carrying on business abroad ...

Lavery Lawyers | May 2007

In accordance with its announcement in its Notice of Intent published on October 21, 2006(1), the federal government, on April 26, published the regulatory framework it favours for greenhouse gases emissions and other air pollutants.The “Regulatory Framework for Air Emissions”, despite its title, is not a restrictive regulation ...

On 15 March 2007, the European Court of Justice confirmed that the European Commission had been correct to fine British Airways £6.8 million for abusing its dominant position by operating loyalty enhancing performance bonus schemes for travel agents since the schemes had the effect of excluding competitors without any objective economic justification ...

British Airways' 14-year long wrangle with Virgin and the European Commission ended yesterday, when Europe's highest court confirmed that the Commission was right in fining BA EUR6.8m. For BA this comes at an inopportune moment, as it is currently under investigation by both the US Federal Trade Commission and the EU Commission for alleged breaches of anti-cartel provisions ...

A&L Goodbody LLP | February 2007

The European Court of Justice (ECJ) has ruled that motor vehicle distribution agreements may benefit from the exemption in Regulation 1400/2002 (Block Exemption) even if the supplier can terminate the agreement without notice in certain circumstances. The Block Exemption applies to such agreements provided the supplier gives reasons for the termination which are subject to review by an independent expert or arbitrator ...

Lavery Lawyers | December 2006

If you are a business owner-leader whose years of hard labour earned him substantial wealth, you certainly wish to maximize the value of the assets that will be transferred to your heirs. You also want such transfer to proceed harmoniously and at the lowest tax cost possible. To achieve these goals, you must start to plan now ...

Cechova & Partners | October 2006

Pursuant to the Act on Budget Rules for Public Administration, the Ministry of Transport, Posts and Telecommunications of the Slovak Republic, by this Ruling, enlarged the scope of persons entitled to subsidies ensuring higher penetration of broadband internet access ...

Deacons | September 2006

Following the amendments to the Inland Revenue Ordinance earlier this year, the Inland Revenue Department ("IRD") issued its Departmental Interpretation and Practice Notes ("DIPN") No. 43 on 6 September 2006. Whilst the Inland Revenue Ordinance ("IRO") laid down the legal foundation in respect of the Hong Kong profits tax exemption for unauthorised funds, DIPN 43 provides some practical guidance on the application of the exemption ...

Ellex Valiunas | September 2006

The main legal acts regulating the registration of seagoing ships in Lithuania are the Law on Merchant Shipping, the Rules for Registration of Seagoing Ships in Lithuania approved on 4 July 2005 by order No. 3-301 of the Minister of Transport and Communications, and the Decision of the Government of Lithuania “On the Register of Seagoing Ships of the Republic of Lithuania”. The following ships can be registered at the Register of Seagoing Ships of the Republic of Lithuania (the Register): 1 ...

PLMJ | July 2006

The effects of the singular interpretation of the EC Treaty that the Court of Justice has been reinforcing for many years whilst assessing the compatibility of income tax legislation of the Member States with that Treaty, are now beginning to be felt, and to a considerable degree, here in Portugal ...

PLMJ | June 2006

Recently, in 2005, the Portuguese tax system streamlined its rules for the taxation of dividends, by harmonising rates which previously varied in accordance to the nature of the recipient of the dividends. This, along with the introduction of some provisions aimed at dealing with schemes that used exempt entities to evade tax, helped to turn the taxation of dividends more coherent and simple ...

Shoosmiths LLP | June 2006

Purchasing a yacht should be a pleasurable experience given that the craft in question is most likely to be used for the owner’s leisure pursuits. Yachts, however, whether they are second-hand, new, large or small, have one thing in common. They are expensive. However, many purchasers whether they are paying £10,000 or £1,000,000 are sometimes less cautious than perhaps they should be when buying what is in effect a “toy” ...

PLMJ | May 2006

The frameworks for biofuel production and tax treatment are set out in Decree-Law 62/2006 of 21 March and Decree-Law 66/2006 of 22 March respectively ...

Shoosmiths LLP | April 2006

Captains of private and commercial yachts (and owners) have civil and criminal law duties most of which are concerned with the safe operation of the vessel. As the captain is regarded in law as being the owner’s agent, he is the person unfortunately on the spot. It is the captain who becomes personally liable in the first instance for any fine imposed on the vessel. Owners or charterers have no legal obligation to compensate him even though the offence may have occurred due to their fault ...

