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Carey | December 2022

On December 12, 2022, most political parties and movements with parliamentary representation signed the "Agreement for Chile" (the "Agreement"), through which they commit to enable a new constituent process to have a new Constitution for Chile ...

Carey | December 2022

On December 13th, 2022, Decree No. 84 was published in the Official Gazette approving the Regulations governing mediation, conciliation, and arbitration in consumer matters, which will enter into force six months after publication, that is, on June 23rd, 2023. The issuance of this regulation is framed in the recent entry into force of the Pro-Consumer Law that seeks to encourage consumer protection ...

Carey | December 2022

On December 5, 2022, the Supreme Court issued the Supreme Court resolution No. 258-2022 regulating the criteria for the authorization of exceptional operation of the courts, as regulated in Articles 47 D and 68 bis of the Organic Code of Courts. The approval of the Courts of Appeals for the exceptional operation may become effective as of December 12, 2022, which may be extended for a period of one year, extendable for one more year without the need for a new request ...

Carey | December 2022

Having elapsed the period contemplated for the transitory regime of Law No. 21,934, published on November 30, 2021 (the "Law"), by means of which a set of reforms to the justice system were introduced, the permanent regime provided by the Law, whose general rule is attendance regime, notwithstanding the exceptions contemplated by the Organic Code of Courts, is now in force. The main provisions of the permanent regime may be found in ours News Alert 454 and News Alert 453 ...

Carey | November 2022

Background On November 23, 2022, the President of the Chilean Republic submitted to the National Congress a bill amending the Mining Code, Law No. 21,420 and other legal provisions related to the mining sector (the "Bill"). Its purpose is to address and resolve the inconsistencies and gaps contained in Law No. 21,420, as well as to adjust and improve several provisions of the Mining Code, the Constitutional Organic Law on Mining Concessions and Decree Law No ...

Carey | November 2022

On November 21, 2022, the Financial Market Commission (the "CMF") published the General Rule No. 489 (“Rule 489”) complementing the provisions of Chapter III. H ...

Carey | November 2022

On November 21st 2022, Law No. 21,505 that promotes electric energy storage and electromobility (hereinafter, the "Law") was published, which is a relevant element for Chile to reach the goal of carbon neutrality by 2050. The Law, approved unanimously by the National Congress of Chile, promotes the participation of NCRE in the electric matrix, allowing its storage and avoiding the dumping of production ...

Carey | November 2022

On November 9, 2022, the Financial Market Commission (“CMF”) published General Instruction No. 2,325 which updates the regulations on the prevention of money laundering, financing of terrorism and non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction (“New Instruction”) applicable to: (i) banks (including their subsidiaries and support companies); (ii) savings and credit cooperatives; (iii) and payment card issuers ...

Carey | November 2022

In the BlackFriday event, from November 25th to 28th 2022, will be fully in force the reforms to Law No. 19,496 on Consumer Rights Protection in the field of e-commerce, introduced mainly by the "Pro-Consumer" Law and the Electronic Commerce Regulation. The following are the main aspects and obligations to be taken into consideration for the event: Promotions, offers, contests and sweepstakes must disclose the terms and conditions governing them and their term of duration ...

Carey | October 2022

After one year of processing, last October 12, Chilean Congress passed the Fintech Law initiative (the "Fintech Law"). The speed in the processing of this bill responds to the need to give legal certainty to the Fintech of companies, given their growth in recent years and their importance as a tool for strengthening the national economy ...

Carey | September 2022

On September 27th, 2022, Law No. 21,488 was enacted, incorporating new crimes in the Chilean Criminal Code sanctioning the theft of timber. The new regulation, in its first article, adds the "Paragraph IV ter. of the theft of timber" in the Chilean Criminal Code to grant a special regulation of these crimes. Thus, if the value of the timber obtained through the theft exceeds approximately USD 615.00, an accessory penalty will be applied consisting of a fine of USD 4,615.00 to USD 6,154.00 ...

Carey | September 2022

In the CyberMonday event, from October 3 to 5 2022, will be fully in force the reforms to Law No. 19,496 on Consumer Rights Protection in the field of e-commerce, introduced mainly by the "Pro-Consumer" Law and the Electronic Commerce Regulation. The following are the main aspects and obligations to be taken into consideration for the event: Promotions, offers, contests and sweepstakes must disclose the terms and conditions governing them and their term of duration ...

