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Lavery Lawyers | May 2005

On April 29, 2005, the Court of Appeal rendered a judgment in Pharmascience Inc. v. Option Consommateurs et Piro1 on the constitutionality of the amendments made to the Code of Civil Procedure on January 1, 2003 regarding authorizations to institute class actions. Contrary to the arguments of the appealing pharmaceutical companies, the Court of Appeal held that the amendments are constitutional and do not violate the Quebec Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms in any way ...

Lavery Lawyers | May 2005

The coming into force of the Kyoto Protocol on February 16, 2005 has generated intense discussion and left many unanswered questions for the industrial sector. Over the last two months, the federal government has published several documents that, to a certain extent, uncover its intentions regarding its stated objectives and its strategies for achieving such objectives ...

Lavery Lawyers | May 2005

On April 13, 2005, the government of Canada announced the first phase of Project Green “Moving Forward on Climate Change: A Plan for Honouring our Kyoto Commitment”. Although there is no legislation in force in Canada which requires companies to reduce their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, emitting companies should begin preparing for this possibility. In some cases, they should even look at the advantages of immediately trading emission reduction credits ...

Lawson Lundell LLP | April 2005

This paper is about the role of the pension and benefits lawyer in the context of a merger or acquisition. The paper profiles several recent high profile corporate transactions where pension issues played unexpectedly significant roles. These provide potent examples of how the pension and benefits lawyer should be consulted early on in the transaction process ...

Lawson Lundell LLP | April 2005

The Benefits of Using a an Unlimited Liability Company (1) Introduction Unlimited Liability Companies (“ULC”) have become useful vehicles for the acquisition of a Canadian business by a U.S. investor. This paper summarizes the advantages of using a ULC, the treatment of a ULC in Canada and in the U.S. and the use of a ULC in a factual setting involving the acquisition of a Canadian business. Until recently, only Nova Scotia offered the possibility of incorporating a ULC ...

Lavery Lawyers | April 2005

Preamble In Quebec, most collective agreements contain a “loss of seniority and employment” clause according to which the signatories agree to terminate the employment of an employee in various circumstances, in particular after an absence of a specific period of time due to disability or illness. Collective agreements usually also provide for a benefit plan for an employee who is absent due to disability or illness, or the protection of his or her employment during this period ...

Lavery Lawyers | April 2005

In December 2004 and more recently in March 2005, the Superior Court rendered three significant judgments respecting motions for authorization to institute class actions. In the first case, Bouchard v. Laiterie et Boulangerie Parmalat Inc.1, the motion was denied for the absence of interest and of rights of the applicant. In the second case, Citoyens pour une qualité de vie v. Aéroports de Montréal2, the motion was denied for lack of identical, similar or related questions of law or fact ...

The Federal Civil Liability Law was published in the Federal Official Gazette on December 31, 2004 and entered into full force and effect in January 1, 2005. This law has as its objective that of determining the bases and proceedings for recognizing the right to claim indemnification by those suffering loss or damage as a consequence of improper actions of the executive, legislative, and judicial branches of the federal government and its agencies ...

Haynes and Boone, LLP | March 2005

The Fifth Circuit has issued an important opinion on Section 11 of the Securities Act which may limit the potential exposure of issuers and other participants for alleged misrepresentations and omissions in public offering registration statements. The Court’s opinion in Krim v., Inc ...

Lavery Lawyers | March 2005

On February 8, 2005, the Court of Appeal issued two judgments1 that clarify the burden of proof of the parties with respect to the nullity of an insurance contract. These two judgments are all the more interesting given that they deal with the issue of the impact of criminal history on the moral risk that the insured or the prospective insured poses for an insurer. The Rouette judgment, written by Mr ...

Lavery Lawyers | March 2005

Introduction: A Second Union is a “Marriage” of Competing Interests As a general rule, individuals who enter into a second marriage or a second union are more than 40 years of age, have accumulated their own property and have enjoyed a standard of living that they want to maintain or even improve upon ...

