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Carey | April 2023

On April 20th, 2023, President Gabriel Boric announced the guidelines of the National Lithium Strategy, through which the Government seeks to promote the lithium exploitation by the Chilean State (by means of State-owned companies or in association with private entities), to generate value-added lithium products and investment in technology and research ...

Carey | April 2023

On April 18, 2023, the Financial Market Commission ("FMC") opened a public consultation process regarding the complementary activities that may be developed by bank or non-bank payment card operators ("Regulatory Proposal"), given the incorporation of new participants into the payments system, as a consequence of the implementation of the four-party model ...

Carey | April 2023

The Chilean Institute of Industrial Property (INAPI) has recently announced the possibility to apply to a program for fast-tracking patent’s and utility model’s applications, provided that said applications relate to technical solutions capable of impacting the environment positively ...

Carey | April 2023

On April 10th, 2023, the Congress approved a bill that reduces the workday weekly limit from 45 to 40 hours (Bill N°11.179-13). This bill, however, includes multiple and important amendments to the working hour and rest regimes, amongst which we can highlight the following: Reduction of the ordinary working hours limit The duration of the ordinary working hours will be reduced from 45 to 40 hours ...

Carey | March 2023

On March 3, 2023, the Court of Appeal of Santiago granted a constitutional petition for protection (“recurso de protección”) filed by a bookstore chain against the Municipality of Santiago for not adopting adequate and effective measures to prevent the installation of street vending in Ahumada Street ...

Carey | March 2023

On Tuesday, February 21, 2023, Decree Nº318/2022 of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was published in the Official Gazette, enacting the "Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership" (CPTPP), which has entered into force as of that date. The treaty seeks to promote the economic integration of the parties, generating a common framework for trade policy, government procurement, intellectual property, electronic commerce, investment, among others ...

Carey | March 2023

On Tuesday, February 21, 2023, Decree Nº318/2022 of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was published in the Official Gazette, enacting the "Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership" (CPTPP), which has entered into force as of that date. The treaty seeks to promote the economic integration of the parties, generating a common framework for trade policy, government procurement, intellectual property, electronic commerce, investment, among others ...

Carey | March 2023

In virtue of the economic growth and opportunities provided by electronic commerce and the importance of frameworks that promote consumer confidence, Chapter 14 of the CPTPP regulates “electronic commerce” ...

Carey | March 2023

18.71 Duty to establish procedures for the enforcement of IP rights The treaty establishes a duty to improve, streamline and simplify procedures aimed at preventing and prosecuting intellectual property infringements. 18.72 Presumptions regarding IP rights A duty is incorporated in order to extend to related rights the presumption of ownership already contemplated in our legislation for intellectual works ...

Carey | March 2023

Chapter 8: Technical Barriers to Trade This chapter provides rules to facilitate trade by eliminating unnecessary technical barriers, improving transparency, and promoting greater regulatory cooperation. It applies to the elaboration, approval and application of technical regulations, standards, conformity assessment procedures and trade authorization for pharmaceuticals, cosmetics and medical devices ...

Carey | March 2023

Chapter 18 of the CPTPP devotes an entire section to copyright and related rights. In this regard, the Treaty regulates the following matters: Recognition of rights of reproduction, communication to the public, distribution and related rights ...

Carey | March 2023

Among the main aspects regulated by the CPTPP in terms of trademarks, domain names and patents, the following should be considered: Recognition of non-traditional trademarks and collective and certification trademarks The Treaty states that the fact that a sign is visually perceptible shall not be a condition for the registration of a trademark, and the possibility of registering sound and olfactory marks is contemplated ...

Carey | February 2023

On February 20 of this year, the Public Health Institute (hereinafter "ISP"), approved through Exempt Resolution No. 401/23 the technical guide for the sanitary registration of allergens with the purpose of establishing the guidelines and requirements for the sanitary registration of these products (the "Guide") ...

