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Carey Olsen | August 2022

AML/ATF and Sanctions The Proceeds of Crime (Anti-Money Laundering and Anti-Terrorist Financing) Regulations 2008 require the Bermuda regulated sector and relevant persons to put in place policies and procedures in order to prevent activities related to money laundering and terrorist financing and to apply enhanced customer due diligence to high-risk jurisdictions ...

Carey Olsen | August 2022

The current regime Under the current regime in the Cayman Islands, the only option for a company to obtain a moratorium on claims, and to benefit from what is often seen as necessary breathing room to explore a restructuring, is for a winding up petition to be issued against the company and for the company to be placed into provisional liquidation, with provisional liquidators (JPLs) appointed over the company on a light-touch basis with the mandate to explore a restructuring of the company&r

Carey Olsen | July 2022

Prior to the Amendment Prior to the Amendment coming into effect, a person carrying out investment business in or from Bermuda was required to be licensed under the IBA unless they were excluded in accordance with the provisions the IBA or exempt pursuant to the Investment Business (Exemptions) Order 2004 (2004 Order).  Investment business was defined in the IBA as the undertaking of a relevant activity (i.e. dealing or advising on) in respect of an investment (i.e ...

Carey Olsen | July 2022

OECD's minimum global corporate tax The most significant recent development in the arena of taxation internationally must be the Organisation for Economic Co-operation & Development's (the OECD) members' agreement in late 2021, to ensure that multinational enterprises (MNEs) with global revenue above EUR 750 million will be subject to a 15% tax rate ...

Carey Olsen | July 2022

NotPetya Cyber-attack In June 2017, data-destroying malware called NotPetya, which has since been attributed to Russia’s military intelligence agency, infected hundreds of organizations in dozens of countries causing an estimated $10 billion in losses ...

Carey Olsen | July 2022

What is a JCT contract? A JCT contract is a standard form of building contract produced by a UK body known as the Joint Contracts Tribunal. The JCT is comprised of seven members who represent a wide range of interests in the building sector from contractors, architects, and surveyors. The documents produced by the JCT are intended to standardise construction contracts with a view to reducing the time taken to negotiate the documentation ...

Carey Olsen | July 2022

In the meantime, many individuals and families with significant wealth have seen their fortunes grow considerably despite these crises. In this environment, misassumptions may readily run rife ...

Carey Olsen | June 2022

The Guernsey Housing Association has recently advised that there are currently more than 500 people on the waiting list for affordable housing. Affordable housing is housing that is reserved for certain groups of people whose needs are not met by, or cannot afford to rent or buy property in, the private market ...

Carey Olsen | June 2022

Bermuda remains a preferred jurisdiction in which to establish and maintain trusts (and increasingly, family offices). Bermuda's Courts and regulatory regime carefully balance privacy with the objective of maintaining appropriate regulation to preserve Bermuda's stellar reputation as a premier international financial services jurisdiction ...

Carey Olsen | June 2022

Purpose of the new legislation The new legislation is intended to achieve three objectives, to:   promote accountability, integrity and public confidence in the administration and management of the charitable sector in Guernsey; meet international standards aimed at preventing the third sector from being abused for criminal purposes; and  give comfort to donors that their donations will be used to achieve the purposes of the charity ...

Carey Olsen | June 2022

The section 238 appraisal process under the Companies Act [1] in the Cayman Islands is a vital safeguard designed to protect minority shareholders' economic interests. When there is a merger or consolidation involving at least one Cayman company under Part XVI of the Companies Act, a dissenting shareholder may demand payment of the “fair value” in respect of all his shares ...

Carey Olsen | June 2022

Having been asked to manage restrictions on mobility, changes in investment portfolios, and risk appetite and to consider more closely matters of mortality and succession, many family offices have found themselves in uncharted territory ...

Carey Olsen | June 2022

Contents Please click on the links below to jump to the relevant section: What are the key features of a PCC? Who can be a PCC? Incorporation of a PCC Separation of assets Attributing liability and recourse against assets Information obligation Transferring cellular assets to third parties Arrangements between cells affecting cellular assets Conversions Liquidation of a PCC Administration of a PCC Receivership of cells in a PCC Tax Foreign recognition Essentially, a PCC consi

Carey Olsen | June 2022

Protected Cell Companies A Guernsey protected cell company (“PCC”) is a single legal entity. It is one company with one board of directors, one memorandum and articles of incorporation and one company registration number. A PCC comprises a core and any number of cells. Assets which are not comprised in a cell are deemed to be comprised in the core. No regulatory or filing processes are required to create a cell of a PCC ...

