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Carey Olsen | June 2022

Contents Please click on the links below to jump to the relevant section: What are the key features of a PCC? Who can be a PCC? Incorporation of a PCC Separation of assets Attributing liability and recourse against assets Information obligation Transferring cellular assets to third parties Arrangements between cells affecting cellular assets Conversions Liquidation of a PCC Administration of a PCC Receivership of cells in a PCC Tax Foreign recognition Essentially, a PCC consi

Carey Olsen | October 2023

On 30 August 2023, the Beneficial Ownership Transparency Bill, 2023 (the Bill) was published, proposing several important changes to the beneficial ownership regime in the Cayman Islands. The Bill is intended to enhance the jurisdiction’s current beneficial ownership regime to ensure compliance with the recommendations of the Financial Action Task Force ...

Carey Olsen | May 2024

Probate and estate planning administration for non-Guernsey domiciliaries Why do I need a Guernsey Grant of Probate or administration? Guernsey is an independent legal jurisdiction for estate administration purposes. When a person dies leaving assets in Guernsey, it is likely their personal representative will be required to obtain a Guernsey Grant of Probate or administration in order to receive the Guernsey assets ...

Carey Olsen | May 2024

Probate and estate planning administration for Guernsey domiciliaries Why do I need a Guernsey grant of probate or administration? Guernsey is an independent legal jurisdiction for estate administration purposes. When a person dies leaving assets in Guernsey it is likely their personal representative will be required to obtain a Guernsey Grant of Probate or Administration in order to receive the Guernsey assets ...

Carey Olsen | December 2023

Probate and estate administration for non-Jersey domiciliaries Why do I need a Jersey grant of representation? Jersey is an independent legal jurisdiction for estate administration purposes ...

Carey Olsen | February 2023

Contents Introduction Background to the appeals Summary of the Privy Council's decision Point 1: A trustee's right of indemnity confers a proprietary interest Point 2: The proprietary interest survives the transfer to a new trustee Point 3: There is no priority as between the competing proprietary interests of successive trustees, which rank pari passu Point 4: A trustee's indemnity extends to proving its claim Jersey law Comment Introduction On 13 October 2022, the sev

Carey Olsen | July 2023

The key issue before the formal body of advisers to the UK sovereign was whether the trustee of a settlement “exercised for a proper purpose” an express power contained in the trust deed to add and exclude discretionary objects, having added a purpose trust as an object and removed all family members comprising the entire class of objects. The Background The trust settlors were two brothers who founded Formosa Plastics Group, one of the largest business conglomerates in Taiwan ...

Carey Olsen | February 2023

Definitions: "LCF Law" means The Lending, Credit and Finance (Bailiwick of Guernsey) Law, 2022. "Notice" means the Guernsey Financial Services Commission's Notice with respect to the disapplication of the requirement to hold a licence under section 40 of the Lending, Credit and Finance (Bailiwick of Guernsey) Law, 2022. Equity investments The charts show various instances of equity investments being made. The LCF Law does not apply to equity investments ...

Carey Olsen | February 2023

[[{"type":"media","view_mode":"media_large","fid":"13510","attributes":{"alt":"","class":"media-image","height":"411","typeof":"foaf:Image","width":"480"}}]] Definitions: "LCF Law" means The Lending, Credit and Finance (Bailiwick of Guernsey) Law, 2022. "Notice" means the Guernsey Financial Services Commission's Notice with respect to the disapplication of the requirement to hold a licence under section 40 of the Lending, Credit and Finance (Bailiwick of Guernsey) Law, 2022 ...

Carey Olsen | April 2023

1. Which factors bring an individual within the scope of tax on income and capital gains? The charge to income tax in Jersey is assessed by reference to a person's residence status: A person who is resident and ordinarily resident in Jersey is charged to income tax on all of his/her Jersey and worldwide source income, whether remitted to Jersey or not ...

Carey Olsen | April 2023

1. Which factors bring an individual within the scope of tax on income and capital gains? Liability to Guernsey income tax is generally dependent on residential status. However, certain other types of income arising, or from a source, in Guernsey can give rise to a liability to Guernsey income tax irrespective of the residence status of the recipient ...

