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Carey | March 2020

In the context of the health alert issued by the Ministry of Health and the subsequent declaration of a state of Constitutional Exception of Catastrophe in Chile, due to public calamity, a series of measures have been set in place, altering the regular operation of Criminal Courts, as well as for the Chilean Prosecutor's Office and Police Forces.   I ...

Carey | April 2020

Due to the health emergency triggered by COVID-19, various measures that affect the normal operation of the courts of law, have been decreed and adopted by each of the Courts: The Chilean Supreme Court has issued various instructions, all of which may be checked at, underscoring, among others: Favoring teleworking for judges, court officials and attorneys-at-law. Suspending customer service ...

Carey | April 2020

The mining industry has been subject to some specific measures due to the COVID-19 pandemic. I. Collective Safe-Passage Permits. According tonumber 10.bof theinstructionsfor travel permitsissued bythe Ministry of Internal Affairs and Public Security1,updatedonApril2nd, 2020, mining companies and their related industries are considered as part of those basic services, utilities, and services with a high degree of social worth ...

Carey | March 2020

In order to obtain the temporary transit permit which authorizes to carry out fundamental activities and stock up of basic goods and services, among other activities, foreigners residing in Chile either as tourists or residents and who do not have a "unique key" or Chilean ID card for foreigners (a provisional RUT may not be used for this purpose), must request this permit in person at the offices of Carabineros de Chile closest to their domicile, showing a valid passport ...

Carey | April 2020

On April 17th, 2020 was enacted Exempt Resolution No. 282 by the Ministry of Health which established the obligation of using mask on certain places and circumstances (the “Resolution”). 1 ...

Carey | March 2020

Below is the detailed list set for notarial offices located in the 7 boroughs under quarantine in the Metropolitan Administrative Region, between 27 March and 02 April 2020. Said notarial offices will open between 10:30 am and 1:30 pm Borough of Santiago March 27, 2020 Notarial Office of Mr. Humberto Quezada Moreno: Huérfanos 835, Santiago Notarial Office of Mr. Vladimir Schramm López: Huérfanos 1499, Santiago March 28, 2020 Notarial Office of Ms ...

Carey | February 2020

Resolution number 2270-02-191212 (the “Resolution”), taken by the Council of the Central Bank on its meeting held on December 12, 2019, was published in the Official Gazette on December 17, 2109. By means of this resolution, the Central Bank amended Chapter III.D.2 of its Financial Rules Compendium on “Recognition and regulation of master agreements for entering into derivative agreements for the purposes indicated” (“Chapter III.D.2”) ...

Carey | March 2020

On January 23, 2020, Law No. 21,202, which modifies various legal bodies in order to protect urban wetlands, entered into force with its publication in the Official Gazette. Object The Law seeks to protect urban wetlands declared by the Ministry of the Environment, either ex officio or at the request of the respective municipality ...

Carey | May 2020

On April 30, 2020, the CLPTO announced the temporary application of new measures issued in relation to deadlines, procedures and legal requirements in administrative and contentious processes, with the aim of facilitating the compliance of legal obligations by applicants and users. Previously, the CLPTO had granted ex officio, through the Exempt Resolution No ...

Carey | August 2016

TAXPAYER REGIME A REGIME B METHOD FOR EXERCISING THE OPTION Public Corporations, Closed Corporations and “Sociedad en Comandita por Acciones”. N/A Mandatory regime. N/A Individual Companies and Individual Limited Liability Companies. Applicable provided the owner of the company is: (i)an individual domiciled or resident in Chile; and/or (ii)an individual or entity domiciled or resident abroad (together as “Final Taxpayers) ...

Carey | April 2021

On April 24, Supreme Decree No. 611 of the Ministry of Finance was published, which authorizes some authorities to extend and establish certain tax measures to mitigate the impact of the health emergency caused by COVID-19 on people and companies ...

Carey | July 2018

In recent months a Customs Destination Certificate (CDA, in its Spanish acronym) will be required for medical devices1that do not have a sanitary registration to be imported into Chile. The CDA must be requested and obtained by the importer through the Institute of Public Health’s (ISP, id.) GICONA 2.0 electronic platform, and will require the payment of an official fee corresponding to the service code 4111027, “Customs Destination Certificate, law 18,164” ...