Carey | September 2022

On September 1st, 2022, Law No. 21,431 that modifies the Labor Code to regulate the contract of employees of companies providing services through digital platforms (hereinafter, the "Law") entered into effect. The Law regulates the services rendered by these employees for users of mobile or fixed device applications managed by said companies ...

Carey | September 2022

On August 30, 2022, and upon a public consultation opened in the context of a process of modernization of its foreign exchange regulations, the Central Bank of Chile added a new Chapter III to its Foreign Exchange Regulations Compendium (“FERC”) ...

Carey | August 2022

Law No. 21,398 (known as the "Pro-Consumer Law"), which amended Law No. 19,496, Consumer Protection Act ("CPA"), reinforced the right of withdrawal in distance purchases, establishing that: Consumers may exercise the right of withdrawal or repentance, within a period of 10 days from receipt of the product, without expression of cause, with respect to all purchases of goods, without conditioning the right to the will of the supplier ...

Carey | August 2022

On August 5, 2022, in compliance with the mandate set forth in the new article 19 ter of the law 18,010, on money lending operations, the Financial Market Commission (“FMC”) published, , the General Rule No. 484, with the purpose of regulating the requirements, rules and conditions that the money lending operations granted by entities subject to its supervision or oversight must fulfil (the “GR 484”) ...

Carey | August 2022

On August 2, Law No. 21,472 was published, which creates a tariff stabilization fund and establishes a new transitional electricity price stabilization mechanism for customers subject to price regulation. This new law complements the stabilization mechanism established in Law 21.185 (known today as PEC 1), whose stabilization fund of US$1.35 billion was exhausted ahead of schedule ...

Carey | July 2022

The National Consumer Service ("SERNAC") recently issued an "Interpretative Circular on native advertising and influencers" (the "Circular"), setting forth general guidelines on regulation, legal principles and good practices to the native advertising mechanism and the influencers ...

Carey | July 2022

Through an announcement issued by the Ministry of Finance, Mario Marcel, the government presented the general outlines of its tax reform proposal. This reform would consist of four bills (two of which would be submitted to Congress during July, and the remaining ones during the fourth quarter), which will be relevant to know in order to analyze the details of this announcement. On our web page (https://reformatributaria.carey ...

Carey | July 2022

On July 4th, 2022, three months after the deposit of the instrument of accession before the Director General of the World Intellectual Property Organization, the "Protocol Relating to the Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Marks" (the "Madrid Protocol") entered into force in our country. The accession determined that Chile joined the Madrid System, which covers 128 countries. The Madrid System contemplates a centralized trademark application and management process ...

Carey | June 2022

On June 20th, 2022, Law No. 21,459 (hereinafter, the "New Law") was enacted, repealing the Law No. 19,223 (which regulated the former cybercrime offenses), and including several new rules to adapt our legislation to the Cybercrime Convention of the European Council, known as the "Budapest Convention", and to the necessities of a modern society ...

Carey | May 2022

The CyberDay event from May 30th to June 1st, 2022, will be the first event in which the new obligations contained in the reforms to Law No. 19,496 on Consumer Rights Protection, introduced by the "Pro-Consumer" Law and the Electronic Commerce Regulation, will be applied. The following are the main aspects and obligations to be taken into consideration for the event: Promotions, offers, contests and sweepstakes must disclose the terms and conditions governing them and their term of duration ...

Carey | May 2022

On March 15th, 2022, the new law of Guarantees and Integral Protection of Children and Adolescents came into force. The law establishes a guarantee and protection statute that makes possible the enjoyment and effective exercise of the rights of children and adolescents with emphasis on the human rights recognized by the Constitution, the Convention on the Rights of the Child and other international treaties ratified by Chile and in local legislation ...

Carey | May 2022

On April 21, 2022, a public consultation process on new access requirements and operating rules for the Formal Exchange Market was opened, in the context of the third stage of the modernization of the Central Bank's exchange regulations ...

Carey | May 2022

The Financial Market Commission ("CMF") published on April 13, 2022, in effect as of July 12, 2022, the General Rule No. 472 that regulates the investment advisory services in Chile, specifically the requirements and procedures for registration, cancellation and suspension in the Registry of Investment Advisors (the "Registry") and the obligations to which such advisors will be subject to, including the requirements regarding the disclosure of information (“NCG 472”) ...
