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In the Official Gazette No. 27, volume No. 426, dated February 10th, 2020, was published Decree No. 463, which contains the Law of Electronic Commerce – hereinafter “LCE” -, which has the purpose of establishing a legal framework for electronic relations of a commercial, contractual nature, carried out by digital, electronic, or technologically equivalent means. As stipulated in Decree No ...

With the objective of reducing the effects of climate change and guaranteeing access to energy in different latitudes, the figure of Energy Communities has been developed. These are legal organizations made up of a variety of partners that may include individuals, associations, small and medium-sized companies, government entities, among others. Climate change is a real existential threat that requires concrete and decisive action ...

At the end of the 19th century, mechanisms that transformed natural resources into energy began. The conception of electricity as a private good, which fosters economies of scale and the promotion of transmission and generation megaprojects in the sector, consciously and interestedly omit sustainable energy alternatives from a social and environmental point of view. The causes that leave aside this type of projects are based on the lack of economic profitability for investment interests ...

1525, the year in which the city of San Salvador was founded under the orders of Pedro de Alvarado, in Las Bermudas Valley, a place located between the city of Suchitoto and the city of San Pedro Perulapan. At this moment, you may probably be thinking “Las Bermudas Valley? That place does not ring a bell to me, I thought that San Salvador was founded where our current historical city center is located.” The answer is both yes and no at the same time ...

A few years ago artificial intelligence was a concept applied to nothing else but science fiction films, nowadays, it has become a reality for many companies and industries in the development of their commercial, corporate and industrial activities. Before we start to understand the strengths or weaknesses of artificial intelligence and its perspective from the right of intellectual property, it is considered convenient to conceptualize it ...

The judicial declaration of incapacity is the process that is followed before a family judge who after exhausting the due process declares a final judgment in which determines that a person suffers from a cause of incapacity that is that a person who must be fully capable to exercise his or her rights and obligation on his or her own is not, being necessary to carry out the proceedings where he or she is declared as incapable ...

It is normal that an insurance contract does not cover all the different events that are part of the entire risk, since this would imply that the contract was becoming more expensive every day, in the face of the appearance of catastrophic risks or risks that due to different factors do existed before. In this sense, the delimitation of the scope of the insurance contract becomes an important situation to analyze ...

Private sector, investors and experts agree that the Government of El Salvador has to improve the business climate to attract more national and foreign investment that would contribute to increase the Gross Domestic Product and improve in this way the living conditions of the population ...

On August 31st, 2021, with 64 votes the Congress approved the Law regarding the Creation of the Bitcoin Trust (“FIDEBITCOIN”), by means of which a trust is constituted in the Development Bank of the Republic of El Salvador (“BANDESAL”), to benefit the users of the National Wallet, represented by the Republic of El Salvador, whose purpose will be to support the alternatives for bitcoin convertibility provided by the Salvadoran Government ...

Dating back to the historical conquests of Alexander the Great in the years 300 B.C., which provided an unprecedented foundation for commercial exchanges between Macedonia, Persia and Egypt, along with the Mongolian Empire’s ambitious Silk Road that ensured, since 130 B.C ...

On August 27, 2021, the Regulation of the Bitcoin Law (the “Regulation”) was published in the Official Gazette of El Salvador. The Regulations will enter into force on September 8, one day after the entry into force of the Bitcoin Law ...

Preliminary concepts:   Prior to conducting an analysis of the Bitcoin Law (hereinafter “BTC Law”), it is important to clarify two fundamental concepts regarding this type of digital assets:   – What is bitcoin?   A bitcoin is a decentralized digital asset created in 2009 by one or more people under the pseudonym of Satoshi Nakamoto, with the mission of being a virtual currency or an instrument of electronic exchange to acquire products and services

In our country there are a large number of transnational companies that have their operations in El Salvador, this due to the cost of labor, and the geographical position of our country that allows it to be a point of connection with other jurisdictions. It is common to realize that in many companies foreign personnel are hired and are even placed in leadership positions, so it is important that we are prepared with the applicable legislation in this type of hiring ...