Carey Olsen | May 2022

Familiarity Jersey company law is founded on the same underlying principles as English company law, and therefore Jersey companies are very familiar to people who are used to dealing with English companies On the flip-side, the additional flexibility that Jersey law permits makes it possible for a Jersey company to “look and feel” very similar to, for example, a Delaware company  Flexibility on acquisition and throughout investment holding period Maintenance of capital:

Carey Olsen | May 2022

Even for those who know that ESG is an acronym for Environmental, Social and Governance there is a lot of subjectivity in the way the term is understood ...

Carey Olsen | May 2022

Voluntary Winding Up A Guernsey company may be voluntarily wound up by means of a special resolution of its shareholders (passed by a majority of 75%). A copy of the special resolution must be filed at the Guernsey Companies Registry within 30 days who will publish notice on its website. A copy of the special resolution must also be sent to the Guernsey Financial Services Commission ("GFSC") within 30 days of the special resolution being passed if the company is supervised by the GFSC ...

Carey Olsen | May 2022

The new legislation has: created an additional type of winding up of an insolvent company that can be initiated by a creditor and ordered by the court; and redefined the eligibility criteria for appointment as a liquidator in specified circumstances (including liquidator appointments under the new court ordered creditors’ winding up procedure) ...

Carey Olsen | May 2022

We have extensive experience in assisting both established and emerging fund management companies relocate part or all of their business to Jersey. We are legal advisers to five of the largest hedge fund managers with offshore headquarters: BlueCrest, Brevan Howard, Systematica, Rokos and Autonomy, a clear reflection of the high regard in which our practice is held ...

Carey Olsen | May 2022

However, in the light of the recent decisions in Rangecroft Ltd v Lenox International Holdings Ltd [1] , IS Investment Fund Segregated Portfolio Company v Fair Cheerful Ltd [2] , and most recently in A Creditor v Anonymous Company Ltd [3], a reassessment is required as to whether the procedure is truly optional. The Court in Lenox International highlighted the importance of following the "two-step process" to wind up a company on the basis of its insolvency ...

Carey Olsen | May 2022

With the introduction of foundations as an alternative type of structure to companies, the trustee can be formed as a private trust foundations (“PTF”) instead of a PTC, offering increased choice to the client. To help guide this choice, this briefing note considers key issues relating to the establishment and use of a PTC or a PTF in the context of private wealth management. References to “PTVs” are to both PTCs and PTFs ...

Carey Olsen | May 2022

In summary, in most jurisdictions, trust assets will be more vulnerable to attack from a settlor’s creditors in the following scenarios: A settlor’s retention of dispositive powers (particularly positive powers e.g. powers to direct the trustee in contrast to a power to veto a trustee’s proposal) generally renders a trust more vulnerable to attack by creditors. Retaining powers to revoke the trust and/or a general power of appointment (i.e ...

Carey Olsen | May 2022

This trend is worth monitoring, and undoubtedly reflective of generational change as those who set up companies or transferred interests into these jurisdictions decades ago pass on and leave their families fighting for control of the assets they have left behind. A helpful new judgement from the Easter Caribbean Court of Appeal (the Appeal Court) handed down on 23 March 2022, provides helpful further insight into family disputes over wills ...

Carey Olsen | May 2022

Contents Creation Legal personality and duration Founder Guardian Beneficiaries Council and counsillors The register of foundations Resident Agent Disclosure of Beneficial Ownership Confidentiality and disclosure Regulation of foundations Tax position Tax Filings of a Foundation CRS, FATCA and Foundations Economic Substance and Foundations Creation A foundation comes into being upon the founder endowing the foundation with its initial capital, subscribing his name to th

Carey Olsen | May 2022

However, Guernsey is also home to a number of insurers and reinsurers underwriting third party risks including life insurance/assurance as well as more exotic risks such as kidnap and ransom and “after the event” insurance ...