Carey | February 2023

On February 20 of this year, the Public Health Institute (hereinafter "ISP"), approved through Exempt Resolution No. 405/23 the technical guide on homeopathic products with the purpose of providing the guidelines and requirements for the request of the sanitary registration of these pharmaceutical products in order to provide complete and updated information that supports the quality, safety and efficacy of these products (the "Guide") ...

Carey | February 2023

On February 14 of this year, the Public Health Institute ("ISP") approved -by means of Ex. Res. No. 369/2023- a new guideline regarding the performance of post-authorization safety studies of pharmaceutical products (the "Guideline") ...

Carey | February 2023

On January 30, 2023, the Commission for the Financial Market ("CMF") approved an amendment to the Stock Market Regulation applicable to Issuers Exempt from Registration with the CMF, corresponding to the “ScaleX Santiago Venture Exchange” section of the Santiago Stock Exchange ("ScaleX") ...

Carey | February 2023

The Financial Market Commission ("CMF"), as part of the implementation process of Law No. 21,521 ("Fintech Law"), on February 3, 2023 published General Rule No. 493 ("NCG 493"), which establishes the procedure and requirements to apply for registration in the Registry of Financial Service Providers (Registro de Prestadores de Servicios Financieros, the "Registry"), created by the Fintech Law ...

Carey | January 2023

On January 26, 2023, Law 21,536 was published in the Official Gazette, thus enacting it as law of the Republic. Law 21,536 postpones the entry into force of the amendments introduced to the Mining Code by Article 10 of Law 21,420. The effective date of Law 21,536 is the same as its publication ...

Carey | January 2023

On January 17, 2023, the Institute of Public Health ("ISP") –by means of Res. Ex. No. 106– approved the Good Manufacturing Practice Guideline for Medical Devices and In Vitro Diagnosis Medical Devices (the "Guideline") ...

Carey | January 2023

On 16 January 2023, the Financial Market Commission ("CMF") published in its web site and invited to submit comments to a regulatory proposal involving the issuance of two rules: (i) the general rule that will regulate the requirements and procedures for registration in the Registry of Financial Services Providers (the "RPSF") and (ii) the general rule that will regulate the authorization to provide investment advisory services by persons registered in the RPSF (the "Proposed Rule") ...

Carey | January 2023

On January 17, 2023, the Senate approved the that sought to postpone the entry into force of the amendments introduced to the Mining Code by Article 10 of Law 21,420 (the "Bill 15,511-08"). This concludes the legislative process of Bill 15,511-08, as the House of Representatives had already approved this bill on January 5, 2023. Now, the initiative will be sent to the President of the Republic for its promulgation and subsequent publication in the Official Gazette in order to be enacted ...

Carey | January 2023

On January 16, 2023, the Commission for the Financial Market (“CMF”) announced the beginning of the implementation of Law No. 21,521, known as the “Fintech Law”, which will come into force on February 3, 2023. The entry into force of the Fintech Law is an extremely relevant milestone for the financial industry since, among other things, it establishes a regulatory framework for services based on Fintech technologies that were not regulated by our legislation ...

Carey | January 2023

On January 4, 2023, Law No. 21,521 was published, which promotes competition and financial inclusion through innovation and technology in the provision of financial services (“Fintech Law”). The Fintech Law introduces a series of legal amendments to various regulatory bodies, including Law No. 19,913, which creates the Financial Analysis Unit (“UAF”) and amends various provisions on money laundering (“Anti-Money Laundering Act”) ...

Carey | January 2023

On January 4, 2023, Law 21.521, which promotes competition and financial inclusion through innovation and technology in the provision of financial services, known as the "Fintech Law” was published in the Chilean Official Gazette ...

Carey | January 2023

On January 4, 2023, Law No. 21,521, also known as the "Fintech Law", was published. The new law promotes competition and financial inclusion through innovation and technology in the provision of financial services. Among other amendments, the Fintech Law introduced certain amendments related to the public offering of securities, amending Law No. 18,045, the Securities Market Law ("LMV"), Law No. 18,046, the Corporations Law ("LSA") and the Commercial Code ...