Shoosmiths LLP | April 2006

The legal concept that one can arrest a vessel and prevent it moving is unusual to say the least. An arrest in the UK (and other jurisdictions) is practically undertaken by serving upon the vessel a “Warrant of Arrest”, a very similar concept to criminal proceedings albeit this form of arrest is a civil law admiralty procedure and for very different reasons ...

Shoosmiths LLP | April 2006

Captains of private and commercial yachts (and owners) have civil and criminal law duties most of which are concerned with the safe operation of the vessel. As the captain is regarded in law as being the owner’s agent, he is the person unfortunately on the spot. It is the captain who becomes personally liable in the first instance for any fine imposed on the vessel. Owners or charterers have no legal obligation to compensate him even though the offence may have occurred due to their fault ...

Deacons | April 2006

On 2 November 2005, the Legislative Council enacted the Revenue (Abolition of Estate Duty) Ordinance ("RAEDO"). It came into operation on 11 February 2006. RAEDO, among other things: (i) abolishes estate duty as proposed in the 2005 - 2006 Budget; and (ii) empowers the Secretary for Home Affairs ("SHA") to release money from bank accounts of deceased persons and allow inspection of bank safe deposit boxes ...

Shepherd and Wedderburn LLP | February 2006

On 13 December 2005, the European Court of Justice ("ECJ") found Marks and Spencer plc ("M&S") could claim group tax relief from UK tax authorities in relation to the losses incurred by its former European subsidiaries that had ceased trading in Belgium, France and Germany in 2001. M&S argued that just as UK resident companies in a group may set off their profits and losses among themselves, so the same should be possible for the losses of foreign subsidiaries ...

On December 1, 2005, the second paragraph of section III of Article 31 of the Income Tax Law became effective and requires taxpayers seeking to deduct the purchase of gasoline to pay with the taxpayer’s check payable to the seller, with a credit, debit or services card, or with a prepaid card, authorized by the Tax Administration Service. On January 25, 2006 a new amendment to Rule 3.4 ...

Deacons | January 2006

At the 18th Session of the Standing Committee of the 10th National People’s Congress held on 27 October 2005 amendments were adopted to the Individual Income Tax Law of the People's Republic of China. The amendments were promulgated by President Hu Jintao on 27 October 2005 and enter into effect on 1 January 2006. Tax free allowance A first amendment raises the tax free allowance applicable to wages and salaries from RMB 800 to RMB 1,600 ...

Deacons | January 2006

The State Administration for Taxation issued the Reply of the State Administration of Taxation on Issues relating to Tax Refund for Reinvestment by Foreign Investors on 20 October 2005. The Reply explains the conditions under which a foreign investment enterprise (“FIE”) can obtain a rebate on its enterprise income tax (“EIT”) for re-investment of its profits if such re-investment is made in instalments or in phases ...

Lawson Lundell LLP | December 2005

TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Introduction II. Recent and Proposed Governance Changes III. Institutional Scrutiny and Accountability IV. Inherent Governance Tensions V. Governance Regulation I. Introduction Corporate governance continues to be a hot topic. In Canada, we are at the stage of implementing a number of initiatives that have been enacted to follow the US lead in the Sarbanes-Oxley legislation ...

Deacons | November 2005

Hong Kong is a Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China which is governed by the Basic Law which forms a mini constitution for Hong Kong. Under the Basic Law, Hong Kong enjoys a high degree of autonomy except in relation to matters such as defence or foreign affairs. It has its own executive, legislative and independent judicial power including that of final adjudication ...

In Nicaragua, we did not have a Tributary Code as a unique legal body, the attributions of the Tributary Administration and the regulation of the different tributary procedures, the rights and duties of the contributor, were dispersed in our legislation existing in several cases, inapplicable norms, conflicts of application of the same, lack of adaptation to the actual technological recourses, among others ...

Lawson Lundell LLP | September 2005

BRITISH COLUMBIA LEGAL UPDATE Prepared for 39th Annual Canadian Property Tax Association National Workshop Cross Canada Legal Panel September 25 – 28, 2005 INTRODUCTION The following is an overview of legislative changes and caselaw developments in British Columbia property assessment and taxation since last September’s session. The review is not intended to be exhaustive, but instead to provide a cross-section of topical cases which may be of interest both to the B.C ...