Carey | July 2022

The National Consumer Service ("SERNAC") recently issued an "Interpretative Circular on native advertising and influencers" (the "Circular"), setting forth general guidelines on regulation, legal principles and good practices to the native advertising mechanism and the influencers ...

Carey | December 2020

Given the detection of the first case in Chile of the new Covid-19 variant, on December 30 th , 2020 the Exempt Resolution No ...

Carey | April 2021

On April 1st, 2021, the Domestic Arbitration New Rules (“ New Rules ”) of the Arbitration and Mediation Center of Santiago's Chamber of Commerce (“ CAM Santiago ”) came into force ...

Carey | October 2021

Due to the non-renewal of the constitutional state of exception of catastrophe, the health authority modified the Covid-19 regulations. The main changes are mentioned below: A. STEP-BY-STEP PLAN MODIFICATION On October 1st 2021, Exempt Resolution No. 994 was published in the Official Gazette, which regulates and establishes a new version of the “Step-by-Step Plan” ...

Carey | November 2023

The Ministry of Economy published the new proposed Regulation on Price Information per Unit of Measurement of Products (Decree No. 229 of 2002), which seeks to improve the transparency and quality of the information provided to consumers regarding the prices of products both in physical stores and online, so that they can make informed purchasing decisions and promote fair competition in the market ...

Carey | March 2021

On March 16, 2021, Decree No. 64 / 2020 of the Ministry of Economy, Development and Tourism, was published in the Official Gazette, approving the Regulation that establishes conditions for the treatment and final disposal of wastes from aquaculture activities (the "Regulation") ...

Carey | February 2021

On February 9, 2021, Supreme Decree No. 57/2019 of the Ministry of Health, which approves the Regulation on Classification, Labeling and Notification of Hazardous Chemical Substances and Mixtures (the "Regulation"), was published in the Official Gazette ...

Carey | May 2016

On March 1st, 2016, Supreme Decree N° 62 of the Ministry of Economy, introduced in 2006 (hereinafter, the “Decree 62”), that regulates capacity transfers among power generation companies entered into force, modifying the methodology used to calculate transfers.IntroductionThe Chilean electric system remunerates power generation companies for two products: energy and capacity ...

Carey | January 2016

Decree N° 50/2015, issued by the Ministry of Public Works, has been enacted. This act approves the Regulation that sets the technical conditions to be fulfilled during the design, construction and operation stages of hydraulic works, as defined in Article 294 of the Water Code.Through this Decree, the Ministry of Public Works has set the text for the Regulation of Large Public Hydraulic Works, which had been pending enactment since 1981 ...

Carey | July 2021

With the purpose of promoting the development of clean energies, the Government is preparing new public tenders of State-owned land, to award lots in 20 different properties (see summary table at the end). This offering is significant because more than 40% of the installed capacity in renewable energy generation is on State-owned land. Currently, there are 200 executed contracts for about 80,000 hectares of land for this type of project ...

Carey | September 2019

The Ministry of Health has published a new public consultation process regarding proposed modifications to the Preliminary Titles; II "Food"; XXVII "Of Alcoholic Beverages, Fruit and Vegetable Juices and Bottled Waters"; and XXIX “Of the Food Supplements and Foods for Athletes” of Decree No. 977/1997 that establishes the Sanitary Regulations for Foods (hereinafter, “ RSA ”) ...

Carey | May 2020

I. Update of sanitary measures published this week in the Official Gazette On Wednesday, May 13, Resolution No. 341 of the Ministry of Health was published, which provides for a series of sanitary measures, among which the following stand out, since they modify measures that have been implemented to date: Any concentration of more than 50 people in a certain place, regardless of its nature, or whether it takes place in open or closed spaces, is forbidden ...

Carey | May 2016

Today, Wednesday, June 1st, the Framework Law for the Management of Waste, Extended Liability of the Producer and Promotion of Recycling No. 20,920 (the “Law”) was published.PurposeThe Law seeks to reduce the generation of waste and encourage its reuse, recycling and other types of recovery ...