Advance payment can be understood as: “… the payment made before the occurrence of the generating event that constitutes the future and uncertain event on which the legal force of the obligation depends” (Giulani Fonrouge and Susana Navarrine in “Procedimiento Tributario”, Editorial de Palma, page 159) ...

From the end of January to the beginning of February of this year, the Republic of El Salvador declared an emergency due to a coronavirus, not because any case has been detected in the country, but precisely to prevent the entry of people infected with it ...

“The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.” Lao Tzu.   On Wednesday, June 9, El Salvador published in its Official Gazette a historic event worldwide, the first law in the world that provided a digital asset, specifically the bitcoin with unrestricted and unlimited clearance power in any transactions that natural persons, public or private legal entities carry out in any capacity, therefore, bitcoin became a legal tender in El Salvador ...

Morgan & Morgan | January 2016

<table border="0" width="780" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0"> <tbody> <tr> <td> <p>To date, under Panama law (and ever since 1917<a name="_ftnref1"></a><a href="wsg_admin14 ...

Morgan & Morgan | June 2016

Growth of the real estate industry in Panama in recent years is noticeable, not just locally but at a regional level as well. Iconic architectural works such as the Trump Tower, F&F Tower (popularly called the “Screw”) among others, attracts positive criticism from different actors in the business and associations in the construction, development and promotion of the real estate business. In part, real estate growth in Panama is due to the ease in the execution of real estate transactions ...

It is basic to determine the legal status of enterprises in the business world. This becomes more important in different sceneries: when acquiring an existing corporation, investing in a going concern, granting loans, merger of companies, in joint ventures, etc. The term "Due Diligence" refers to the process of exhaustive search of the legal status of a specific enterprise ...

Alta QIL+4 ABOGADOS | December 2015

Although many of us still wonder at a drone cruising the sky, it has become relatively common to see these devices around. Drones are used for commercial, industrial, marketing and informational purposes, and also for pure fun and enjoyment. Drones, technically referred to as Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV), are now part of our lives. As many other aspects of day-to-day life, there is a regulation in Guatemala that applies to drones, though it is scarcely known by the general public ...

Alta QIL+4 ABOGADOS | January 2018

Diversity has been a trending topic for the last years. It shows that we, as a society, are acknowledging the past practices of our industries in which one small group of individuals have a platform to thrive and grow within our institution while other groups might have a harder time. There are exceptions to this rule, but it is undisputable that for certain people due to their sex, sexual orientation, race, religion, etc. it’s harder to break the glass ceiling ...

Alta QIL+4 ABOGADOS | September 2020

Teleworking is a work tool that opens a world of possibilities for the reinsertion of sectors of the population that have not had free access to work opportunities. It is a feasible option to provide job opportunities to people for whom moving outside their homes is a limitation; limitations that could occur not only to people with family responsibilities – child and elderly care – or students, but also to people with disabilities ...

Morgan & Morgan | June 2012

The Registrar of Companies (ROC) has introduced an annual government licence fee of €350. The government licence fee for 2011 was payable by 31 December 2011. From 2012 onwards the government licence fee will need to be paid by 30 June of that year.Companies which are dormant and/or do not own any assets are exempt from this licence fee ...

Morgan & Morgan | February 2019

  One of the biggest challenges that micro, small and medium enterprises face when trying to settle in and achieve success as profitable businesses is to obtain capital and sources of financing ...

Morgan & Morgan | May 2020

The National Immigration Authority and the Ministry of Labor extend the measures taken as a result of the State of Emergency due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Residence permits are extended up to May 15th. This extension is in force since March 13th. Reference is made to all permits and tourist stays that expire within the aforementioned period and will not give rise to fines due to expiration ...