Lavery Lawyers | March 2005

Summary • The directors’ duty of care (objective standard) • The directors’ duty of loyalty does not extend to creditors • The duty of care extends to other beneficiaries beyond the corporation • Corporate governance = shield against directors’ liability • In the United States, directors are forced to contribute their personal funds toward settlements • Changes are made to the proposed corporate governance rules and guidelines • Our April 2004 bulletin was updated in January 2005 to ref

Out of general interest, we are forwarding the following Informative Note with respect to the first oral trial in Mexico, something that took place in the Municipality of Montemorelos, State of Nuevo Leon, in February 2005. Oral trials have been possible since November 25 of last year when the law of Nuevo Leon changed to allow this in non-serious culpable felonies. The trial was an example of judicial speed. Within a period of five hours, from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m ...

Lawson Lundell LLP | February 2005

This article was originally written for the April 2005 issue of The Negotiator, the magazine of the Canadian Association of the Petroleum Landman. Protected by Copyright 2005 ...

Lawson Lundell LLP | February 2005

THE LAW OF DEFAMATION: A PRIMER By Thomas S. Woods* INTRODUCTION Editors, publishers, writers, advertisers and all who are involved in the dissemination of information in written or electronic form should have at least an elementary grasp of the principles of the law of defamation. It is often said that a little information can be a dangerous thing. That truism is difficult to dispute ...

Haynes and Boone, LLP | January 2005

Synopsis - Trial lawyers often find themselves defending one of several defendants in a lawsuit. Depending on the claims and defenses in the case, they may need to communicate with lawyers defending other parties to discuss defense strategy and understand the case from different perspectives. It is critically important for trial lawyers to know and understand which communications are protected from discovery ...

May a manufacturer fix the price at which its distributor may sell its products (resale price maintenance)? Article 10 of the Federal Enconomic Competition Law sets out in seven paragraphs the activities that are classified as relative monopolistic practices, provided that: (a) the agent in question has substantial economic power in the relevant market; and (b) the purpose of effect of the activity is, or may be, to improperly displace other agents from the market, significantly impede their

Current economic competition legislation has imposed new rules on economic agents that operate in the national market. These rules have changed the nature of the relationships which business may have with competitors, suppliers, distributors, and customers ...

Lavery Lawyers | January 2005

On May 14, 2004, the Superior Court rendered judgment in Landry vs. L’Union Vie, Compagnie mutuelle d’assurance1 and allowed the action of the Plaintiff, Ms. Lucie Landry, in which she claimed $50,000 in insurance proceeds following the death of her brother on October 26, 2000, pursuant to a life insurance policy issued by Union Life on July 28, 2000. The case is currently under appeal. The Facts On July 28, 2000, Union Life Mutual Assurance Co ...

Dykema | November 2004

In late October, the IRS released a revised version of its 1023 Form. The new Form requires extensive new disclosures by organizations that seek recognition of tax-exempt status as charities under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Many of the questions added to the exemption application are likely to be included in revised Form 990 information returns scheduled to be released later this year ...

Lawson Lundell LLP | November 2004

Murray Campbell Lawson Lundell Craig Ferris Lawson Lundell This is a general overview of the subject matter and should not be relied upon as legal advice or opinion. For specific legal advice on the information provided and related topics, please contact your legal counsel. Copyright © 2004, Lawson Lundell All Rights Reserved INTRODUCTION Since the mid-1980s litigation has been a fact of life for pension and employee benefit plan administrators and sponsors ...

Lavery Lawyers | November 2004

On October 29, 2004, the Supreme Court of Canada issued its much anticipated decision in the case of Peoples Department Stores (Trustee of) vs. Wise ...

Haynes and Boone, LLP | September 2004

HOUSTON (Reuters) - Fears that contracts signed with Iraq's interim government could be voided by a new elected leadership have made oil companies wary of entering into deals with the energy-rich country, experts said on Tuesday. "We're seeing some reticence from major oil companies in dealing with the interim government," Lori Feathers, a lawyer with Haynes & Boone, LLP told an energy industry gathering ...

Haynes and Boone, LLP | September 2004

As natural gas commodity prices continue their near-term climb, and new domestic sources become harder to find, many oil and gas producers and large gas users such as chemical companies are looking abroad for a cheaper and more readily available source of supply ...

Haynes and Boone, LLP | August 2004

I. Introduction President Vicente Fox has devoted significant political efforts to reform the energy sector. He is well aware of the current needs for investment, particularly in power generation and non-associated gas exploration and production. He is also aware that the government will not have the necessary funds to match the anticipated growth of energy demand ...
