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Carey Olsen | December 2023

Convening Scheme Meetings: Cayman Islands Court in China Aoyuan confirms the applicable principles Introduction The first stage in any restructuring by way of a scheme of arrangement in the Cayman Islands involves meetings of such classes of creditors or shareholders (as the case may be) to consider, and if thought fit, approve the terms of the scheme. An application to Court is required for orders to be granted for convening such meetings ...

Carey Olsen | December 2023

Changes to Stamp Duty, LTT & EPTT in Jersey Increase to the first-time buyer threshold The Law provides a welcome amendment to first time buyer stamp duty rates (and equivalent land taxes such as land transactions tax (LTT) in respect of share transfer properties and enveloped property transactions tax (EPTT)), with the maximum purchase price threshold for first-time buyers increasing from £500,000 to £700,000 ...

Buchalter | December 2023

December 2023 By: David J. Elkanich and Amber Bevacqua-Lynott There is no question that the practice of law has evolved over the past decade. At one time, lawyers would meet mostly with clients in person in their “brick and mortar” offices, and would principally represent clients in their home jurisdiction (where the client was physically located and where the lawyer is licensed). But times have changed ...

Dinsmore & Shohl LLP | December 2023

Recent changes to Ohio law have licensed health care professionals asking themselves when was the last time they confirmed or updated their email address, and other contact information, with agencies like the State Medical Board of Ohio, the Ohio Board of Nursing or the Board of Pharmacy? The impetus for such reflection is that Ohio licensing agencies may now serve significant legal documents exclusively through email, or a last-known fax number, as opposed to registered or certified mail thro

Over the last three years, the U.S. Department of Justice has pursued its first-ever criminal antitrust cases targeting alleged deals between companies to avoid poaching each other's employees and to fix wages. In total, the DOJ has brought six cases. Four resulted in acquittals, while just one case yielded guilty pleas. Last month, the DOJ voluntarily dismissed its sixth and last case without explanation. A number of lessons can be drawn from this wave of labor-market prosecutions ...

Carey Olsen | December 2023

Guernsey investment funds update - Q4 2023 Changes to the requirements for individuals acting as a director As noted in our previous update, on 8 July 2023 new regulations to The Regulation of Fiduciaries, Administration Businesses and Company Directors, etc (Bailiwick of Guernsey) Law, 2020 (the “Fiduciaries Law”) came into operation, introducing additional exemptions from the need to obtain a personal licence pursuant to the Fiduciaries Law ...

Carey Olsen | December 2023

Jersey investment funds update - Q4 2023 FSJL - Changes to investment business On 31 October 2023, two amendments to the definition of “investment business” (as set out in article 2(2) of the Financial Services (Jersey) Law 1998 (“FSJL”)) came into force. The amendments have been discussed extensively over the last few years via numerous consultations with industry ...

Dinsmore & Shohl LLP | December 2023

We’re entering the season of giving. Over the coming weeks, Americans across the nation will gather with family and friends to celebrate the holidays and give selflessly to the people and causes they love. Unfortunately, the Biden administra­tion might be embracing the giving spirit a little too much. Federal officials may soon decide to give away key domestic assets — American intellectual property (IP) — to our rivals ...

Carey Olsen | December 2023

Carey Olsen named Channel Islands Law Firm of the Year at WealthBriefing Awards Independently evaluated by expert panels, these awards celebrate outstanding achievements in the wealth management sector within the Channel Islands. The awards encompass various categories, highlighting excellence among individuals, teams, products, and services catering to wealth managers, clients, and institutions of diverse sizes and types ...

Lavery Lawyers | December 2023

On June 2, 2021, the Québec government reduced the administrative burden relating to international publicity contests by excluding them from the jurisdiction of the Régie des alcools, des courses et des jeux (the ?Régie?). It has now followed suit with all types of publicity contests launched on or after October 27, 20231 ...

Carey Olsen | December 2023

Carey Olsen's FinTech practice ranked Band 1 in Chambers 2024 Guide Carey Olsen Bermuda has advanced two positions to secure its Band 1 ranking, just six years after the office opened. The team has been commended by clients as "really knowledgeable in Bermuda law and very responsive on time-sensitive matters" ...

Carey Olsen | December 2023

Channel Island Wills for non-Jersey domiciliaries Do I need a Channel Island Will? It is not essential for you to have a separate Will to cover your Channel Island assets especially if you already have a validly executed Will which covers your entire estate, including Jersey and Guernsey, and which is validly executed. However, there are certain benefits to having a separate Channel Island Will in place ...

Carey Olsen | December 2023

What is a JPUT? A Jersey Property Unit Trust (JPUT) is a legal structure whereby legal ownership of assets (primarily non-Jersey real estate) is vested in one or more trustees who hold the assets on trust for the benefit of unitholders upon the terms of a written trust instrument. What are the benefits of a JPUT? JPUTs have many plus points: Familiarity: JPUTs are generally recognised and accepted by investors, lenders, advisers, regulators and tax authorities in the UK and elsewhere ...

Carey Olsen | December 2023

1. How do you foresee the evolving regulatory landscape in offshore jurisdictions impacting Asia-based clients in 2024, and what strategies is your firm considering to navigate these changes effectively? Anthony McKenzie (AM): Asia is the world's largest and most populated continent, comprised of many different economies, cultures and laws. The use of Cayman, BVI and Bermuda structures has a long track record throughout Asia and it is this familiarity which has contributed to their popularity ...