Carey Olsen | April 2023

1. Which factors bring an individual within the scope of tax on income and capital gains? The Cayman Islands has no income or capital gains tax.   2. What are the taxes and rates of tax to which an individual is subject in respect of income and capital gains and, in relation to those taxes, when does the tax year start and end, and when must tax returns be submitted and tax paid? As above, the Cayman Islands has no income or capital gains tax.   3 ...

Carey Olsen | April 2023

1. Which factors bring an individual within the scope of tax on income and capital gains? There are currently no forms of income or capital gains tax in the British Virgin Islands (BVI). Residence and domicile is not relevant to an individual's tax status in the BVI. However an individual is taxable in the BVI if they are gainfully employed (§2) or transfer ownership of BVI property (§8) ...

Carey Olsen | April 2023

1. Which factors bring an individual within the scope of tax on income and capital gains? Bermuda does not impose income or capital gains taxes.    2 ...

Carey Olsen | July 2023

On 25 April 2023, Guernsey introduced the Preferred Debts (Insurance Policyholders) (Bailiwick of Guernsey) Amendment Ordinance, 2023.  That Ordinance effects changes to the Preferred Debts Law, 1983, which accords priority to certain preferred creditors in the event of insolvency. Full details of Guernsey's insolvency regime can be found here ...

Carey Olsen | February 2024

Pleading failures and allegations of breach of good faith treated with the Utmost seriousness Background IHSL was Utmost's agent and sole distributor of insurance policies in the Cayman Islands, with the terms of the relationship governed by an agency agreement executed in 2016 (the "Agency Agreement") ...

Carey Olsen | February 2024

Pension funds: hedging longevity risk Bulk Annuities Market Recent hikes in interest rates have led to huge increases in the funding levels of many UK defined benefit pension schemes (DB Schemes). Now they are in surplus, many DB Schemes are considering a bulk annuity transaction or "buy-in". As a result, the bulk annuity market is booming ...

Carey Olsen | February 2023

Overview Persons carrying on "platform and intermediation business" will need:  a licence (a "Part IV Licence"); and  to be regulated by the Guernsey Financial Services Commission (the "Commission"). Licensees under any of Guernsey's regulatory laws who carry on activities regulated under Part IV of the LCF Law must also hold a Part IV Licence ...

Carey Olsen | February 2023

Overview A VASP will need: a licence (a "Part III VASP Licence"); and to be regulated by the Guernsey Financial Services Commission (the "Commission"). A Part III VASP Licence is required unless an exemption is available under the LCF Law or the "Notice with respect to the disapplication of the requirement to hold a licence under section 40 of the Lending, Credit and Finance (Bailiwick of Guernsey) Law, 2022" (the "LCF Notice") ...

Carey Olsen | February 2023

Overview A "financial firm business" will need:  a licence to do so (a "Part III FFB Licence"); and  to be regulated by the Guernsey Financial Services Commission (the "Commission") ...

Carey Olsen | February 2023

The Commission published the Lending, Credit and Finance Rules and Guidance, 2023 (the "LCF Rules") on 19 January 2023. Part 6 (Consumer Protection and Unfair Agreement Terms) of the LCF Rules applies to: all regulated agreements1 between customers and credit providers; and all agreements to provide ancillary services in connection with regulated agreements. Any clauses of such agreements which contain "unfair" terms are unenforceable ...

Carey Olsen | February 2023

Overview Persons undertaking "credit business" will need:  a licence to do so (a "Part II Licence"); and  to be regulated by the Guernsey Financial Services Commission (the "Commission") ...

Carey Olsen | September 2022

Any dog owner whose hound has ever become stuck down a rabbit hole will appreciate the aphorism, “Never get into anything you don’t know how to get out of”. Like a rabbit hole, getting out of the insurance business tends to be less straightforward than getting in. For that reason, specialist “run-off” carriers offer exit solutions to insurers who have ceased writing new business ...

Carey Olsen | September 2022

The Proposed VASP Bill primarily: (i) defines the virtual assets activities that require registration; (ii) prescribes the criteria for a virtual assets service provider (“VASP”) to register; (iii) sets out the ongoing requirements and obligations of VASPs; and (iv) specifies the enforcement and general powers of the Commission as well as the penalties for contravening or failing to comply with, a provision of the Proposed VASP Bill ...

Carey Olsen | August 2021

BACKGROUND Complexities arise when arranging financings to co-investment structures, especially if the credit support includes security over shares granted by some (but not all) of the shareholders ...
